Agis R12

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Setup for Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 (R12) An Oraclo White Peper March 2007 ORACLE Advanced Global Intercompany (AGIS) TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW lvTRODUCTION 3 SCOPE 3 oveRvIEW 4 SCENARIO: DATA ELEMENTS ° 1, PART ONE- SETUP 7 2. PART TWO- TRANSACTION PROCESSING et 3, PART THREE - REPORTS AND RECONCILIATIONS "7 ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 EXECUTIVE OVERVIEW “The purpose of his document so provide Users an overview of Advanced Global Ineicompany (RGIS) Is Setup In Release 12. This document has Three Parts‘ it 1] Setup alscusses the details or the setups required for seting up AGI tunctionaliy Transaction Processing- discusses in delals about the processing of he transactions 2] Reports and Reconliatons- discusses about the reparts in AGIS and reconciliation feature INTRODUCTION ‘AGIS i avast improvement of he Global Intetecmpany System (GIS) functionalty in GLin Release 11. + Interaction vith subledaers faciitating irvoicing using Receivables and Payebles ~ Avoranc naw, ingenious and robust security modo! = Facials tansaciion plocessing between cfrant Legal Ents, undar ane or more Ledgers = Completely perated fom SSNAPages (Web Pages) without any forms SCOPE “The scope ofthis documents to ep In understanding what are the setups required or using the AGIS tunctonally, how the transactions are processed in AGIS, what are the teports avaiable in AO'S. The information provided inthis whitepaner is relevent to Oracle Applicatons Raleasa 12 ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 ovERvIEW PartOne an setups oftere a hicad view of how AGIS is setup in R12: “The setuns are divided ino fourmain atts, 1 Enironmant Setups 2 General Ledger (GL) Setups 2.Recshvables (AR) and Payables (RP) Setups 4 Advanced Global Intarcampary (GIS) Setups Part Two on Transaction Procassing discusses the stops those are roquirod for processing a ransastion in AGIS Transaction Processing in AOIS: “Tha summary of stops those are used for AGIS tancaction processing is 2¢ follows: 4. Iniaion of a transacion by an intercornpary organization 2 Completion of accounting rom the Iniater side ‘3 Completion ofthe accounting by he Recipient side 4. Approval of the transaction by the Recipient rine Invoicing Is opted fo, in wansaction type setups, tne, 5 Processing oft invoice from Receivables (forthe Iniator Subsidiary sid) «Processing cttnainvoleg in Payables (or he Recipient Subsiolary side) ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 OVERVIEW continued. Part hrge discusses tne reports in AGIS and reconetiation features in AIS Repos and Reconciialions in AIS. ~ Stendard Feportsavallaote in AGIs = Reconcliation Feature in AO'S ORACLE Advanced Global intercompany (AGIS) in Release 12 SCENARIO: DATA ELEMENTS “Tho setup stops are avolained in tha eubsequant soctins, trom startta nih. “The details ofthe example that is used in this session as follows: + Iniator Subsidiany- ACE Singapore Intetcompany Croerization. Ths organization is a patt the ACE Singapore Legal Ent’ “Thc legalanty uses only C7" balancing sagmart lus, The user ets having acsase to tho Inbatar Subsidiary is callod ACE_s* Recipient Subsidiaty- ACE Japan IC Oro} This is part of ACE Japan Legal Entiy. This legal entity uses only C2" balancing ssegmentyalue, The usar that's having access tothe Reciplent Substclary is called ACE 4" Hote that inthis acample lacth the Logel Enily ate attachad te tha samo lodger calad NCE Ledger’ Also tne intoreompany ‘iganiations form part ofa shila Securly Prote, So that means ha Payaoles and Recalvables pari ofthe ansactians can be handled fiom a single Payables and Receivables respensislly each, Btn te users access the same responsibilities for Payables and Recowables. ORACLE ORACLE ey = leLxd Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (QVS Sse ss SOPAAAGAIAS? People:Enter and Mairtsin Enter people, assignments, and ap] Enter agd Mairtain Maintai sing Templald Salary Management Eeneits Serice Center Teta Comp Patisiptin Total Comp Enrollment Reimbureernant Reeves Tetal Comp Canttaton Events and Bookings Delete Perscnal Record Manage Contacts Mass Updates far Person Shuent Ewrninwee ‘You may now ype the 2 key in onen People- Enter end Maintain ') Fecore: 1 tt I |_| oso ET So alaixl Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AYO |S 2GsRi xe (2A 8 DRI? 2 = Descrston cf the sstupthatis used inthis vewlet is as fellews One Ledger called ACE Lecget Pecple:Enter ar} Tyo Lagel Enitias undrthat|odgar,callad ACE Japan and ACE Singapore Enter people, ag 70 Operating Unils- ACE Japan Operating Unit and ACE Singapore Operating Lnitrespectvay Note that seting up Receivables responsiuliyis mandatory for using the invoicing functionality. And for setting up Receivables, tis mandatory tat Inventory Organizations are created 2s well | [petasactes ints samp ae assures apes tn RCE Sapo REpan 8] Since this is between two Les, 1 qualftes for baing an AGIS transaction Sal end. Forthoss tno eros erat to Emplooos: ACE, capanandACE, Singapore Tuy) TaoUsns aces andace) Greate responsi or Resavables + Tata Fein) Note thatifone wants to use invoicing options then seling up ofthe Receivables is mandatory. Use of “+ Tetal] Operating Unite will alse oceme mandaton. Even| Dek InAOIS. we also setup two intercompany Organizations called: SJACE Singapore intarcompary Organizaton and Many 2]ACE Japan IC Ora + Mas 4 Sn Allthes® stups ate explained hencefonh wr the help or step-by-stan screenshots with navigatons and explanatons nn ‘You mar now tye the 2 key o oven People Enter and Maintain ) Record: 1 Lt I I [ 080» Aistar| | Cowce | Drestle. | Goud... [Zoak. | 6G DSSCWSEARSS SE com file Eo Yow Foliar Toole Window Holo slaixd ORACLE tb SO Os SSP) Ce tl AO Do 1? @ Nevigaior- Human Resources, Vision Entervise Documents People:Enter and Mairtsin Enter people, assignments, and applications Top Ten List 1. Define Organization ales (2. Peonle Ener and Maintain Fist Step is cefntion of Employees in HRMS. These employee defintions are used latoron in Sceutty Sotup for AGIS Navigation: Human Resources Responsiolly People» Enter and Maintain Total Comp Cantriaution Events and Bookings Delete Persenal Records Manage Contisete “+ Mass Undates for Person + Shirent Finnlowee ‘You mar now tye the 2 key o oven People Enter and Maintain Record: 1 Lt I I [ 080» Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| Elle eit Yew Foldor Tools Window Hels ORACLE (42 01@S8S58 XO Ya 45095 GER? Name Gonder Male ~ Action | Parson Type far Action Last Firs: [Singapore Person Types Title K Fmninvee Pret Define an employee called ACE, Singagor=’ This Suits person will bo atiachedto tho user inating tna UWansavton in AGIS. In our example, tansaction ies ero) ets initated ay ACE Singapore. octal Sacurty 175 Hote thal when aransaction fs crated by ACE Employment Of] Singerots to oe ranstoredto ACE Japan, ACE Name Macical Other Benefits Singepote'isInvator oftanszcton and ACE Binh Date [araa) Y2Pan"is Reveibien ot transaction = Town of Bich wae Region of Bith Nationality County of Bich Fegictored Disabled Eective Datos From OiANZ who tata Stan oate frwanoncrge | 1 | Record: 1 I I [ 080» Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (42 01@S8S58 XO Ya 45095 GER? Name —— Gander Female ~ Action ad Last Prsan Type far Aetion rist [lpn —S=«SSS*dSCSCé ron Types Title za a Pref Deine employee or he eset iteergans gpnizton ACE Lopan) Sule as well >| 1876 Mile lal Security 121252121 Emplaymant Office Derails Applicant Background Rehite FurharName Macical ther Eenetts BithDae franii950 ay “om of ith status Ragin of Bith Nationality Coury oF ith Fagistead Disabled Eective Datos From DinJAN-2000 Te Latest Stan Date [01-JAN-2000 iO Record: 1 LI I [ 080» ) I Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| mT alaixl Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE 4% S| G28 59/ RORY a 409 D1? Documents Secutty:UserDetine Define spplication user + Oracle Applistions Manager = Tap Ten List + Concurrent 1. Profle System Values + Profle 2 Responsibilities + application + Install Net step is dettiton of Users. + Requests “+ Wretlwe Navigator: System Administrator Responsibility | secunty Socunty » Usor= Dena — Voor Manter + Respancitilty + ORACLE + Aula Record: 1 LI I [ 080» I Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| Tools Window Holo Elle eit Yew Folder slaixd ORACLE (401 @5858 xXORY User Name ISIE) Pacsword | Password Expiration Days © Accesses © None Indirect Responsibiliies egponsibit [system aarinistatr [ACE Generel Ledger Super [ACE ReceintlesResganok eco teeter Application Eystem Administratt General Ledcer Receivables Intoreampany User Record: 1 LI I Bistart| | @orece | OroaFle.. | Porede Decerstion | Famers Famer [soe | 6S > a Person |ACE, Singapore Customer ‘Supplier 2 Crected user named ACE_S! Note the Person attached to this user (ACE, Singapore) he is now the contact parson for nitater Organzaton Notce the responsibities attached tothe user 1intereampary Super User 2 intercompany User ‘These at2 tko Seeded responsibilies fr AGIS. Intercompany Super User responsialty allows to create all te AQIS setups and transaction as well Iniereampany User Respanstnlty Is uszdto process tansactions only, ‘ete is no access to setups in halresponsibity, [Standort [-DEC-206 [Standort [2 DEC-206 [Stméowt DEC 206 I | -08e> OE KGS SET slaixd Elle Eeit Yew Foldor Tools Window Hels ORACLE (4vo @S3Se XONAR AGGAE? UserName (oT Person |ACE, Joan Pacsword | Customer Decoration ‘Supplier E-Mail JACEEF Password Expiration Fax Days Bfiectve Dates © Accesses © aan (Created tha new usar named ACE_d' ‘This useris assigned to employee ACE, Japan! This useris te contacttorthe raceipient organzaton (ACE Japan, Indirect Responsibi egponsibit Pasrteren [system acrnisteor [Syste Adina anders [e-DECA006 a] [ACE Generel Leiner Super [General Leer [anders [S-DEC-2006 | [ACE Receiables Respenci|Recshables land [2 DEC 1008 i, Ly recente om reread andor [2 DEC 1008 toreompary User Fnenclale Common Stan [DEC a0 , : Record: 1/1 tot I | osc» ) I Mistart| | orece | Oneal | Corde. [Horde (9 6S »| PERE SETI alsix) Elle Edit Ylew Folder Toole Window Helo ORACLE (40 S28 S58 KOR AAOPR1? See Responsibility Name Effective Dates Application General Ledger = Responsiy Kay (CE. L.