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Pomodoro in real life

Barcamp Ghent 19/12/2009 By @tijs

I am Tijs Vrolix
@tijs on Twitter
Blog at (bits.)
Work for NOCUS, Pixelpanic, MetaTale and this
new thing called Super Mega Hyper.

Pomodoro is
another answer to the multitasking problem.
Check my singletasking presentations on
Slideshare or try if you havent done
so already for additional time management tips.

Founded by
Francesco Cirillo (1992)
Find a way to get rid of distractions and
interruptions caused by low levels of
concentration and motivation.

Dare yourself
Can you? Would you be able to?
Pomodoro is all about self observation.

ca n you h a n dle th e tr u th?

Remember: time is your ally, not your ennemy


Work for 25 minutes. Take a 5 minute break.


Long enough to do things. Short enough to

resist being distracted.

After 4 pomodoros, take a longer break.

Pomodoro has to ring. It can never be interrupted.

Five steps
Planning (in the morning)
Tracking (the pomodoros)
Recording, processing and visualizing (at the
end of the day)
th is is w h ere th e se lf
ob se r v ati on pa rt re a ll y h a pp
en s

Johan Stam on Flickr

It takes 7 to 20 days to master the technique.

are (extremely) evil.
Interruption is productivitys biggest enemy, wrote
Jason Fried. It certainly also is Pomodoros.

Social networks, food/drinks, ...
Often related to a lack of concentration. Record
your interruption and add whatever you feel is
urgent to your to do inbox.

Phone calls, colleagues, questions, ...
Protect the pomodoro: inform, negociate and
reschedule (true emergencies really are rare).
The headphones rule: wear your headphones
during the pomodoro, take them off during the

Tiny tasks
You cannot break the pomodoro.
Combine tasks when theyre really small ones.
Otherwise take time to review and repeat when
youve got a only a few minutes left.

Breaks make the pomodoro more effective.

are an essential part of the pomodoro.
Although in many (corporate) environments
theres a sort of aversion to breaks.
Make them longer when you feel thats beneficial
for your concentration/motivation (dont fool
yourself though).

Pick your favorite.
Get yourself a mechanic timer or
download one of the many
desktop/mobile apps.

Find out more

Download the free ebook or buy the Pomodoro Kit.

Pomodoro in real life

Barcamp Ghent 19/12/2009 By @tijs

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