Coopers Hawk

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Coopers Hawks

By: Finn Alexander, Emma Rapp, and Gracie Diego

Coopers Hawks can be 14 - 17 inches long with wingspans of 24 - 35
inches. They have rounded tail tips. Juvenile Cooper's Hawks have brown
backs with some white spots on their upper backs. They molt into the adult
plumage with solid gray backs during their second summer. These birds
also show a yellow-orange eyes color which are indicative of their age.
They live in North and Central America. You can also find them in Southern
Canada, the United States, and in Northern Mexico.
Coopers Hawks are carnivores. They mostly eat small birds and other
small mammals. Their diet also consists of reptiles and amphibians.
Coopers Hawks sometimes rob nests for food.
Coopers Hawks predators are Great Horned Owls, Red Tailed Hawks,
Northern Goshawks, racoons, and American Crows. Rats, snakes, and

opossums, screech owls , sharp shinned hawks, American Kestrels, and

sparrow hawks also prey on Coopers Hawks.

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