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Name: __________________________________Date: ___________________________ Grade____________

I Little bit about me.

Directions: Please complete the following sentences with information about
yourself. Remember, no answer is a wrong answer on this sheet! Only Seora
Miroff will read your answers.

1. What I like most about school is .. ___________________________________________
2. What I like least about school . ____________________________________________
3. In school, I am really good at ...___________________________________________
4. I need some extra help with______________________________________________
5. Three words to describe myself are
6. I like to do the following activities with my friends:
7. I like to do the following activities by myself:
8. I live with
9. When I watch T.V. I usually like to watch

10.If I were surprised with a gift for $1,000 cash, I would use it to

11. I feel _______________________________________________________________about taking
Spanish because
12. I do my best learning when .
________ see it

______ say it

________ touch it

______write it

________ hear it


13.The one thing I want Seora Miroff to know about me is


Write a check mark next to the mobile devices you currently own and can
bring to class.

_______ iphone
______ smart phone (such as androids)
_____ i pod
______ ipad
______ tablet
______ laptop
______ other

If you are not able to finish during class, please finish at home and return it as
soon as possible


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