€ a pereee oar Pen Homo Bans © Dracle Self Sanice Web Applications icaton [Gensaltoier © Oracle Mobile Applications Applicat PEN vers ESWPERUSER | Btu Name [SL Concurrent Program Group Application [General Lacyer Web Host Name | Web Agent Name | & CCteated responsibilty for General Ledger i [urcien 5] i Record: 1 I I [ 080» ) Astart| | Gorce.. | DReokla... | Conde... [Bormde. (2 ES »| SERGE Elle Eeit Yiew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (420 S238 58 SAPS RAAO9R1? fens a Responsibility Name Application Recevables Responshiity Key ACER Desciipfion Available From Date Group Oracle Applications Name Oracle Self Sanica Wale Applications © Ovacle Motil Applications Request Gra Menu ARNAVIGATE GU Mums Name [Receslas All Web Host Name Wek Agent Name Agalicaton Agglication [Receivables I eco: C1 I aE ) z 2/8 oo {feces Os orede, Accounting Financials > Accounting Setup Manager » Accounting Setups ‘(Transaction Manager & Accounting 5 Setup : Hnanclals : Deflation Access Sets i befne i Acsion fine ond Assign | [Rep ecard. userae com 10007158, NTU jopFunclon WciosiTGiresp | [| [|| Sleedlinbanet [Rie Ce > [eo teshstOnsredecontD207/08 TMJOAPOAFunem -| [eax] | ORACLE" accounting Setup Mana ‘Accounting Setups > Accounting Units: ACE Ledger Operating Unit lame [Default Legal Context [ACE Singapore Operating Unit [ACE Singapore Legal Entity [ACE Jagan Operating Unit ‘ACE Jopan Legal Entty ty ORACLE" Advanced ¢ ‘Accounting Satups > Accounting Options Intracompany Balancing Rules Primary Ledcer ACE Ledg Chart of Accounts Operat Flex, Currency USD ‘Legal Entity wame ‘Country [ACE Tapan Lagal Entity F [ACE Singapore Lecal Entity SG Wo Legal Entity ‘This templete has no Legal Entity assigned toi. Ce Fe) = es reteset us rede con 0207108, HTML/ORerPogeordleretls] |r| % [coool [e- Fle Ea Ven Favortes Teds Heb Soret Oo W & H[-[qane..|Svern..| geru-..| ton | Swoib..| Svena..| Sawoo..|Gacn x] [A= ™ ‘ACE Singapore Legal SG SGI on a Entty 7 5 5 Primary Ledger: ACE Ledger Last update updated Setup Step. Description Date By Status Update FACE Ledger Define and update the journal processing options for your OF-Dec-2005 ACES |p ledger. Reporting Currencies Create reporting currencies end update currency corwersion ‘and journal pracessing options. Faeroe " ee telafonship setups and account defrion fr the tetanic mee Yana ae ee ee eee nae ema So Rules between balancing segment values within the same legal ve ‘options for ledgers andl reporting currencies. [Rp fecaredd.userade com 10207158, HTMUUOA fptpaae[oacefoppauneet| [| | | | Slecdlinbanet [Rie ‘Subledger Accourting Mathad Stay ‘Chart of Accounts Hx| ‘Transaction Account Defintton ‘Legal Entity ‘ACE Singapore Legal Entity [ACE Japan Legel Entity ee GO = [le restiescht0 ord cons0207}00, HTM [OR tpagemfoodeleppatas] | X | [Sood File Ede iow Favorites Tools Ww ® &|-[Qane..| Swen, Hele > mmateates requrad Feld Primary Ledger Chart of Accounts currency ‘Trencactng Legal Entry All Other ‘Add Another Row 4 [bone Mston| |[Baccourinascton-w. Oreshlayenthabal-no..| (9 CS > ecaning Setups [Tega Fes em ES Define Relationships: ACE singapore Legal Entity ACE Ledger ‘Operations Account Flex usp ACE Singapore Legal] Entity ose A dxeru-..| Bian | Bwav...| Srewa...| Sawens..| Bac. x >| Intercompany Accounts. > Cancel @ Define the Relatonshio hete. There ate two patties in relationship Fstone is Transacing Entity and Second one fs Tracing Parner Ent on he example, Transactin Lecal Eny is ACE Singapore Legal Entity ‘Trading Partnor Legal Ents ACE Japan Lagal Entity Note thatthe relationship can be defined between individual muttiple Balancing Segment valugs of he Transactng and Tracing ens. Partner “Transacting Balancing Segment Value “Trading Partner Lagal Entity Ledger “Trading Partner Balancing Segment Valu [ACE Jepan Legal Entity ACE AllOther Ledger ly TT) 1 11 $dteesineanet [ioe = y Jaan. | everrin| meru-..[ evn | ewan [Own |eavun. | an xf | ORACLE" advanced Global Intercompany System ee eee ‘Accounting Setups > Accouniing Options: ACE Ledger > Intercompany Accounts sows [Eompete El] Primary Ledger ACE Ledger calendar Accounting? ‘Subledger Accounting Method Standard Accrual Currency USD ‘Chart of acceumts Operations Accounting Flex ‘Transaction Account Definition Qa [ACE Singapore Lagal Entry DL- Singapore [ACE Japan Legal Entity 4, ssranis_ [comnts Tl pone Ce Fe) = es reteset us rede con 0207108, HTML/ORerPogeordleretls] |r| % [coool [ae Fle Ea Ven Favortes Teds Heb Soret Oo We H[-[qase..|Svern..| seru-..| ion | Swoib..| Svewa..| Sao. Gacn x] [M- ” "ACE Singapore Legal SG SGI on a |4 Eny @ Ti now following setups have been completed forthe |= Primary Ledger: ACE Ledger | teager 1 Ledger Setup Updated Setup Step Description | 2) SuélodgerAzeounting Setups By Status ACE Ledger Define and upd] 3) Oberatrg UNK Sen AES ledger. eS ceenree econo ~ ¥ eportng Currencies Crostoreprt #]itacompany Baincing Fuos sup . ‘ad jour p Neto thatthe Balancing SsomentValus Assignments Balancing Segment Assign balencl] ean be done atthe Legal Entiy Level or atthe Ledger [eee emacs Level depending on the requirement. Subledger Accounting Define rues to AES ‘Optens subledger rarsSO0OTE Opersting Unts Define and maintain operating unis for your primary leéger. (03-Dec-2005 ACES Tntercompary Accounts Define intercompany accounts to account for transactions ©S+Dec-2006. ACES ‘acss lecel entities. ‘rtracompany Selancng Define intracompany balancing rules to balance entnb$ 32-Dec-2005 ACES Rules bebween balancing segment values witan the same legal ’ entity or ledger. Sequencing Define end maintain eccounting and reporting sequencing : ations for ledeers and reporting currencies. | I [ITT $ateadineanet [Rie = Mston| |[Baccourinasctpra. Orestlyerttsbalno..| (2 CS >| ORACLE’ E-business suite Dee ee ee a a a Intorcomgary User yslem Administrator (il) fl i) —— rata Pex tern HH Batches Summary BH Tranggctons ted “ons Summary BH Account Details GH Cred Trensactions GH copy Transactions eee ‘Logged in As ACE_S eee aa Se Earns 7 4 Following isthe brief explanation ofhow Receivables is setup inRt2 (This remains more of less same as twas in Release 1) 1] Pre-teauiste fr seting up Recelvables is existence of inventory Otganzation which is linked tothe Operating Units thetwill be sod in Recotvablos. So aneure thatfor ths Operating Unit, inventory Organizations aro dofnod, The relevant dotalis iko Avzounting | rioratonaraetaunghaivsonseacioa bf eine menu orgentonCasshsten gain dorian at : Iron HR pont: Wo Secs» Organ» Descipaon Ej 2] Nests ersation of Security Prose. The securty profes are defined atthe fllowing navigaten, Newoator: HR responsibly. Seculy > Profle 3] ar cetition of Secunt Profle, run he Secutty List Maintenance’ program ‘rom the HR resposiiity tse 4] Setup following profile options atthe Receivables Respensikilly Level. NO: Operating Unit NO: Default Operating Unit NO: Soeutty Protia as one might alteady kvow, MO: Secutly Prof is defined than MO: Operating Unit prole becomes reduncant Nevigaton: System Admin stator Responsibly: Profle» System S51 Add the OM menu, (Menu name ONT_SUPER_USER) to the receivables menu foreese cfuse, there are some important setuos, inshatmenu ee well 6] Goto the Parameters Values form, Quer for both the Operating Units and ensure that he item Validation Organization is entered. ‘This LOY doas not snow aryining tre inventory Organczation is nc setup. Navigation: Recewables Resposibily OM > Setup> System Paramaters > Values 7] Now complote the System Options for Raphables, Note hat his s a crucial step for AGIS. his 1s nat dane for ANY ofthe partcipeting Gperaing Units then the setui/can not be completed at allin ACIS. Navgaton: Setup > System > System Options 6] Fram the Systema Administrator Responcio ity run the request Replicate Seed Data this need to he run forthe Operating Unite Imameuaty. Navigation: System Adminstrator: View Requests » Submit Single Request NI ET SET slaixd Elle eit Yew Foldor Tools Window Hels ORACLE (QVS Sse ss SOPAAAGAIAS? Sea + QuickCadee = Top Ten List + Units of Measure fens “+ Chganizstions Counties Ensure that System Options for Recenablas hava been comploted forall she + Financials operating units these a= used in AGIS. This fsa crucial step for AGIS. hs Is not + Trading Community | dane for ANY ofthe participating Opereting Unite than the setua steps in AGIS can © nccounting note compietoc. Nevigation: Roconablas Responsibilty: Setup» System > Systom Options + Flin) Documents “+ Interfaces + Control Notifeations Cieit Mananement Record: 1 I I [ 080» ) Mistart| | Orearin..| Gore.) Borede..|[Foade. (2 6S [SASOCW OSH 7070 file Ee Yow Foliar Tools Window Holo (AO @Zs5e Accounting Operating Accounting Met Operating Unt [ACE Singenore Operatin, “ision Corporation Tester! Cholees in list: 3 Record: (1 LI | Listofvaiu.. | Mstart| | Oreste... Gora. Pore |[Horade- |(F 6S >| ORACLE 81h st! EO DS! ? System Onions Defined s Note here thatfor both the operating units fo b= usec Inthe AGIS example, the system Options Detined’ column shons as Yes! This shows thatthe requiree sstup is comploted trom Rocetvables sida, | -08e> SET slaixd ET File Eoit View Foldar Toole Actions Window Help ORACLE (4vo @S3Se IMS RIABOIE? Balance Due Loans ACE Singapore Oparating Unit Charges C WaNUALOTHER ACE Singapore Oporating Unit 1 Total vantsaL OTHER ACE Japan Oporzing Ur vattiaLOTaER veer obersten Complete Dotaile Now login backto he Recetvabies responsibly and check inthe ‘ransactons form iftre LOV appears correty forthe operating units br net irtnaferm 1s not shaving ary error and Batch Scurces"LOV Is appearing wit fhe OU name(s) tat means the responsibly fas bac satup eowrsetly Navigation: Resshables Responsibity:Transactons > Transactons Note that neve both tne OUs ar= appearing inte LOV'sinse ths ‘Secutly profile has been set like that. User can always heve one OU, ne responsioty Kind of setup 2s well Commitment Payment Details F 4 Chalces in list § ) Record: (1 LI | Listofvaiu.. | [ 080» Mistart| | Orearin..