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One of the greatest thinkers and writers of the Renaissance was the DUTCH
scholar Desiderius Erasmus.
Erasmus lived in a troubled TIME . The medieval idea of feudalism was in
decline, and new ideas WERE being developed. At the same time, the
corruption of the church was MAKING people restless and confused. In an
era of growing fanaticism and violence Erasmus was a voice OF calm and
moderation. With Europe splitting INTO different religious factions, he tried
to maintain peace and unity.
THOUGH Erasmus was a powerful critic of the corruption of the church, he
did not reject the past. We have records of his arguments with Martin Luther,
the leader of those WHO wanted a complete change. However, Erasmus
appeals for reason and tolerance were not heard in the increasingly ANGRY
religious debate.
He visited most countries of Europe and won the friendship OF leading
scholars of his time. Erasmus wrote his Encomium moriae DURING a stay in
England. While in the city of Cambridge, he criticised the beer as being too
weak, but he seems to have BEEN. an admirer of English girls.
Erasmus saw the Latin language AS ONE of the things which could help to
bring unity to Europe. In 1516 he published a new Latin translation of the
New Testament. This work caused him TO BE. recognised as one of the
greatest writers of his generation. He died in 1536 AT the age of seventy.

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