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HYDRAULIC BRAKE 12.Nem (1.2 kgm, 9 feb) ae 14 Nem (1.4 kg-m, 10 Filb) ONsn 10.6 kgm, 4 fib 35 Nin (3.5 kgan, 25 fib) 13 Nem (1.3 ko-m, 9 feb) 23 Nem (2.3 kgm, & 17 tetby 6 Nim 40.6 kgm Safely 2.5 Nem (0.25 ko-m, 1.8 fb) 1ehem AB kgm, 2 Jom (2.6 kgm, 13 feb) 5 8 fel) 14. HYDRAULIC BRAKE SERVICE INFORMATION 141 BRAKEPAD/DISC 14-4 TROUBLESHOOTING 142 MASTER CYLINDER 14-6 BRAKE FLUID REPLACEMENT/ BRAKE CALIPER 14-9 AIR BLEEDING 14-3 SERVICE INFORMATION GENERAL no + A contaminated brake aise or ped reduces stopping power. Biscard contaminated pads and clean « contaminated dise with a high quality brake degreasing agent. © The brake calipers can be removed without disconnecting the hydraulic system. © Bleed the nydraulic system if it has bean disassembled or if rha brake fee's spongy. © Do not allow foreign mats to enter the syetem when filing the rocerveir Avoid spilling brake fluid on painted, plastic or rubber parts, Place a fag over these parts whenever the system is serviced, © Always check brake operation betore riding the mavoreycle. SPECIFICATIONS rem STANDARD SERVICE LIMIT } om ee [_Dise thickness 3.6 mm (0.14 inl 3.0 mm (0.12 in) Dise runout I — 0.30 mm (0.012 in) Master eylinder 1D. | 12.700—12.743 mm (0.5000 0.5017 in) 12.75 mm (0.502 in) Master piston 0. 12.65— 12.684 mm (0.4983—0.4994 in} 12.64 mm (0.498 in) Caliper eyinde> 1D. __32.030~$2.080 mm {1.2610— 1.2630 in) 32.11 mm (1.264 in) HZ Caliper piston 9.0. 91.949 91.998 mm (1.2578—1.2698 in) 81.90 mun (1.256 in) TORQUE VALUES Bleed vaive 8 Nem (0.6 kgem, 4 tb) Front broke caliper bracket bolt 2B Nem (2.8 kg-m, 20 ft-l) Hanger pin 18 Nem (1.8 ka-m. 13 ft-lb) Hanger pin plug 25 Nem (0.28 kgm, 1.8 ft-lb) Brake lever pivot nut 6 Nem (0.6 kg-m, 4 fi-b) Apply oil to the threads Brake light switch screw 12. Nem (1.2 kg-m, 9 ftp) Master cylinder holder bolt 12 Nem (1.2 kg-m, 9 ft-lb) Brake hose nut (master cylinder side} 35 Nem (3.6 kg-m, 25 ft-lo) Braka hose joint nut 1A Nem (1.4 kgm, 10 ft-lb) Brake hose bolt 39 Nem (3.5 ky-m, 25 flo} Catiper pin bolt 23 Nem (2.3 kg-m, 17 ft-lb) Apply a locking agent to the threads Caliper bracket pin bolt 13 Nem (1.3 ka-m, 9 ftlb| Apply alocking agent to the threads, TOOL Special Shap ring pliers 07914~ 3230001 HYDRAULIC BRAKE TROUBLESHOOTING Brake lever soft or spongy + Air a hydraulic aystem + Lew fluid lava + Hydraulic system leaking Brake lever too hard + Sticking piston's) + Clogged hydraulic eyetom + Peds grazed or worn excessively Brakes drag Hydraulic eystem leaking + Sticking pistonis) Brakes grab or pull to one side + Pads contaminated + Disc or wheel misaligned Broke chatter or squacl + Pads contaminated + Pads worn + Excessive dise run out + Calipor inetaled incorrectly + Dise or wheel misaligned 14-2 HYDRAULIC BRAKE BRAKE FLUID REPLACEMENT/ (1) senews AIR BLEEDING WS A contaminated brake dise or pad reduces stopping power. DIs- ‘card contaminated pads and clean a contaminated disc with a high quaitty brake degreasing agent. CAUTION + Do nor allow foreign material t0 enter ihe system when filing the reservoir. + Avokd spilling uid on painted, plastic or rubber parts. Place a rag over these parts whenever the system is serviced. + Use DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid from a sealed conainer. + Do not mix brake fluid types and never reuse