| Gore.) Borede..|[Foade. (2 6S [SASOCW OSH 7050 Slat Note that me way we nave setup Receivables we need to Setup Payatlas as well The raceplent susialay wlll have this invlee transfered to their payables. Hence note the fallowing the brief explanation of how Payables is satup in R12. (This remains more o less same ag twas In Relaase 111) 4 Croat a responsibilty for Payablas and assign th rosponsitity to th usor Navigation System Aciministiator Raspons billy Security > Responsibly Navigaton: System Administrator Resbonsibiity : Security» User 21 Note that we need to create 3 security profil 3s per requirement and set the same profile options as were setfor Receivables, The secutty poties are defined atthe follwing navigctien, Navigation HR responsibly: Sacutty> Profle 3] tar dofniion of Soeunty Profil, run tha Secu List Maintsnanco' program fom ths HR resposibli iso 4] Setup following profle options atthe Rezshvables ResponsibiltLevel. ‘MO: Operating Unt MO. Default Operating Unit NO: Sccutty Profla 8 one might already know, WO. Secu Profle is dafined then MO: Operating Unit pratle becamas redundant Navigaton: System Administrator Respons ily: Profle » System 1] Once this is dons login back the Payables nen responsibilty Now seu the Financial Options and Payables Optio. Navigaton: Payables Responsibilty: Setup » Options » Financial Options Navigation Payables Responsibly. Setup > Options » Payables Options Navigation: Payacles Resnonsiblliy: Setup > Options > Payables System Setup Hote thai hile seting up te Financial Options, there is an LOW for OU pops up This will show only the elevant OUs as oer the Security Profle thatwas setup in st2p 4. Select the O'¢")pm LOY and click on Nevrand comolete the form. This is requirectta be dane fr allthe (0Us forwhich user intends to use the Payanles Responsibly (inthis example wee, once for Japan and once for Singapore) “The same thing applies forthe Payables Options as wall Select the OU ftom LOY and cick on Find ang carnpate all the tabs in tha form, 6] Now navigate to the Invoice Workbench and s2e that he LOV for OU is appearing correct. should only show relevant information ‘Aral ins Me sama steps 2s in 111 3t@ requir te 02 follwed. Deting a Supp lar ana ansure that ins OU (s) are shached to Te nav supoliars Fay Sites, otemise this new supplier may not appear in invoice workivench atl Setup : Accounting = aalanoinn areniints Search “Bs tiny in NE | CRACLE’ advanced Global Inte: Periods | Accounting | Security | ‘Setup Organizations > ‘This orgenizaton is classed as rtercompany. You can updote the informal ‘Organization Neme ACE Japan IC Org Corgenizetion Status Active ego Entity ACE Japan Legal Entity ‘operating unt [ACE Japan Oparazng un) Q Unique entfier 3 Eneblac [Yes] Enter ‘unique identifier for the ‘organzeton “Beran gins ose [| ORACLE’ advanced Global Intercompany System eee Periods | Accounting | Security | Organizations | Invoicing Options | Transaction Types. | Update Intercompany Organization: ACE Singapore Intercompany Organization (2 of 2) Cancel | [ Back ‘This organization is classified as Intercompany. You can update the information Orgnnization Neme ACE Singapore Intercompany Organization Organization Status Active ‘Legal Entty ACE Singapore Legal Entity Operating Unit [ACE Singapore Operating ‘unique Tdentifier 4 Enabled Enter a unique ‘darter for the ‘organization you oy CF ~ [er retestieccinst 0s orede.cons10207)08 HTMLJORetoaae—forodelaresttu=] P| [Goode ia ee ORACLE’ aw { Global Inter ae eee eee Home | Transactions | Setup | Reconciliation Periods | Accounting | Security | Organzations | Invoicing Options | Transaction Types | System Oatons Intercompany Organization Assignments 8 Select a porcon from the lct of vsluge to soarch far or create new argenizaticn sccignrnants * Indicates required fel * Person Name: a User Name tntercompany Organization ‘Access tb Transactions Allewed a, Select intercompany Orgnzaton Legalenusy Locainstance Access wo anactons nated To find your tam, selact a flter tam in che pulldaw Ist and entar a value in tha text fed, than salect the i search y [User Name 3] foce% 60 a jf AROS Select Quick Select User Name Person tame mall address Phone c B ACEI Sapen ACE JACEBF ° a Aces. ‘singapore ACE ‘SACEZO ‘About this Page See the LOV nat appears forthe field Person Nama Net tha he User Names end Person ames as ser Salect datntion inthe Users form in Systom Adrninistratoris appearing here la Jot ‘Done T [1 | Sdtveclinanet [Rao -_7|2/ (bone TTT) Ralteednbanet Te start | Drestloer.. | iniaoneen..|[Sseachands (Bers SoU OS 70Kn Ce Sey CCick Assign All Local Intercompany Organizations to provide access to all local ‘Organzations that are not yet assigned = Indicates requirad Feld “intercompany Organization Legal entity Local instance Freexspamcore ACE Japan Legal Entity Yes ‘Add Another Row ‘Assign All Local intercompany Organizations rer Intercornpany rganzation Assignments - Windows Internet Explore GO = [le retest 0 sorede.cns10207]0 HIMJOA etoae-fradeepgatta®] &r |X! [sooo Fie Edt View Favorites Tools Help esnatt A WF Gtnerconcsry Orgerizaton Asskrrents LI CEST OFT ROOT SSA TTT Selecta person from the ist of values to search for or create new orgenization assignments, = Indicatas required hele person ome [Sngmoreace__) userName [RES Intercompany Organization [SYS Access to Transactions Mlowed [J] g nthe same ines, forthe User ACE_S! access to "ACE Sinogpore intercompany Organization's aven, Create Assignments ‘Selact one or many assignments and... _ Update Assignments SelectAll | Select None Sclect|Intercompany Organization — Legal Entity Local Instance Access to Transactions Enabled TAGE Singapore itarcompary Organization ACE Singapore Lagel Enety Yes ves R [Bone TTT 1 [| $ilteedineonet [Foe = 7 Mston| | Drestonnthonchd..|[Biixcman oe. | 66 >/ZOSOCME ete mam ‘Select one or more transaction types and .. Selac al | Selec one SelectiName = [Description ‘Types use the Defautt (code |sanual approval [enabled TD _ACE STO3 ACE Singapore to Jepan A_STOI Not Required Yes rer See rar Ge Buverconeysytenosine || ORACLE" advanced Global Intercompany System ee ee ee ‘ntercompany Batch Numbering Intercompany Transaction Currency ‘Minimum Transection Amount ‘minimum Transecton Amount Currency Conversion Rate Type Allow Recplart to Reject Transactions? ‘Transfer Transactions to Ganaral Ledger ‘Tranefar Trancactions to Payables and Racaivables Intercompany Calendar SS —— ORACLE’ advanced Global Intercompany System ee ee eee Periods | Accounting | Security | Organizations | Invoicing Options | Transaction Types | System Options ‘Customer and Supplier Associations = indicates required Feld * Operating Unit Default Recaivables Transaction Type Default Racowables Memo Line Go. ‘Gick Assion fo customize the assignments, “Transaction Types ‘TIP Click Remove to ravart tothe default acsignmants for the celacted ‘Operating Unt and Irtercompany Transaction Type. ‘Add Assignments ‘Transaction Type ReceWvables Receivables Memo Receivables Assignments - Windows Internet Exporet alaixd GO = [le retest 0 sorede.cns10207]0 HIMJOA etoae-fradeepgatta®] &r |X! [sooo je: fib Edt Vom Faves Tooele est A We Fe Seeceivetles Assignments Operating Unit Customer and Supplier Associstons ~ Indicates required field ~ oparating unt: [ECE Singapore Gperainy Q Default Receivables Transaction Type Intercompany Default Receivables Memo Line Global Intercompany Coat ‘Transaction Typee Search for or crea ‘Transaction Types 2. Teeannot be ase ‘selected Operating Clik Assign to cus assignments, g Example setup forthe Recelvables Asslonment Operating Uni: ACE Singenore Operating Unit ts forthe selected Operating Notice the Receivables Transaction Type and Recelvables Memo lings cane linked only Receivables setups are complete, fthose ‘atups are nateemnoles then tha LOV wil net pagar. The values Appearing thers ntercompary’and Gloval inercompany’respectvely are new seeded values in Receivables, These have been spectfcaly ‘Seeded in Recelvablas fo AGIS ‘Add Assignments ~ | Remove | | Update mn Receivables Memo ‘Select flame. Type. Line T acestos Intercompany Global intercompany [Done DPT Bister| | Oraronnikor-h. [Eravaiomn. |2 66 ” Sor and ernet Exp 2/8 GO = [el reteset 01 rade 2on:10207)08, HTMJOApto2g=~oradeeceate =] ¢P) X| Lely] mas ORACLE’ advanced Global Intercompany System ee eee Periods | Accounting | Security | Organizations | Invoking Options | Transaction Types | System Optons Legal Entity Customers and Suppliers Assignments ‘Customer And Supplier Association | Trading Partners | ee GO = [le retest 0 sorede.cns10207]0 HIMJOA etoae-fradeepgatta®] &r |X! [sooo je: Filb Edt View Favorites Tocls Help Osrect Fist WRF PSccreote Association; Setct Trading Partners ms | Setup ‘Setup: Invoicing Optione: Custemer and Supplier Asgociations > Create Associations: Select Trading Partners, | * Legal Enuty [ROE Gigepore Legal Entiy_____Q_* operating unt [RCE Sngapore Operating Unt organization [ACE Singapore intercompany Orgai © (Maui and Select Trading organizations|| le onto Croato Customor Association'to cen a rotations. ‘An exainple ofhow a relalonship Is drive CFU selec te Legel Esty, Operating Un Sct te Lena Est, Operating UH] ays prion chenatne From enty ght con ie