Examiner Comments: Ielts Speaking

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Grammatical Range and Accuracy
Edyta used tenses very well and there were some examples of good use of verb patterns such as
the following:
I have to admit that I'm not very active person ...'
I had to try to do something 7 prefer going out to the restaurant...
Lexical Resource
Edyta used some good set expressions during the interview:
'situated on the border'
'from time to time' (a useful alternative to 'sometimes')
'small portions'
'prepare food for my family'
Fluency and Coherence
Edyta spoke very fluently during the interview. The examples she gave to back up her answers
were signposted clearly and logically.
Edyta's pronunciation was clear and the listener would have no difficulty understanding her.

Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0
Website: https://ngocbach.com
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Can you spot the mistakes in the following extracts from the interview?

'it's a really nice thing to ... to live in this kind of surroundings ...'

'if I had chance I would make more places to relax...'

'Actually now it's very hard for me to say that I have a spare time because I have six
weeks baby girl ...'

'Yes I love to eat sweets like I think most of people and I really like eat fruit...'

'I'm looking what... what is on the label...'

'I prefer going out to the restaurants because I can feel there like a guest...'

'I prefer going out to the restaurant and have a meal in a nice atmosphere...'

Page: https://www.facebook.com/tuhocIelts8.0
Website: https://ngocbach.com
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