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Spanish 1A - 7th Grade

Lesson Plan
AR Verbs & Subject Pronouns


What will we learn today: Use our previous knowledge of subject pronouns to conjugate verbs that end in

How will we use what we have learned: Create graphic organizers and practice conjugating different
forms of ar verbs.

Whats next? Writing activity. Write a paragraph describing what you like to do using the yo form of ar

interactive board: Quizlet, Voki -
graphic organizers
construction paper, scissors, colored pencils for graphic organizer activities

Direct Instruction:
I will start lesson with a quick review of subject pronouns using Voki. Exhibit
We will review AR verbs by using TPR. I will make motion and they will tell me what the action verb
is in Spanish. TPR is used specifically to address my kinesthetic, visual and auditory learners.
I will use Quizlet to teach different forms of ar verbs. Students will see the verbs as I say them and
repeat conjugations. Visual, auditory and linguistic learners.

Activities (Formative Assessments) I will model all and provide examples for each. As students work, I will
guide and assist students while checking for understanding.

Guided Practice:

Activity 1 Flat Notecard Chart I use this organizer when I first introduce subject pronouns and
different forms of verbs. Students draw a line down the middle and two lines across to make six
boxes. They write in the verb forms according to the subject pronoun that is associated with that
space. I may also have one for subject pronouns. The singular subjects are on the left hand side and
the plural subjects on the right side.

Activity 2: Hand-Graphic Organizer is used to help students with subject pronouns and
conjugating verbs. This is a graphic organizer I have used frequently to review present term verbs
and pronouns after introduction. I also use this as a quick formative assessment. Most importantly,
the 7th grade students enjoy this activity because it requires that they draw, color and cut. Their
hands are put up on a bulletin board so that they have always have a visual to reference.

Independent Practice

Actvity 3: Flip Chart Notecard is another type of organizer that students create to review and
practice conjugating verbs and proper use of pronouns. This is a chart that they can keep in their
binders for future use. Students select 2-3 verbs they have the most difficulty with and create the
chart. Started in class and to be finished for homework.


Allow a few minutes before class ends for questions and/or comments on what they learned today.
Finish with exit activity. I say a verb in English and toss a ball to a student. Student conjugates verb.
If student is unable to or wants to pass, they toss ball to another student. Go fast to challenge
students, have as many students as possible have a chance before class is over and to get an idea
on how well they are able to conjugate.

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