Sngzpo) zane sce ae Cag paes tort esas sconce oan se sap onc & Select Focus type Gc | Vision Enterprise Bros ‘ACE Japan Legal Entity Legal Entity TF @ Bl Ace singapore Legal entity Legal Entity Pee Serra eco Entity oA J DS » [FaepieclaFoc us cradle com:10207/08 HTML/OA jptpage=lorackleppaFuniset] [| [| [Nqitocd intranet [Rio - 7 Aistort| | DReshloretalaw 2. |[Bcectcioniaion. | 68 SOSSCUSRERSS SE maKn GO = [le retest 0 sorede.cns10207]0 HIMJOA etoae-fradeepgatta®] &r |X! [sooo je: fib Edt Vom Faves Tooele est A BE FP PScreote Association; Enter Customer information Setup: invoicing Options: Customer and Supplier Associations > eee Greate Associalions: Select Trading Partners > 8 Error Location already exists for this business purpose and customer. Create Association: Enter Customer Information * Indicates required field Tomat] | Fink) | mack Legal Entity ACE Singapore Legal ‘Operating Unt ACE Singapore Entity Operating Unit Legal Encty Kentiier S12 organization ACE Singapore Recistraton lumber 1 Intercompany ‘organization © create New Customar Account G Select Existing Customer Account © customer tame [ACE TC Customer a Sustomar flumber 1224567800 = il To Site [ACE ICS ‘The second step inthe r2ation ofcustomar assaciationis selection ofthe ‘Custemar" and entering 2 BIL To ste'fortne customer. Note thai both are Mandatory PoE [Rep com 10207158 HTMOA jprpeserackfoppafunct| | | | | | Sclecalinbanet [Foe = 7 Bistart| | OReaPlayer:tohoor-R. |f A creete Associations... |(F CSG »/SASOCV DS TAB rasan ST Pe es GO = [le retest 0 sorede.cns10207]0 HIMJOA etoae-fradeepgatta®] &r |X! [sooo je: fib Edt Vom Faves Tooele est A BFC icostnty cotonomen e0e LI Ta Confirmation Custer Assocation was saved sxcesstly Legal Entity Customors and Suppliors Customer And Supplier Association | Trading Partners: 808 You must enter the required information before searching. Legal Entity [ACE Singapore Legal Entity a Supplier Legal Entity Tdentfier Q Supplier site Registration Number ~ 2 Operating Unit FACE Singepore q once na association Is ereateo, tare is a massage that appears stina top rachization [ACE Sincapore ofthe screen ‘Customer Association was saved successiuly and atthe end oftho screen yau can sa9 and quoy tha new custemar aesae‘aton tnatwas co || Gear Al jsinaw ceaoa “ Create Customer Association | Create Supplier Association Associate a3 Legal entity Registration customer Legal Entity identifier” ftumber (Operating unit_ [organization Inssociations Reviow|As: [ACE Singapore Sci 1 AACE Singapora ACE Singepore Lega erty Operating int srtercompeny “ Ce (Peep felahudD us cradle com:10207/0R HTMLjOA.fptpece-jorackjoppsfunfzet| | | | | | Sdleedlinbonet [Rio - 7 Aistart| | Dredhloretalow-2. [Zinelinttyeotom. | 6 @ SOS°CUERARSS SE man GO = [le retest 0 ssorede.cnsi0207]08, HIMJOA tooae-fradeepsat =] &r |X| [coo fib Edt Vom Faves Tooele est A WRF PSccreote Association; Setct Trading Partners ‘Setup: Invoicing Optione: Custemer and Supplier Asaociations. > Create Associations: Select Trading Partners, = Legal Entity [ACE Japen Legal Entity ‘A * Operating unit [ACE Japan Operating Unit * organization [ACE Japan Ic Org Alo crassa accion for al Tne catane win tha Lael ry, 2 ||Mau/and Select Trading organizations))| Inthe sare mannsr,tetaionship tom Japan to Singapore Is also dered TDP Select the Legal Entity, Operating Urits cts, a legal entity or operating selacted as a trading partner, then all ts organizations are aikomalicaly selecad vihen creating associations. Select Al | Select None | Expand All | Collapse All e Select Focus Type r | Vision Enterprise o|¢ ‘ACE Japan Legal Entity _Lacel Entity [Bi Ace singapore Legel entity Legal Entity, TP ® Bacwetes Lepel Entity ft —_d » ( HTMLAOA.jsp?pace-loreckfappsfunizet| [| | | | Mdlecalinbanet ce stat] | Oretlyeitshow-t. [Boece (9 6C SIS°CUERARSS SE Tam Feriods | secouning | Seauryorgentztons invoking Opbone | TrarsecionType= | System Optons ‘Setup: inelcing Options: Customer ang Supplier Associations. > Recenables " pes Greate Associations: Select Trading Partners ‘customer and 8 error Location already exists for this business purpose and customer. Create Association: Enter Customer Information = Indicates required field a I Entity ACE Japan Legal ‘Operating Unit ACE Japan Operating Entity Unit iifler 32 ‘Organization ACE Japan IC Org lumber 2 © Create New Customer Account @ Select Existing Customer Account * Customer Name [ACE IC Customer a Customer Number 1234567890 = ill To site [ACE IC. cancel | [Fi Back GO Bumnteniwcmemissim || Legel Entry sealenn none cone Caan — irl ‘Legal Entity [ACE Singopore CE Singapore ‘Legal Entity ‘Oparating Unit, [ACE Japan Legal .CE Japan Entity )perating Unit or Seo Sor and ernet Exp 2/8 GO = [el reteset 01 rade 2on:10207)08, HTMJOApto2g=~oradeeceate =] ¢P) X| Lely] Lh cen Periods | Accounting | Securty | Orgenizations | Invoicing Options | Transsction Types | System Optons: ‘Setup: invoicing Options. Customer ard Supplier Associations. > Greate Aasociations: Select Tracing Partners > Create Association: Enter Customer Information > Legal Entity Customers and Supphers “Customer And Supplcr Association || Trading Partnars * initiator Organization [ACE Singepore Intercompany Orga A. * Recipient Organization [ACE Japan IC Org a Details Usage ‘Organization Sor and ernet Exp E 2/8 GO = [el reteset 01 rade 2on:10207)08, HTMJOApto2g=~oradeeceate =] ¢P) X| Lely] mas ORACLE’ advanced Global Intercompany System Home Lh Periods | Accounting | Security | Organizations | Invoicing Options | Transaction Types | System Options Setup: noicing Options. Customer and Supplier Associations > Greate Associations: Salect Tracing Partnere > Greate Association: Enter Customer Infrmation > Legal Entity Customers and Supphers ‘Customer And Suppior Association || Trading Partners: Assignments ‘Customer and * initiator Organization [ACE Singepore Intercompany Orga A * Recipient Organization [ACE Japan IC Org a Go. (Snow hiiator ACE Singapore intercempeny ‘ACE Singapore Legal ACE Singapore Operating gal Entey Unt = E ala [ér|[xJ foots A) Cee ORACLE" advanced Global Intercompany System ee eee Transact Outbou ‘You muct have access to an inibator organization to cearch for its trancectons, Batch Number Q Batch GL Date Transaction Type Batch Stetus GO = [le restiescht0 ord con0207}00, HTM IOR tpagemfoodeeppatas] | x | [Sood Fie Ede View Favortes Tools Help WEF PSccreote batch: Header and Transactions ose A Recalculate Amounts [Add/View At Batch Number 33 = Transaction Type [ACE STO! Q%——Cantrot Amount Status New atch Date fr-Dec2006 | ‘duel Amount * Initictor [ACE Singapore Intercom AQ = GL Date fo3-Dec 2006 Amoun: Dierence Legal Ently ACE Singapore Legal Entky D Distribution Mode @ Manual “Thisis the fst form for cata ein, Netce the Transaction Type, ator © Automatic ‘elas enrea athe toa othe sraen Casa Inthe below half Recipient details are entered Notes Inthis exaroe, rato is ACE SingacoreIntercompanyOrcaniatio’ and Recopintis ACE Japan IG Org “Transaction Legal umber Recipient Entity Debit Credit Attachments Delete 1 [ACE sepan IC org @ ACE [icoo Japan ala Lege & Enlty 4 H Aistort| | Deshlorr he chop .|] Bceatetatc read, |) CC ” Transactions: Outbound > — Craata Batch: Header and Traneactions > Create Batch: Distributions Cancel | [ack | [Save fortater | [ Submit Batch Number 33 Intotor ACE Singapore: Balch Dete 03-Dec-2006 Intercompany Organization Status New Legal Entity ACE Singapore Gl dete 03-Dec-2006 Legal Entity ‘Transacion Type ACE STO cureny usD cual Amount 1,000.00 i Automatic Distriaution | niitor Accounting | Recipient Accounting ‘Select Transaction Number Recipient Debit, credit, ea ‘AGE Japan IC Org 1,000.00 The nex! scree isto complete the transaction fiom the Inivator sida, Click on ‘Add Lia" huton and anter the sacone ffect arthe vansaction tam te inate side once the transaction antyis completa clek an Sunmieuton EE oceans eT | | | | cheers ors ORACLE’ advanced Global Inte ST eo eet a Day Outbound Batches ‘Save Search ‘You muct have access to an initistor organization to ccarch for its transactions, Advanced search | | views Batch tuber Q Batch GL Date a ‘Transaction Type atch status. [Submitted =] [eo roots aa Ee ees" — a a a JACE Singapore “gst ACE STOJ 1,000.00 USD — Area ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System oan eater Outbound | Inbound 2 outbound Batenee Summany ofthe AGIS Setun steps: 1) Enwronmental Setups 4] Emaloyes Defiition 2| Usor Defintion| |Search | 3G. ana AR rasponsibiydetniion nd assignmentta the users — You must nave access to} \y GL setups @ecountng Setup Nanagor SstUps) p! Luton Batch Numbar 1]Ledger Creation 2|Logal Enitias creation, Balancing Sogront Valuo assignmont Batch GL Date 3] Assignment orLegal Ents to the Ledger 4] Opetatng Units cteaton and assignment the Ledoer 5] Dofintton of Intacommpary Acsourting Rules teh Status [Sub] 91 Defiton of ntercampery Relationship definitons and respective account defnition ‘Transaction Type Go| 1m Recewables and Payables Responstoity Setups MAGIS Sotups 1] Organization Creation 2) Secuity Setup for users conte 4 Transactien Type creation frerselbclote! 