druined fluid. — BRAKE FLUID DRAINING Connect a bleee: hose to the bleed valve Romove the reservair cover. NOTE + Be sure the fluid reservoir is parallel to the ground before 12- ‘moving the cover and diaphragm. Loosen the caliper bleed valve end slowly pump the brake thst (2] BLEED HOSE | blood valve, (1) UPPER LEVEL BRAKE FLUID FILLING Note + Check the fluid tevel often while bleeding the brakes to pre- vent ait trom being pumped into the system. + When using the Brake Bleader, follow the manufacturor's instructions. + Do not mix brake fluid types and never reuse the tluid which hes bean pumped out during brake bleecing, becauseit may impair the efficiency of the brake system. Close the bleeder vaive, fll the reservoir with DOT 3 or DOT 4. brake Fluid to the upper level Install tho ¢iaphragm and reservoir cover. (TT BRAKE BLEEDER Connect a Breke Bleedar or equivalent to the bleed valve. Pump the brake bleeder and loosen the bleed valve. Add fluid when the fluid lovel in the master cylinder reservoir is low. Repeat above procedures until no alr bubbies eppear in the plastic hose. NOTE “If air entering the bleed from around the bieed valve threads, seal the threads with teflon tage. HYDRAULIC BRAKE a brake bleecer is not avaliable, nil the system as follows: Pump up tha aystam pressure with the lever until there aro no tai bubbles in the fluid flowing out of the reservoir hole and lever resistance Is felt. AIR BLEEDING in) LEED vatve 24 Bleed the system os follows: 1) Connect a bleed hose to the bleed vaive. 2) Squoaza the brake lever, then open the bleed valve 1/2 tura and close the valve. NOTE + Do not release the brake lever until the bleed vaive has been closed. 3) Rolosse the brake lever slowly end weit several seconds after it reaches the end of its travel. Repeat steps 2 anc 3 until bubbles cease te gppeer in the Muid at the end of the hose. Tighten the bleed valve. 1) UPPER LeveL, “(2) BLEED Hose TORQUE: 6 Nem (0.6 kg-m, 4 ft1b) Close the blood valve, fill the reservoir with DOT 3 or DOT 4 brake fluid to the upper level. Reinstall the diaphragm and reservoir cover. BRAKE PAD/DISC PAD REPLACEMENT NOTE = Alwraye replace the brake pade in paire to acoure even dice pressure. + itis unnecessary to disconnect the brake hose to replace the brake pads, Remove the brake hose clamp from the fork slider. Remove the harger pin plugs and loosen the hanger pins. Romave the caliper brecke: boks and seperate the brake ali per and caliper bracket assembly from the brake disc Separate the bracket from tha caliper. 14-4 ia] HANGER Pe HYDRAULIC BRAKE Pry one old pad against the caliper with a screwsriver 10 push the pistons into the caliper. Remove the hangar ping and brake pads from the brake calipar Install new pads in the caliper. Install the pad pins; one pad pin first, then install the other pin by pushing the pads against the calipar te depress the pad spring. d (2) BRAKE PADS: ‘Mako cure that the brake pad rotainer ie installed eecurely. Apply silicone grease to the caliper pin bol: end caliver bracket pin bol. Install the bracket to the c ped retainer. HYDRAULIC BRAKE ‘With she caliper bracket, set tho caliper onto the brake cise with the disc between the pads. NOTE (4) BRACKET, + When installing the caliper, be careful no: to damage the pores brake pace with the dise. Tighten the caliper bracket belts TORQUE: 27 Nem (2.7 kgm, 20 flb) Tighten the hanger pin TORQUE: 18 N-m (1.8 kgm, 13 Fb) Intall and tighten the hanger pin plugs. ‘ToRAUE 5 Nem (0.25 kg-m, 1.8 ft-lb) Secure the brake hose with the brake hose damp. DISC THICKNESS Measure the thickness of dise. SERVICE LIMIT: 3.0 mm (0.12 in} BRAKE DISC WARPAGE Measure brake disc tor warpage on a surface plate, SERVICE LIMIT: 0.30 mm (0.012 in} MASTER CYLINDER REMOVAL, CAUTION + Avoid spitting brake fluid on painied, plastic or rubber parts. Place a rag over (hese parts whenever the system is serviced. NOTE + When removing the fluid hose, cover the end of the brake ipe to prevent contamination Drain the brake fluid from the breke system (page 14-3). Loosen the brake hose joint while holding the braks hose nut {brake pipe side) with a wrench. Freo tha brake hose from the clamp, Loosen the brake hose nut(master cylinder sidel and remove the brake hose. Remove the rear view mirror from the master cylinder. Remove the master cylinder holder bolts. holder and master eylindor 14-6 (3) BOLTS HYDRAULIC BRAKE | Remove tne front brake tight switen. (2) BRASE UGHT > Remove the pivot nut, belt and brake lever. SWITCH 11) NUT AND. BOLT \ > (3) BRAKE LEVER ) DISASSEMBLY (1) PISTON 2) SNAP FING BOOT LIERS Remove the piston boot. Nore Be careful not to damage the piston boot when removing it. Fomove the snap ring frem the master eylinder body. TOOL: Snap ting pliers 079143230001 Remove the washer, master piston with the piston cups and (1) MASTER CYLINDER, ‘spring from the mactor oylindor. (2) SPRING Clean the inside of the master cylinder and reservoir with clean brake fluid. "i Ce (3) MASTER wore i Beton + Clean the disassembled parts with brake fluid and make i sure air car flow through the master cylinder port by apply- ing compressed air. 5) PISTON CUPS INSPECTION Chace the master cylinder fo- scores, scratches or nicks. Measure the master cylinder ILD. SERVICE LIMIT: 12.76 mm (0.502 in} HYDRAULIC BRAKE Moacure the master piston 0.0. at the primary cap. SERVICE LIMIT: 12.64 mm (0.498 in) Before the assembly, check the primary and secondary caps for damage or fatigue NOTE The masier cylinder piston, cups and spring must ve re placed as a set. ASSEMBLY (1) MASTER CYLINDER Dip the piston cups in clean brake fluid before assemaly. (2) SPRING Install the spring and primary cup tagethar. Install the master ylindor piston, (3) MASTER i PISTON aut Re We instal the eps, do 01 tow the ps 0 Fn sie te Privany MN +_ Instat the spring with its tapered end toward the master piston. 1st hespring Pere SELON IDE GE PION. (8) SECONDARY, CUP nt 3 (4) WASHER ——~ Y Install the snap ring to the master cylinder body. 11) SNAP RING Ooo PLIERS Toot: ‘Snap ring pers 079143230001 sii ‘CAUTION Be certain the snap ring Is frrly seated in the groove, Install the piston beet. Apply grease to the brake lever oivats. Install the pivet bolt and tighten the pivot bolt to the saccifiod torgu: (1b PIVOT.NUT (2) SCREW 19) BRAKE LIGHT \ SWITCH ToROU Nem (0.6 kgm, 4 feb) Install the brake light switch Tighton the screw to the specified torque. TORQUE: 1 Nem (0.1 kg-m, 0.7 fttb) 14-8 HYDRAULIC BRAKE Install the master cylinder and master cylinder holcer and secure them with tio bos. TORQUE: 12 N-m (1.2 kgm, feb) NOTE + Install the raster cylinder holder with ite “UP” mark facing vp. + Align the master cylinder mating surface with