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Lesson 3 Apply

Learning Sequence
Students identify the physical features of desert and semi-arid regions and develop their understanding of how kangaroos
have adapted to suit these environments.
Ask students to individually record their ideas on what they think the terms desert and semi-arid' mean.
Also ask what rainfall, temperatures, sunlight, and environmental features they think are specific to such regions.
Recordings need to be in notebooks.
Organise students into cooperative learning teams and have them share their ideas as well as identifying the words or
phrases the two terms have in common. Use these to develop group definitions.
Share these definitions with the class and look for commonalities. Compare these with definitions with the definitions
found on the student resource page of the created website.
Explain to the students that they are going to be learning about how the kangaroo has adapted to the desert
environment and how it is able to adapt to the changing conditions of this environment in order to survive.
Students will be presenting an annotated diagram to demonstrate their understanding.
Write the following questions on the interactive whiteboard for the class to see.
What structural adaptations do kangaroos have that enable them to survive in a semi-arid environment?
What behavioural adaptations do kangaroos exhibit that enable them to survive in a semi-arid environment?
Ask the students to share their thinking with an elbow partner then record the class responses.
Allow students computer access to log onto the student resource page of the e-learning website. Provide them with time
to read through the information and ask any clarifying questions.
Engage in a discussion about the information then ask the students to identify the key information they will need to
create an annotated diagram of a kangaroo.
Provide an example of an annotated diagram.
Ask students to complete an annotated diagram showing the structural and behavioural adaptations that enable
kangaroos to survive in semi-arid environments and how kangaroos are able to adapt to the changing conditions within
this environment.
Add an entry into the virtual diary, including a photo of the annotated diagram of a kangaroo. Plus 2 interesting points
that they each learnt in the lesson. Submit this entry to the teacher.

Checks for Learning

Observations of the student

notes and definitions.

Observations of students
annotated diagrams.

Record of submitted diary


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