4] Period Conti Optional) Goes aan0'= | gl nxaicing Options . Recoiablos Assignments 2 | @ aaa #5 iNGicing Options Customer Supaller Associalon Dafton ae 7\Defining System Options oer eT) Siam fate > ORACLE 2 ‘Waleame to Sezond Session on AGIS (Advanced Glotal Intercompany System). This Session covers, now fo process {an AGIS transaction. As mentioned inthe setup session an AG'S transaction is basically transaeton between wo ‘separate egal entles. GQ Wa The summary of stops thoss ate used for AGIS transaction procassing is as follows: 4 Inialon ofa transaction ny an ntarcompary alganteaion 2] Completon of accounting ror the inate side =| 3 Completon cttne arzounting by te Reciplam sae 4] Approval ofthe transaction by ihe Recipient Ivtne inecicing Is opted fr, In transaction ype setups, than, AG Processing ofthe Invoice fiom Receivables (forthe Intiator Subsidiary side) €]Procoseing ft Invoie in Payablos (forthe Rocipiont Suksiciay sido) A 24) atthis stage, the AGIS part ofthe transaction processing hishes. The next step would be the accounting for those invoices and transtering ortne invoices to Genaral Lace. A Gf Ge ‘Tho details of tho example thats used inthis session is 26 follows: Us £1] Initator Subsidiay- ACE Singapore Intercarpeny Orgarization. This organizeton is 2 pat ofthe ‘ACE Singapore Es] Legal entty. tis legal enttyuses only'01"Dalancing segment value. The user thats naving access to tna Intator Subs gh AOE Sf Recipient supsidiany-'ACE Japan IC Org. This is apart of ACE Japan Legal Ent’ This lage enly uses only 02" Ud belancing seamentvalue, Te user thats having avvess to the Recicient Subsiciaryis called ACE. GG eae BP Wf Note that in his ecample both the Legal Entty ate atacve to the same ledger caled ACE Lege’ Also two intereemacny organizatons form pert ofa single Securit Profle. Sa that means the Payebles and Receivables part of the vansactons can v2 nancled tom a single Payables and Recetvables responsitliy earn, Sotn he users arcass the same responsibiltias for Payables and Receivables, to open Close [Reps urerade con 3DSO7/O8_FTPLON oR [TIT Raceainbanet Ser al ‘Logged In AS ACE_S fogging ison. Intercompany Super User ‘ACE Payables ACE Receivables Responsbilty Ea application Developer 4 Warning ‘Logged In AS ACE_S Low-level logging is currently enabled. Your application will not perform es well while low-level logging is on. Intercompany Super User “ECE Ganeral Ledger Sipar User Responsibility ACE Payables Resporsibl ACE Receivables Responsbilty Ea application Developer ‘You hove not selected ony favorites Pleaco use the “Ecit Favorites" button to setup your Favortas. ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr Outbound | Inbound & warning Low-level logging is currently enat Outbound Batches eee ere eee ees “havanced Search | [ Views Batch number [CG each ote [1 TransactionType [SS~=~CS Batch Status oH co || dear [cegpte tal Datch ee ero ere ere Ca ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr > Indicates required fad Recalculate Amounts |Ac¢/View att, ‘atch Number 68 “Transaction Type ace sTOS | Contral Amount ‘Status New atch date fay-pec-2008 ead nitiator [ACE Singapore intercom ciate far-bec205 ‘Ammeunt Difference Legel Entity ACE Singapore Legal Entity ‘Currency USD Reversal Reference Distribution Mode Manual a nome o Desenption [Framing Traneadion Wom ACE Singepore WACEJapen c cts: [ine w Reopens Weteecion or ncioneom ope T Legal cntity credit attachments Delete ORACLE '_ advanced Global intercompany System Cee 68 ~ Transaction Type Wew ~ batch pase a = anitiator [CE Singapore intercom ciate f-pecz0 | ~B ‘Amount Difference Legal Entity ACE Singapore Legal Entity ‘currency USD Reversal Reference Dectrbution Moce © Manual automatic Dacenption [Framing Transacton from ACE Singapore to ACE Japan Notes [Note to Recipient, this trensoction is for miscellaneous expenses Transaction Legal cntity credit attachments Delete Create Ratch: Distributions Goncal| [Wack] [Save or tater | | Submit ‘atch number 68 Inhiator ACE Singapore: ‘atch Date 27-Dec-2006 Intercompany Organization status mew Legal entty ACE Singapore GLoate 27-Dec-2006 Legal Entity ‘Transaction Type ACE STO ‘Gurrancy USD Actual Amount 2,812.00 i Automatic Distriaution ou ‘ACE Japan IC Org 2,812.00 “The Intarcompany accounting Ines will be No results found. Add Line Total ° o Poe Sea Batch Number 68 Initater ACE Singapore Batch Dot 27-Dee-2006 Intercampany Organization Statue Now Legal tty ACE Singapore GL Dsto 27-Dec-2006 Legal entity Transaction Type ACE STO currency USD Actual Ameunt 2,812.00, TD autornatic bist tation initiator Accounting | Recipient accounting Select Transaction Number Recipient Debit credit eh ACE Japa IC Org 212.00 Transaction 1: Accounts ‘The Intercompary accounting Ines will ke genera} ‘Account Debit Credit paseription Dalete for-00--1510-0000-005 m 2a12 finator Asxonting re gy [Conpany-DepatineeeccounSibraccount-rodue! Add Line Calculate | Total A A cancel | [aack | [Save for tater | [ submit ee Pr About this Pago _Prvacy Statement eee ‘Home | Transactions | setup | Reconcifation = Outbound | Inbound Transactions Outbound > Create Batch Header ard Transactions > Create Batch Distributions > ‘Outbound Batches Save Search ‘You must havo access to an iitor organization to starch fort transactions. ‘Advanced Search | | Views satchuumb fe Batch GL Date transaciontype [TS fetch Statue Go | | Gear Create ch pa frransaction Namber feitator tus GLDate [Type [Total Batch Amount: {Update Reverse Delete 8 —ACESroasare Submitted 27-Dec-2006 ACE STO} 2,612.00 USD Insoroompany ie g\alo ‘Home | Transactions | setup | Reconcifation = Outbound | Inbound Transactions Outbound > Create Batch Header ard Transactions > Create Batch Distributions > ‘Outbound Batches ‘Save Search 8 ‘You muct have access to an initictr organization to ccarch for its transactions, Advanced search | | views ‘atch number [és a Batch GL Date Transaction Type atch Status Go | | Gear ‘Create 1tch patch Jrancaction amber [riator tus Date [Type [Total Batch Amount, Update Reverse Delete 6 ——-ACESingapar= | jy Submitted 27-Dec-2006 ACE STOI 2,612.00 USD Intercompany kk y|\| alo RACLE 4 warning Low-level logging scurry enabled. Your agplcstion wll at aerorm ae vel wale owlevel legging ison. ai ACES (engl maar) 2 Ustn tis the ftaton part ortne AGIS wansacton ts complete. Now we need to go to the Recipient Side to complete tho accounting parttom tho racipient side (corel: 425.23) Logja || Cancel Inthis example, tne reeiplontuser ts callsd ACE_J and the recipient oroanization is called ACE Japan Icom Loin AsSctance Accessibiityione a Le Selecta Language: English [rspfstare.u. crac con 10207136 HIPLOA eprpage oft Ciceaineanet [Roe = joraciefappsitnatssa| [ff ORACLE’ eBusiness suite Logged In As ACE_J & Warning ‘Low-level logging is currently enabled. Your application wll not perform 2s well while low-level logging 1s on. Personalize alee aie Ge tenalisiae see Feu un he at Foe btn te ACE Payables Responsibili ESnnyonianges Sa Responsbility ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr Outoound | Inbound Inbound Transactions Save Search You must have access to a recipient orgenization to search for ts trancacions. ‘Advanced Search || Views Batch Number [oa GQ Trencection turnbor neater Q —transecoon type a ocplent Q Transaction status [3] 60 | | Gear [Fransaction [Fransaction [Transaction Update Batch Number lumber [initiator [Recipient Status Type ‘credit|¢urrency Transaction rn ‘SCESingapace |ACEJopan ,Recetved ACE STO 2,812.00 USD Imercompany iCOrg 7 ronizeton ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr Outoound | Inbound Inbound Transactions Save Search You must have access to a recipient orgenization to search for ts trancacions. ‘Advanced Search || Views Batch Number [oa GQ Trencection turnbor neater Q —transecoon type a ‘recipient Q Transaction status | 60 | | Gear [Fransaction [Fransaction [Transaction Update ‘Batch Number-ltumber —[Initiator___[Recipient |status Type ‘credit|¢urrency Transaction a ACE Singapore |ACE Japan |@,Received ACE STO) 2,812.00 USD Imercompany iCOrg ronizeton Update Transaction Cancel] | Approve | | Reject | | Apply | View Attachments pone Add 2 Click on Updata will apan tho Transacton information Intiater ACE Singapore page and twill allow the ‘Recipient Accounting'to be Ce Organization completad the same way initiator accounting was done. Legal Entity ACE Singapore Legal Entity Transaction Type ACE STO Currency USD Descristion Training Transaction from ACE Singapore to ACE Japan Notes Mote to Recipient, this transaction Is for miscellaneous expenses Recipient ACE Japan IC Debit Destination Subledger org Logel Entity ACE Japan Legal crecit 2,812.00 Invoice Number Mone Exists Entity Status Received Approval Date Reversal Reference (None Exists) GLOate 27-Dec-2006 _Transacion Number 1. Doeseription [Training Transaction Recevad - pebiting to Miscelaneaus Expenses as per hole from Intiator] Reject Reason | Recipient Accounting | Iitlator Accounting | Attachments ‘The intercompany accounting lines will be generated efter the recipient approves the transection. a [77 Raliceainbanet (ey [Bone ‘Transaction Type ACE STO Currency Description Training Transaction from ACE Singapore to ACE Japan Notes Note to Recipiont, this transaction is for miscellaneous expenses | Transaction information Recipient ACE Japan IC Debit Destination Subledger org ogel Entity ACE Japan Legal creat 2,812.00 Invoice Number Mone Exists Entity Status Received Approval Date ovarsal Reference (Mone Exists) GLDate 27-Dec-2008 _Transacion Number 1. Description [Training Transaction Received - Pebitting to Miscellaneous Expenses as per Note from Initator Reject Reason ‘The intercompany accounting lines will be generated after the recipient approves the transection. . Recipent ACE Japan 1c eer Loestinaten Subledger org Legal Entity ACE Japan Legal Credit 2,812.00 Invoice Number None Exists entity statis Recelved Approval ate Reversal Refererre (None Exists) GLoate 27-Dec-2006 Transactin Murer 1 Description [rang Transaction Received - Dabitirg te Miccallanccus Sxenese ae por Neto From intator Reject Reason | Recipiont Accounting | Initiator Accounting | Attachments ‘The Intercormpery acca.ntng Inge willbe generated after te recipient approves the anescton, ‘Account Debit Credit Deseriation Dalote [oz-o20-sin0-0000-000 a | zal2 i a {enpny Dera AecinbSL AOU Prod Add Line Calculate | Total D a Conee tne Coce Combination ang Dent Credit enects ate artered. Te wansacton can be approved by clicking on Approve'buton. Note tra for this ransacton type the Approval is s2tto requited