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Viva voce questions:
1. Learn about small molecules involved in vision and their interaction with
macromolecules which is responsible for vision.
2. Formaldehyde is used as fixation agent to avoid denigration of tissues and
other biological samples. Chemically can you explain what is happening to
the servants of life?
3. Drinking alcohol (ethyl alcohol) impairs the judgments of a person. Can you
explain why?
4. Adulteration of ethanol with methanol, will cause loss of eyesight or even
death. Why?
5. What is amino acid the requirement of GFP to become fluorescent? Which
structure is responsible for fluorescent properties?
6. Indomethacin is an anti-inflammatory drug which is used
to relieve mild to moderately severe pain due to
inflammation. The pKa is 4.5. Suggest the how it should
be taken and why? (before or after food)
7. A child, by mistake, consumed paint thinner. When you
called the paramedics for the first aid, they advised you not to make the child
to vomit even though that is the recommended procedure when other poisons
are swallowed. What is reason for that?
8. You and your friends went for scuba diving. One of your friend collapsed
under the water at the depth of 200 ft. The rescuers brought back him by
doing the following. He was brought to the depth of 150ft, and was kept for
20 mins at that level, which was followed by at 100ft and 50ft. Why? What
would have happened if he was brought to the sea surface at once?
9. Artificial sweeteners have a warning which states CONTAINS A SOURCE
10. Your friend got admitted to the hospital for a surgery. He is nervous about
tomorrows operation. His anxiety increases in the night and tries to breathe
deeply to calm his rising fears. Instead he begins to breathe more and more
rapidly, until he cannot catch his breath. The night nurse produces a paper
bag and places it over your friends mouse and nose. His breathing becomes
less labored and finally returns to normal. She gives him a tranquilizer and
he rests comfortably. Can you explain why?
11. Why soaps work best in soft water not in hard water? What is the

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