the punch rmerk on the handlebar. “+ Tighten the uppor bolt firct thon the lower one. ‘Connact the brake hese to the master cylinder and tighten the brake hose bolt with a new sealing wesher. TORQUE: 35 N-m (3.5 kgm, 25 f-1b) ‘Secure the brake hose with the clamp. Tighten tho brake hase joint nut whi rnutibiake pive side) with a wrench, holding the brace hose TORQUE: 14 Nem {1.4 kg-m, 10 fb) Connect the front drake switch wires Fill and bleed the front brake system (page 14:9). (Check the front brake system for leaking. BRAKE CALIPER REMOVAL Place a clean container under the caliper and disconnect the bbrake hose from brake exliper. CAUTION Avoiil spilling brake fluid on painted surfaces. Loosen the hanger pins (page 14-4) Remove the caliper bracket bolts and remove the caliper and caliper bracket es an assembly Remove the hanger pins and pads (page 14-5) Romove the fellowinge ftom the broke cali = Caliper bracket Pad spring — Pivot boots DISASSEMBLY Position the caliper with the pistons down and apply short bursts of air pressure to the fluid inlet. ES + Do notuse high pressure ar or bring the noztle too close fo the inlet + Place ashop towel over the pistons to prevent them from fing CChack the pistons and eylinders for scoring, scratches or othar damage end replace if necessary. (2) PUNT Manic, MATING SURFACE (iy MasTen a) CLAN) CYLINDER, 5 “ALING WASHERS aM se (4) HANGER PINS (1) CALIPER BRACKET HYDRAULIC BRAKE Push che piston and dust seals in, ft them out and discard 1) PISTON SEALS, them. CAUTION + Be careful not to damage the pision siding su-faces when removing the seats. Cleen the celiner cylinders, seal grooves anc caliper pistons with clean brake flui (2) DUST SEALS. INSPECTION Chack the pistons for scoring, scratches or other damage, ‘Moscure the piston ©.D. SERVICE LIMIT: 31.90 mm (1.256 in) Check the caliper cylinder for scoring, scratches or other damage. Moacure the caliper cylinder bore. SERVICE LIMIT: 32.11 mm (1.266 In) ASSEMBLY/INSTALLATION (1) PISTON SEALS, The piston and dust geals must be roalaced with new ones (2) oust whenever they are removed. SEALS sists Coat the seals with brake fluid before assembly. Install new seals Inetall the pistons with the insulated ende toward the pede. |S) FISTONS Apply silicone grease to the ceriper bracket pin bolt and caliper ‘ty (1) CALIPER pin bolt (2) BRACKET Fil the inside ofthe pivot boots with scone gieese. an Install the pivot boots, pad spring and pad retainer. Siew wore ~ Wako se Tha he pvt boows ao teaied ln the cla ie grooves. : (3) RETAINER Assemble the caliper and caliper bracket. Install the brake pads and hanger ain (page 14-5) (5) SPRING” (4) PIVOT BOOT 14-10 HYDRAULIC BRAKE INSTALLATION Install the caliper assembly aver the brake disc go that the disc is positioned between the pads. CAUTION ‘Be careful not io damage the brake pads with the brake disc. Tighten the caliper bracket bolts, TORQUE: 27 Nem (2.7 kg-m, 20 feb) Connect the brake hose to the caliper with the now sealing wasters and hose belt, Tighten the breke hose belt. TORQUE: 35 Nem (3.5 kam. 25 ftb) Tighten the hanger pins. TORQUE: 18 Nem (1.8 kg-m, 13 feb) Install the and tighten the hanger pin plugs TORQUE: 2.5 Nl-m (0.25 kgm, 1.8 fb) Secure the brake hose with the clamp, Fill and bleed front brake system (page 14.3) 14-11

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