hence the approval has tobe dane manually Cctnennis the transaction wil b2 aulomatealy approve on competion tne Recipient Accounting part Cengerm] [na] [ana pra erre a uae Roe 7 ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr ‘Outoound | Inbound Trangections: Insound > Update Transaction > Inbound Transactions ‘save Search "you must have access toa recipient organization ta search for is transaction. ‘Advanced Search | | Views Batch Number [68 Q Trensoction Number Inttator AQ Transoction Type a Recipient Q% Transaction Status a Go | { Clear [Transaction [Transaction Update ‘eatch umber »|iumber —_anitiator ltype [Debit crack "Transaction. ‘ACE singapore [ACE STO} 2,812.00 USD ‘otercompany ? Organization Bee Cat sid SOL-Wrekw Groote Detabase Tedls ew C04 Debuo Window He =151xI- $%% 18%%8ROS%S-B-&-|¢/2a|e-\¢ é bE bt |e He @ wey cS @ [8B core Ei BB OY VG 0 & [cea we SarECT = FatH ra interface Lines_all VGERE batch ouree-nene + Globe] Intexconpany'; &&RB g Cone the status nas changed to Trensterred to Recelvabies’al nettie, the invoice information gets populeted in RA_INTERFACE LINES. ALL. Notice thatthe BATCH_SOLRCE_NANE fs Global Inercompany" as Daz | Esha] ato Trace] DANS Dual | Code Sati] Soup pu] (@IEATCH_SOURCE_NAME SETLOF BOOKS (D [LINE TYPE [DESCRIPTION [eur (> Global rtarsemeany 967 LINE “Tairing Trersacion romACE Singspore ACE Japan USC| iol fesecs rrsaniconoris [appsentepnori3 Commits OFF Aistort| | @ search inboun| (OSEWS- Wind. [fom orado et. | G6[) suvan Sp Orecke aopic..| Oracle Messe...| iTunes | ‘Be tursday Bole Edt Gid SOL-Window Greate Detsbase Tos View DBA Debuo Window Heb alBlx., 2% 45V GES OOF Si-B-&-|6/2a\e- 6 : DE Dt |e HD @ [oP 8 cS B+ / REO cores Ei $e BEY S30 o [jee se we 6&8hG : SerET © FROM ra_interface_Lines_all VSERE bateh_source_nane = Globel Interccapany’ : 2 ‘Tha CUST_TRX_IYPE_NAME|s Intetcompany’ as Dae | Eps Ptan| ato Trace] DANS Dual | Code Sati] Soap pu] [PRRENCY_CODE [AMOUNT [CUST.TRX TYPE NAME [CUST_TFO_TYPE_ID [TERM_NAME [TERM_D [ORIG_SYSTEN| » 2512 Ivereompary 20 4 Py iy [bsecs [aresaRizoRoPIs Mi -APPSQHIZDROMS Commits OFF start] | @scachinbou...| (6 SES - Wind... [a TOAD Boar.) 9 6S sangse" Suzan Ly Sp Orecke aopic..| Oracle Messe...| iTunes | Beat Thursday Type con tEaplarer aT Fie Ede wie ‘ew Favortas Toole Help Low-level logging is curently anablad. Your application wll not ‘Transaction Types —————— Transaction Type Facesésto% pet ode co L027]08 HMA eFoge-fodeleett 3] | [owl lela [er Biter. x g “The Transaction Type setup shows tratthe Inoeing nas been setfo Requited’ that means the nvoises nil get «atad in Payablas and Recsivabios. Manual Approval is setto ‘Required thatmeans the ‘transactions vl have to be sppraved expliety anc mill not get approved autorvaticaly. “Fyou wish to aesgn diferent Racelvables Transaction Types [Greate Transaction Type | and Mere Lines, goto , civabes Assigrment ‘Select one or more transaction types and... | Update — — Selacal | Selec one Soloct ame = Description code anual Approval |enabled ACE STO3 ACE Singapore to Jepan ASTOI Required Required Yes a [Done TTT 1 $aitecclintranet i Bstart| [intercompany Tra. VSEWS- Windows ie... | sP TOAD wee” Rangse" su5.aM (Glovecte aopicators .. |! Oracle Messenger: C...| 9 Tunes Bet |@ Thersday GO = [le retest 0 usorede.cns10207]08 HIMJO8 xtoae-fradeepgatts] &r |X! [Sooo je: lee wew ravortas tool Fp wee Ewer... | fq aru-ou...| toon *| A warning System Options “ntercompany Batch Numbering Intercompany Transaction Currency Minimum Tranceetion Amount ‘Mnmmum Tranceenon Amount Currency Conversion Rate Type Allow Racplart to Reject Transactions? ‘Transfer Transactions to Ganaral Ledger Transfer Transactions to Payables and Receivables Intercompany Calendar Rees ‘Done Bstart| |[ intercompany Sy. SENS Windows He Borel Appears | Orade Nosema. Low-level logging is currently enabled. Your epplication wil not perform as well while lov-level logging is on. usp o usp ‘You mus cpeoly he carranay#yau dens the Minivan Transco Aout corporate Yes Not that tthe Systom Options is sotto Ontino, thors is no need to run ‘Transfer to Payables’ and Transfer to Receivables’ progtam: Then instead of using concurrent requests the workfow will be used to poputate tne mertace tables. Iti option is sotto Batch thon tho data vil bo transforrod to Payables and Racalables inerraces on running of ese requests only. [-faanen. [vein | Ayaru-ain| Eivon | Jéon..x| | ORACLE’ E-business Suite De ec eT 2 warning ‘Lovr-laval logging is currently enabled. Your application will not perform as wall while low-1aval logging ison. Personalize ‘You have not selectad any favortes. lease use the "Edit Fvorites’ button to obfieations ‘set up your favorites. Credit Management ‘Receivables TH Batches Summary BH Transactions : : a 3 i : i 1 a mer = leLxd file ot Yon Folder Toole Window Hela ORACLE (4% OG S38 SS SORE RABIES Functions | Documarts Fracesses Interfaces Autalmaice Irnpert Transactions Trancections Receints Bills Receivable Collections ‘hie allows you to submit an indvidul request. Setup Repos Pint Docurnoat © Request Set “hie allewe you to cubmit @ pra-detinad sot of requests. 4+ Customers Interfaces tenn Customer Lockbox + Conital TTS oat Notifications Credit Management + Inguny iReceivables Record: 1 LI I I [ 080» ) Msue| | 6o.] 65.) @r.| 6o.| 0/0. fSa. | 6S (OTSTSMANSHSS sam ee) Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AY So @S8 Ss LOPS A 4BOPs al? Run this Requast qe re A eeu dee fuel Operating Unit Parameters Language Armerican Engish Language Settings Debug Options Av these Times Pun the Jot Scheele LUpen Completion Leyout Mtiy Goma Print to (nogrirt ) Record: it ri [Listervaw.. | [ 080» SET slaixd Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AYO S89 SR LOPHR4HOPs al? Nanos othetorece [I voce ce (tT coos incon bowucat 28-080208 J Transaction Tyae. Po {Lom BT» Cuslomer unter abn Ta Cusomer Nureer (Ha) BITe Cunomer Name ow OL. 008 (Hat cL. cae ee (ip erin Doe ¢lom Transaction urbe: (ini) Transaction Number Record: it ri [Listervaw.. | [ 080» Elle Eeit Ylew Foldar Toole vindow Helo ORACLE (BP OO S8Se SIS R 4509S al? (copy. | Name Operating Unit Parameters Lenguage A these Times, un the Job Upen Completion Layou Natity Prirt to (Hep Record: 1 LI ‘VADE Singapare Opersting Unit Globel Intercompany:25-DE 0-200 ‘American Enalish Yes: Language Settings Debug Options [i Samn ao Poa Sciehie) 3S at Oupa Fes a vo sie Cue | | | osc» ) Bser{ | 60.) Bs.) @r.| 60.0] Hi So |9 eS (SS STSTAASESE seem Elle ett Yew Foldor Tools Window Helo ive Feade 28 f(a ih st | BID 2 Se | ta |? a= ( Refiesh Data | [__ Find Reauests ) Subtnit @ New Reauest ) Request 1D Parent Name Phase Stas Pararsters AE atin a Page 55 TS A cI, 1,22, Clbalwercone GID [Butcinnice Mester Progra ———ARAGNN BABA 1, 7551, 22, Glob ntercore= 42S Payables Onen Iie i Gompletet [Normal ‘SLOBAL_INTERCOMPANY, 2245331 [ranserniercompany Ten [Completed [Normal 7082... 245330 [Transfer niereompany Ten a Y $2155 25 | oneal Iareornen ale Note thatthe Aufolnyaice Master Program ul Z245310__Transernterecnany Ten fragers AutinvoielmeenPregrery |, , Y 4345304 __[Preneyment Matchna Proc ioe Batch, AMET ' ‘Auto. Import Proerary 4345300 [Completed [Normal MAIN, T, 22, Globo rtereomp 4345310 |Auteivo.ce Mector Prosar (Completed [Normal 1, 7351, 22, Gaba nercemps ~ (Fate Rea [Mew betas i ¢ View Oud ) ( Cancel Roquoct { Diaggestics 1 View Log } Record: 912 tot I I | osc» ) asent| | 60.] 65.) @r.| Co] o.|i0. So |\O ee BOT STH BE saan SET slaixd Elle eit Yew Foldor Tools Window Hels ORACLE 4% O'S 28S 8 LOD | 48 Do | ta)? a= = ( Refiesh Data | [__ Find Reauests ) Subtnit @ New Reauest ) Request 1D Parent Name Phase Stays __Pararsters [autoinvicefmpan Progra 134547 [Completed [Normal MAN, T, 22, GlbalFasrcorp 315402 _[Autchvaice Mester Pray (Competed [Normal 1, 7351, 2, bal mercome 545308 __ Payables Open Inieface Ih (Completed Normal GLOBAL INTERCOMPANY 43459 (Transfer Intercompany Tran Completed ‘Normal 7382, y fi 2546200 Transfer Inercompany Ten Completed Namal 7051... 2245208 __[Teaneer nero Y © AMISH1O Transfer Inietcor8e| once te requests are completed normal then 4345304 [Propeyment Match review the output the Autalnvaice Import Program. “This output ie ges te nformaton an the aetalis 4316301 [Autcinvace Impot eee eeeyinineun IN, T, 22, Cloke! Itereanp 4315300 |Auteinvaice Mactor | 7351, 22, Glabal interoomps (Fate Rea [Mew be 5 View Outpt ) py nate ( Cancel Requost { Diaggestics 1 View Log ) U Record: 1/7 tot I I | osc» ) Msen| | 60) 65 @r| 60] sof Mise = /9 eS "BO STSRADIESE sam acle.comi30207 ree Ss JO) = [ett wade covtt27J0n_ CaIFIDWRR.ereRene é-t207e,=]|¢) X| [oa Be Fb tk Mow Fovone Took He Snes A BH Giitpsictensiousoredecartsza7ioa.carnow..| | Baten Sours opel Invezecnpany Teansaction Flexfie: 1 neacticn Type: Sill Te Customer Hamper] ‘BLlL To Custoner Name: cL Da: snap Dae: Teensection Munber: Sales Order Manber: ‘Transaction Daz: Ship To Cuss Number: Ship To Cust Name? Selected Inetface line is one and Succcesstuly processed 's also appoaring as ono, Intartace Distubutlons Is showing two rows selected and ‘wo rows successful processed Inverface Lines! Seleczed Successfully Processed! Bele uncertace Saleseps: Sele Successtulty Processed: [bone Bisel | Bhan acle.comi30207 ree Ss GO ~ Ie reertestchst0azorede.con:10207)08 CSUFUONRR eveReono ié- 1207003) ¢r||X| [Goose [ek Filo Edt ow Fovortos Teele Help Soret Oo BH Gitptictensiousoredecortsza7ioa.carnow..