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Age of Exploration, Discovery, and Expansion Guided Notes


Motives and Means

The dynamic energy of Western civilization between ______ and _______ was
most apparent when Europeans began to expand into the rest of the world.
________________ motives loom large in European expansion.
Europeans hoped for _______________ and precious ______________.
Another reason for the overseas voyages: ________________ zeal. Many
shared the belief of Hernan Cortes that the natives be introduced to the
_______________ faith.
They wanted to convert the natives to Christianity, but __________,
____________, and a spirit of ___________________ also played a major
_____________, _____________, and _____________ were the chief
motives for expansion.
The Portuguese Trading Empire
________________ took the lead in European exploration.
Beginning in _________, Portuguese fleets began probing southward along the
western coast of ________________.
There they discovered _____________.
Vasco da Gama (1460 1524)
In ______, Vasco da Gama went around the Cape of ______ Hope and cut
across the _____________ Ocean to the coast of _____________.
There he took on a cargo of _____________ which he sold in Portugal for a
profit of several ___________________ percent.
His arrival spelled the end of independence for the ____________ cities and
led to their economic decline.
Voyages to the Americas
The Portuguese sailed ___________ through the Indian Ocean to reach the
spice trade, while the __________________ sailed westward through the
__________________ Ocean.
V. Christopher Columbus (1451 1506)
An ____________, but sailed for King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of
October 1492, he reached the ____________, where he explored the coastline
of ___________ and the island of Hispaniola.
Believed he had reached ___________, when actually he reached all the major
islands of the _________________ and Honduras in Central America- all of
which he called the Indies. (Over four journeys)
By trade, Columbus was a ______________.

Very knowledgeable of the sea

Deeply religious
Firmly believed he had reached small islands off the coast of Japan.
VI. Ferdinand Magellan (1480 1521)
__________________ explorer
Set sail ______________________ with a crew of 250 ___________ men
November __________, Magellan passed through a strait, later named the
Strait of _______________ and emerged in the Pacific Ocean which he called
the Pacific ________.
Killed in the Philippines by the native peoples.
Remembered as the __________ person to ________________________.
The Philippines became a major trade base for trade across
VII. James Cook (1728 1779)
English ____________, navigator, and captain of the HMS _____________.
April ______ dropped anchor ten miles south of _______________,
August 21, formally claimed the land for King _____________ III.
Cook called the land _______ __________ Wales.
In accepting possession, the British crown completely ignored the native people.
The British established a penal colony in ________ in Australia.
VIII. Samuel de Champlain (1567 1635)
Sailed down the St. ________________________ River
In 1608, he founded _______________, the first permanent ____________
settlement in the Americas.
Meanwhile, the _____________ were founding Virginia.
IX. Zheng He (1371 1433)
The greatest Chinese navigator
Sent on a series of naval voyages into the ____________ Ocean that sailed as
far west to the eastern coast of __________________.
A ____________ official
_____________ voyages between 1405 and 1433.
The largest ship was over ___________ feet long. Columbus Santa Anna was
only 75 feet long!
Visited the Western coast of ___________ and the city states of East Africa.
Returned with items unknown in China, such as ______________ ,that were
placed in the Imperial Zoo.
Voyages led to enormous profits but were halted after Emperor Yong Les death,
never to be revived.

X. Role of Conquistadors & Explorers

Conquistadors - _______________ conquerors
Establish ______________ posts
Establish colonies
Bring back natural resources their country needs and does not naturally produce
Spread their religion to the natives
XI. Columbian Exchange
The Age of ________________ led to the migration of peoples, which in turn
led to the exchange of __________ and flora animals, plants, and diseases, a
complex process known as the _________________ Exchange.
Europeans brought goods such as
o Wheat
o Sheep
o _________________
o Cattle
o Olives
o _________________
o _________________
o Pigs
o Rice
o _________________
o Bananas
o Goats
o Horses
Spanish and Portuguese returned to Europe with __________ (corn), white
potatoes, __________, squash, _____________, avocados, and tomatoes.
Many things came unintentionally such as immigrant grasses and diseases
including ______________, typhus, ___________, and syphilis.
XII. Global and Cultural Impact of the Columbian Exchange
Transformed economic activity
Spread of religions
Destruction of native ___________________
Spread of plants and _____________
Improved ____________ of Asian, African, and European peoples
Spread of _____________ and other diseases along with new ___________
of war and ______________ exploitation, causing a massive population
______________ among native peoples.
XIII. Role of Improved Technology
In the 15th century, the Portuguese invented the _____________, a small, light
3 masted sailing ship that was more _________________, could carry heavy
________________, and more goods than previous ships.
Magnetic _____________ allowed sailors to determine their position.
Gunpowder, compass, and sternmost rudder were all ________________

The lateen sail (______________) was developed by the Arabs and allowed
ships to tack ______________ the wind.
The _______________ was perfected by the Arabs and used the Sun or a star
to ascertain a ships latitude.
By 1500, _________________- the art of science and map making was fairly
XIV. Important Dates

1450 1650 Age of Discovery

1492 Columbus lands on ____________________

1518 Atlantic Slave Trade Begins

1520 Spaniards defeat the ___________ Empire

1532 Pizarro defeats the Inca Empire

1550 1700 Disease leads to _______ population decline in American


1602 Dutch East India Company established

1635 Tokugawa Shogunate closes ___________ to trade

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