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English 10-2


Final English 10-2/CALM Assignment

Profile of Yourself
Name: _____________

Due Date: _________

At the beginning of the semester, I asked you to write a Bio-Poem as a way for you to introduce yourself to me.
Now, as we reach the conclusion of the semester, I ask that you revisit those ideas about yourself. What things
have changed? What things have stayed the same?
I hope our study of identity has allowed you to look at yourself in new ways such as who inspires you to take
risks and overcome obstacles, how your family influences you, and how you judge others and others judge you.
Please take these thematic questions, and the texts we have studied, into account as you create your profile.

Introduce Yourself
Describe your family and their overall
impact on your life
Describe where you live
What do you enjoy doing?

What is the most interesting thing that

has ever happened to you?
How have you changed since the
beginning of the school year?

What do you value?
Do you believe in judging others?
What is your overall view of life?

Do you believe it is okay for others to

judge you?

What motivates you? Why?
What frustrates you? Why?

What do you do to make the world a

better place?

Identify one goal that you want to
achieve in 2015, one goal you want to
achieve in the next ten years, and one
goal you want to achieve before you die
Why are these goals important to you?

What obstacles may stand in the way of

these goals? Who can inspire you to take
risks and overcome these obstacles?
Overall, how are you going to achieve
these goals?

Write in paragraph form using complete sentences. You should have four paragraphs in all. Make sure
each paragraph has a topic and a concluding sentence.

If you need assistance, please ask!

For information on how youll be evaluated see the attached rubric.

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