| | ECE Lesger koretnvoice Execution Report Request ia: 4545663 ceand Totals: Monber of Sumber Master of | Munber of cass Teansactisns Lines (+) Sales ceeaite Distrabusions Cont Invoice 2 ~ - tines inchudes Tex Lines | loldeumb petoke Cetin epotand ‘he numberof Interface lines and Number of Disinbution nos. [Bone TT) 1 1) $dteedineanet [ioe = y Mistart| | ahr Alb 6 @ "BSS STSTARSESE sam file Eo Yow Foliar Toole Window Holo slaixd ORACLE tb SO Os SSP) Ce tl ASO Do 1? Documents Processes Transactions: Trensactions (ones the aragram has eamploted nermall and Evecution Rogcrt shows that ‘ne Invoices have heen Imported. Query the invoice in tne Transactions form Maintain Trensactions avgaton: Recewaclas Rasponsibily: Transactions > Transactions Account Details Credit Transactions Copy Tansastiens Recaints Bills Receivable Callections Customers Setup Reports Print Decurnants Intorfacas Contral Record: 1 LI I I [ 080» ) ean) | 60) 65] @0| 60) o]nifea 40 ee DITSCENAASESe aw (Bele Ek Sid seLvirckw Gresie Detabare Teds Yew O04 Debuo Window Heb =lB/xi- 22% 4B YEROO* en -B-@-|¢/2 DIB Dt a) EO @ [CP Ta 8 Ss @ R30 re z 2 BB OS Velo G [les ee @&An SaECT = FROM fun_trx_headers VSERE trad = 78748: 2 Note that once the Autolnvoiss has completed succesful the line in the FUN_TRX_HEADERS table s updated and also ra'ses a business evant ‘oracle apps ar batch Autolnvoice un which s used by Payables to creat= interface Ines in Payables interface table (AP_INVOICES_INTERFACE) — Daz | Epsilon] Ao Trace] DENS Qual | Code Satis] Soi O4put] TRA ID [TRCNUMEER [INTATORIO PECIFIENTIO [TOLLE JO [TO_LEDGERIO [BATCHIO [STATUS [INIT i 06004 ass a4 a3? 77088 COMPLETE ft eines larrsun conc ‘APPSGMIZDAOMS [commits OFF Single Record view Bseel | 6o| 6s\f#r Bo] | Hi.| wo] \9 ee [ASTSTSTARSESE sam [ot 1x10 “Re NUMBER INITATORLIO REDIIENT 0 ToL To_LEDBER.O BATCH_O status init_awounr ce INIT_AMOUNT_DF ECL AMOUNT. cA ECLAMOLNT_OF AR INVOICE MUMBER INVOICE, FLAS APPROVER_10 APPROVAL_DATE OFIGINAL_TRXID ez fr “305004 305m6 34 Ey 7706S [COMPLETE Note thatin the same table the AR_INVOICE_NUMBER tela is now 2812 appearing as updated. Ths indicates 2512, thatthe Recelvatlos sice procacsing te complete. | SES fr 2jer/e0na 7 447 PM i (om) coe Mister| | Bol @slfaer. Bo) Lo] mi) %ol A\9 ee "BSRSTSMARSESS sam File Eoit View Foldar Toole Actions Window Help ORACLE (42 o @S3Se Lah e RI AGGIE? ction Balance Due sue Dae Line 2812.00 Number fiom & aL date [27-DEC-2me Tax Class [Iwoice Cureney [USD Fright Type Iniercompany Document Num Charges Reference Transaction 1 Total (2612.00 | Legal Entity [ACE Singapore Legal Entity Complete ails 4 foe co Shie To Sold To “hanes canbe quoi in tha Name ere eee Name ic Number lace tes hk trexo Feige Paying Customer y Name Tomer penal bre eet | Payment Details F Record: 2/2 tot I I | osc» ) ean | 60) 65] @0) 60) o]nifea jo ee BITS TERAAsESe aw SET TEs re Elle Got Yow Folder Too!s Aone Window Help ORACLE (Avo SS3SR KGAA 4599S? eee eee fee Unc ro Fi Twa [ 261200) | zazo) | 00 of Saori Verenstal rs tis [Sinisa Nam | tom iam vor Gusnity|__ Unit Pew fang Tanetion For AGEj [Each 1 20 [7 a r ‘) Record: 4/1 | osc» Bile Edt Yow Foldor Toole tons Wndon oie ORACLE (420 S28 S58 KOH A AAGQSI? See fevnatle iE ceca [imo 7 freer) foo te10.0000000 irceceee | 100.0000 l l l I l ly Transaction Lie Amount BL Posted Date Accounting Fle ) Record 12 ri [Listervaw.. | [ 080» & warning Low-level logging is currently enabled. level logging is on. have not selected any favorites Intercompany Super User Pleaco use the "Ecrt Favortes" button to set favortes. | igre i i l Hl el ore be gS acy Poor on ‘You must have access to an itor organization to search fr ts transactions. ‘Advanced Search | | Views satchuumb fe Batch GL Date transaction type [OS satenstaus [ Go | [ Gear Create ch natch [Transaction Namber fitator [status toate [Type [Total Batch Amount} {Update Reverse Delete 8 ACESroaaare Complete 27-Dec-2006 ACE STO} 2,612.00 USD Insereompany is ¢\alo invoices interface WHER Bole Edt Gid SOL-Window Greate Detsbase Tos View DBA Debuo Window Heb alBlx., 22% 18% YER OO ei -B-e-|¢|2a\e-|e E DB br iS] =2 EO @ [AP [BE es @ | FE~ cove . $e @BO%S& ojoe»|# #6 BER , SECT = FROM sp_invoices_| VSERE tavorce sun terface 10009 2 ‘As mentioned before the Autolmoice program in Receivables ‘will erate the businass avant whicn wil pozulata tha data in Payables interface tale (AP_JNVOICES_INTERFACE) Notes the INVOICE_NUM Is tha game number as kwas In Receivables as well Dats EleiFen] Aso Tiace| DANS Qual | Code sass] Soin 4g @INVOICE ID NVOICE_NUM INVOICE TYPE LOOKUP_CODE_INVOICE_DATE [PO_NUMBER \VENDORID VENDOR} > GE 10007 727272008 30185 h Lt reecs aersumiaonors ‘APPSGAIZDAOMS Commits OFF Bsee| | 6.) Oslfar Bo] o| Hi | ool \9 ee AOTSTSTARSESE sem [ot wvoceo [RG + invoice wun fro007 T INVOICE_1¥PE_LOOKU CODE invoice_pate [12/27/2008 o_NUMBER VENDOR_D 32165 2 Some oftha importantfelds thos get populated in parbies VENDOR_NAME inerace \eNDOR_NUN ‘VENDOR SITE_D Gay ‘VENDOR. SITE_COnE wnvoceswounT[ ETD. Invoice_cuRRENCY_cooe [USD EXCHANGE RATE EXCHANBE_RATE_TYPE [Corporate xCHANGE_naTe [12/27/2006 TERNS 0 mrsnve[—OSOSOSCSC“=‘C:C“‘s‘“‘“‘(‘“(‘S#SCOCO*~™~™~™~COOTCOCS Oe Caneel \ ase] | CL] 6s let Bolo] Hilwol 2)9 6S AC STSTAASESE sem [ot ae PAYMENT_CURRENCY_CODE WORKFLOW FLAG oo_caTeaony.cane ‘YOUICHER_NUN PavveNT_eTHOD_Looku_cave [HECS PAW. GROLP_LOOKUP_CODE aoopsRECENED ere frerremne SSCS | Invoice FeceweD_oere [12/27/2006 s_onte fizve7/2006 ACTS. PAY_CODE_COMBINATION 10 TaG%1] Noviee mat the org_id has also been populated 7352s the o19_ifor ACE Japan IC Ora’ this is USSBL_TRANSACTION.COBE tho Rozipient Inoreomeany Oreanization. EACLUSVE_PAYNENT_FLAG oAG_ 7382 ‘AMOUNT_APPUCABLE_TO_DISCOUNT PREPAY. NUN poroay nie sins i | Loe] cot Misen| | 6.) e5\far 60) Jo] 9./ ool 3/9 ee "BOTSTERAMSESE sem 4 warning Loire ggg cent nai Your ple il et rm el le eee og ‘select a Language: English ORACLE’ eBusiness suite Logged In As ACE_J & Warning ‘Low-level logging is currently enabled. Your application wll not perform 2s well while low-level logging 1s on. Personalize alee aie Ge tenalisiae see Feu un he at Foe btn te ACE Payables Responsibili ESnnyonianges Sa Responsbility ORACLE’ advanced Global intercompany System Cnr Outoound | Inbound Inbound Transactions Save Search You must have access to a recipient orgenization to search for ts trancacions. ‘Advanced Search || Views Batch Number [oa GQ Trencection turnbor neater Q —transecoon type a ‘recipient Q Transaction status | 60 | | Gear [Fransaction [Fransaction [Transaction Update ‘Batch Number-|tumber —[Initiator___[Recipient Status Type ‘credit|¢urrency Transaction rn {ACESingapare |ACEopan | Complete ACE STO 2,812.00 USD Imercompany iCOrg 2? ronizeton ORACLE’ E-Business suite Se ee ee ‘Logged In As ACEI 2 warning ‘Lovr-laval logging is currently enabled. Your application wll not perform as wrall while low-1aval logging ison. Personalize Personalize ‘you have not selectad any favorttes ce erates Ree lease use the "Edit Fevorites’ button to GH ands avalabie Parapet ara Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AY So @S8 Ss LOPS A 4BOPs al? Run this Requast Name Operating Unit Parameters Language Armerican Engish Av these Times un the Job LUpen Completion ¥igave all Outout Files Leyout Mtiy Goma Print to (nogrirt ) Record: it ri [Listervaw.. | [ 080» Elle Eeit Yew Folder Toole Window Hele ORACLE (AYO S89 SR LOPHR4HOPs al? S/S La Run this Requast Peace peraing Unt [ASE Japan Operating Unt suce Gibalinecorgary—~~SCSCSCSTS Cpe ta aaa na nora Group Batch Name Hold Narne Hold Reason eLDete Purge Suinmarize Report Record: it ri [Listervaw.. | [ 080» ee) slaixd Elle Eeit Ylew Foldar Toole vindow Helo ORACLE (BP OO S8Se SIS R 4509S al? | Copy. Nate Payables Openlnieraee pot Operating Uni Parameters ACE Japan Operating Units Glebal intercompany: Nias: -No-No Language American English Debug Options A these Times, Run the Job As Scon ac Poseiblc Q (Schedule. ) Run the request witn ese peramatars. X e Upen Completion ¥ Save al Output Files Layout Noi (Options) Print to noorirt Ey (Help cy ( fybait Cancel) ) Record: 1 ri | -08e> asen{ [Bo div ee eanetel Be scm acle.comi30207 ree Ss JO) = [ett wade covtt207J0n_CaTFDNRR.ereRene é-e002T] ¢)X| [oa Be Fb tk Mow Fovone Took He Snes A BH Shitptictenst0 userede.covts2a7[08 cEIrHOW | Jace Japan Qpexating Unit Fayabies Cpen Tovetace Import Report Source Neme: Gabel Intersompany sunmarize Report Fayebles Open Interface audit Report ACE Japan Operating Unit Supptier Supplier Invoice Invoice Invoice Le tunes Name Samee: Dace’ currency Amount Numb! aCE_A 2,812.00 utput io of his program is call Payablos Open interfaca Import Roper Note the important fields in his report Supplier Involea Humber Invoice Date Invotea Curroney and Amount ACE capan Opereting Unit [bone Bisel | wollen file Eo Yow Foliar Toole Window Holo (QVS Sse ss SOPAAAGAIAS? Documents Processes Invoices: Entry Invoices Maintain Insices Top Ten List | Invoices ~ Entry Invoice Batches uch noes Expense Repots curing hia co pon tare I.9s + nga + Accual Won + Payments * accountng + Supaies Elle Eek Ylew Faldar Toole Reports wincow Holo laixl ORACLE (AO @Z85e ii | EO Os |? Batch Conticl Total (Operating Unit usiomer Teese | Type | PO Nun Tears Pa Betch Actual T upoier Num | Super S| nies BW/Ac Japon Oparatns Summary tems Rotainage Propaymants Applied Wihhelding Subtotal Tax 4 Record: 1 I mse Bo: & | -08e> a BEE ‘New Paynes BSchedled Paynerts [6° era EES tT cute fe ‘ccourted|N Avrora [i Hold 0 Scheduled Payment Halts 0 ‘) Alb 6 @ *BESSEGTAASESE som fle Eek Ylow Faldar Toole Roports window Helo @ve SOge eEp sa 4ne es 1? 2 Lines BHalde 4View Payments 6 Scheduled Payments _6 View Prepayment Applications ‘Amaunt Paid Statue 281200 ‘oo Status Neve; Validated Yccounted No Notice he status ofthe mvc is stl Never Vatdaton’ and | grpyoval Noi Resulted Account flag is No" 5 Holds 0 DAi200 | CliekonDisitutlons io sae he aswbutons rortns ivoire — ory Hoids © Deseription 281200 tite Tex | [ TaxDetais —) (_Conections j (Quick Match Match Gz Record: 1 LI [ 080» ) asee| [So EA div ee eanetel Be sem ao Soe aa File Eoit View Folder Toole Reports Window Help ORACLE BV @S3se Lane a 450 2Hi? Pee eee ee eee nee Line Nurnber 75096 Frvaiee Line Descipin [SS Dstuton 2 um [Tyee [amount OL Date Account asec Book |[Deset HI tem 2plam 27-Dec-2005 o2ooDsignaccocuo : I ) Record: 1 ri | -08e> SET ae Elle Eeit Yiew Folder Toole Reports Window Help ORACLE (426 @ S858 LORS RAAGISI? J Pee eee eee eee ee Line Nurnber 75096 Frvaiee Line Descipin [SS Dstuton 2 ur ope Paar [cubs count pssst Beek [Desai Hien I Record: 4/1 tt [ 080» ) Part Three - AGIS Reports and Reconciliations ORACLE ‘rece intercompany Account Detals Report Financials Common Modules rece intercompany Trensacton Summary Report Financials Common Modules ORACLE’ reauests Pree @ © © o © - Name Parameters Schedule Layou Noiicstions aiming More Schedule Request: Name . * Indicates renuired field Cancel [sep tof? [Next] “program ame [bracke intercompany Wansacten Gummy Reger’ Q L Request Name . The none can li be ado sch rire . Cancel Step 10f7 [Next | eee ore ory Painting * Indicates required field Program flame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report Request lame ~ Batch Type: Initiator Recipient Batch Number Fram Batch Number To GL Date From GL Date To Batch Date From ‘atch Date To batch status “Transaction Status ‘Transaction Type Entered Currency Invoicing Rule ARJAP Invoice Number ‘bound and Outbound Transactions © Back Step 20f7 Gaga PS e e @ r r r Name Parameters Schedule Layout Notications Printing More ‘Schedule Request: Schedule Cancel || Back | Step 3 of 7 i Program flame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report Request flame Sree ‘Speaiy when you would lke your request to run. ‘Advanced Schedule | Start Date © soon ac possible © Start ot spectfic date and time start Oate [ostan-2007 | e205) ‘Start Time rl sie] eam CoM Recurrence © Never repeat © Repeat End Date B end time [oo] [ood] @ am Cem ‘Schedule Name ORACLE’ reauests eee Name Parameters ‘Schedule Layout Notifcations Printing More Schedule Request: Layout Cancel || Back | step « of 7 [ Next Program flame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report ‘Request lame ‘Template Name [FUNSRT ED Language Format ‘step 4 of 7 arora ORACLE’ reauests eee Name Parameters ‘Schedule Layout Notifcations Schedule Request: Layout Printing Back | step 4 of 7 Program flame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report ‘Request lame ‘Template Name [FUNSRT ED Language Format ‘step 4 of 7 Notifications Printing ‘Schedule Request: Notifications Cancel || Back | step 5 of 7 Program Hlame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report Request lame Step Sof 7 ORACLE’ reauests Bree z ; 7 —— u ae ven Pring | Schedule Request: Printing o Caeel |Back] step ot [emt] Program lame Oracle intercompany Transaction Summary Report o Request tiome U Print Style [aa C armel i copies [9 a seve ouput , Se Previous Notifications Printing Review Schedule Request: Review Cancel || Back | step 7 of 7| Sut Concurrent Program flame Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report Request Name ‘Operating Unit atch Type goth Sere ieee ered Iitiotor Recpiont Batch Number From 2 Batch Number To Last stop shows tho summary of optons those GL Date From ware selected in he aatler sie steps for revlon: GL Date To purpose and here the request can be submited. Batch Date From Batch Date To Batch Status “Transaction Status Transaction Type Entered Currency woteng Rule AR/AP Invoice Number Schadula As Soon As Possible Recurrence Never Repeats a [ITT Raeeaineaner (ey ‘Your request for Oracle Intercompany Transaction Summary Report has been scheduled. ® Information The Request ID is 4345495 ‘Note thatthe search is case insenstve Request ip [345905 Start Date, = ‘Scheduled Requast for End Date B Home 0 | | Gear eae eee ‘statusitame [nase [Scheduled Date [Detais Output|Request 1D/Repubtsh Cradle Itarcompary Trarcecton Summary Complated O¢-7en-2007 0705:5) =. A345605. ry vod a & B so} Report Requests | View L Not thatthe search i case nsenstive o Request 1 f45905 star Date a Seneduloe Requoc for ne bate a — | | [oar : eae eee | ‘statusitame [phase Scheduled Date _|DetatsoutputRequest IN Repubfsh Sy GideriscameanyTarecensimmay Compaen 207 00532 gy gy HS ORACLE Iniercompeny Transaction Summary Report feenve tae 2 Now he output is shown in PDF format as selected inthe report submission window. This report shows allthe relevant parameters. Along with lot of other sransacton lal datals as shown dalow, The cetalsInclucs,ntta, batch number, transaction ye, dae, stalus, ecient, amounts, stafus and invoies number. tegateroy |nomper [ype samba |Coneney [Stns Recmerevegateney vent | creat sate | Number Type” |osemoae | Corenay | Sitts —ResereLapalertty neve | cea | Sue a a ance 0 roe ‘hareacts ‘Seng eee, [RE [ere | son cape "Serer RAR] TORMONOUTT “moar — aa en, [TENSE | Fase | Cnt sono onal ee [UNS [eon [ee “ro roe seats "Toe eresth eoccosezar 20mm 900 ‘bone T1111) SdUninown zene i alaixd ][x ]focoale len Filo Edt ow Fovortos Teele Help eset El Finenciels Connon Modules: Versica : 12.0.0 il Copyrigh: (¢) 1979, 1999, oracte Coxporetion. All righte reserved. FUNSRET miscues Oxace Inte cassene aysten came 2 os-cnN-2007 + © Inthe recuest montor sersan sick on deals ican and hen lick on s+seazte*+0s-cnit-2007 09:06:34 view loge and vl snow te 09, * ‘oracle ntareampany Transeeten Summary Raper nas he shert name of FUNSRPT. 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POIRSEOSE Pv Fon REcORt Pvt ogress at ol0.2 parson_is = $077 POsIASEORT Fv Notes hatin og fle also hove he aretha ening Bee ae eer name, to gamer data reanyusens ene SESE, fortreubleshooing te report Fislexcrange, seve ype exenange KO Ex0P messing betel Hib description baton description, Fra.noce baten nove, (3 ORTG.baton_nunber original baton_number, PIS REY bocsh fusker reversed Basch Faxces, [Bone TET? © Jlocel intranet AQi00% = Astart| |G Requec: 4315105- in. | SI meres BEe *asnagoog vam (E2bittes//brmulin-peuse. gb Uned-Notepad es GMESO BS — tresday ORACLE’ reauests Pree Name Parameters Schedule Layou Noiicstions aiming More Schedule Request: Name * Indicates reared field eee 2 cr? 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Your application wll not perform 2s well while low-level logging 1s on. sesonatee You hove not selected ony Fvortes Fens use the Et Favorites button to set up your favortas. (GH ACE General Ledger Super {User Responsbiity ‘AGE Payables Responsibility ‘ACE Receivables Responshility ‘Application Developer Worlgiow Administrator ‘Vision Enterprises ORACLE’ advanced Global Inte Intercompany Reconcifation = Request 6 [4347536 ‘Tronsacting Ledger ACE Ledger Trencacting Legal Entity ‘Trarsecting GL Period DEC-06 ‘Additonal Currency ST eo Cnr Request Date 04-Jan-2007 ‘Trading Partner Ledger ‘Treding Partnar Legal erty ‘Trading Pariner GL Period ‘Conversion Rate Type ‘Tempiate [intercompany Recondition Summary] Locale [Fagrunned sores] cornet [PE] ST eo Cnr Day Intercompany Reconcifation = Request 6 [4347536 Q Request Date 04-Jan-2007 ‘Trading Pertner Ledger Transacting Ledger ACE Ledger Trading Partner | Trencacting Legal Entity ‘Trading Partner Legal entity “Tceuing Fei! DEC-06 Trading Farner Feriod ‘Additional Currency vs tole [Fagmvuretsaess] — romat [r=] ‘Tempiate [intercompany Recondition Summary] Ss Intercompany Reconcifation = Request ic fr5475i6 a ‘Tronsacting Ledger ACE Ledger Trading Fartner Ledger Tronsacting Legal Entity ‘Treding Partnar Legal erty Trading Pariner GL Fetiod Transectng GL Period DEC-08 ‘Additonal Currency Conversion Rate Type Eee ‘Template [intercompany Raconalaton Summary =] Run | [Export Request Date 2007-01-04 ocala [Engiehiuned sees Z] romat [ro =] SO 6 6e) oor innr Tay pipiens wmararySapie ck. 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Your application wll nat parform 2s well while low-level logging is on, Intercompany Reconcifation ~ requests faz97516 1a Request Date 2007-01-04 ‘Trading Fertnar Ledger ‘Transacting Ledoer ACE Ledger ‘rrensactng Legal Ent Treding Partner Legal Entity Trading Partner GL Period Tronsectng GL Period DEC-06 ere ‘Additonal Currancy Conversion Rave Typa, yee Template [Iniercompany Reconcitation Summary =] _Locele [Englsh:unted States] Format. [exces] fun | [port Ee i: 7 De you want to open or save this file? A i a 1 =) Name: FUMRBALSUMI1S8533623_outods 2 Entity ‘Type: Microsoft Excel Worksheet, 11.1KB Mercompesy — anara| Fr laaiedecon Baa a 5 ACE Sinospote Legal ACE Japan L Soe 5 care 0 a 7 i he isto nena on ol scan SE ee ee rt Sees a [OI Rtoeainvanee [Rime Low-level logging s currently enabled. 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Your application wll nat parform 2s well while low-level logging is on, Intercompany Reconcifation ~ requests faz97516 1a Request Date 2007-01-04 ‘Trading Fertnar Ledger ‘Transacting Ledoer ACE Ledger srenvuetng Legal eraty Treding Partner Legal Entity Trading Partner GL Period Tronsectng GL Period DEC-06 ere ‘Additonal Currancy Conversion Rave Typa, yee Templte_[Infercompany Rel 2 Seiesz] rome [CELE] Tum] | Eaport] TH®Concuces tha Ropors aval in ASI a Following thiee reports were discussed. a - + Oracle ntercompary Transacion Surman Report * Oracle ntersompany Account Details Report # intercompany Reconciaton Report Imtercompany Pay Balance ‘Transactng vip |ADE Sineapore Lecal_ ACE Japan Leqelenty USD a 0 2 3 a SJAcE Sincapote Legal #CE Jagan Logal Entity USD 6 7 3 a Boe I Saeatneanne [Rm inte Paper Tite Advanced Global ntersongany(AGIS) in Release 12(R12)~ ‘Sein, Transaction Processing, Reports and Recoretiaoas Weare 2007 Auther Pradeep Kat Contbatng Author: Contents Neleot ale subject Io change without note. Thsdecunen: Sretwavanted W be euorteenotsubjestic any ‘her aanantes er cencions wheter exposes oily or mpeg Ilan isiucny implied warants and canton t merchantsstty Tabiy ith apesti the devument and ne sonra bl gine ne foxmed ether civeety otal by this document. Thi gecuvest IPar sete epuoduced es tanaited in any far er by any wears ORACLE

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