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Charity action DAR din DAR

On December 1, 2014 NGO

Development and Social
Inclusion initiated the relief
campaign Dar din Dar,
aiming to raise funds for two
girls from Tuzara village,
Calarasi district:
Maria PARAPIR diagnosed
with a serious illness Hodgkin lymphoma (cancer of
the lymphatic system) and
diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
The campaign was performed during December 1 to 25, 2014.
For community awareness in order to give donations and develop feelings of
empathy and solidarity for seriously ill children with severe disabilities from
disadvantaged families, members of the Organization have sent letters (100 letters
on paper by mail and 116 letters by e-mail) to managers of about 216 economic
entities in various fields of activity of the Republic of Moldova, of which 46 being
managed by women. Unfortunately, of those 216 noticed economic entities, only one
company answered to the call; company VIOVADA SRL, in person of Mr.Vasile
Camerzan, which came with cash donation. Also, the members of the Organization
have advertised the event about the charity action through personal
On December 27, 2014, inside the Village Hall Tuzara, girls Maria and Anna, as well
as their families have had moments of joy, giving them Christmas gifts and cash
donations. This event was possible thanks to the generosity of Mr.Vasile Camerzan,
director of VIOVADA" SRL, Village Hall Tuzara in person of Mayor Mr.Gheorghe
Railean, members of the Organization Development and Social Inclusion, which
offered financial support to
families Parapir and Gorbuleac.
Supporting these children also,
came students from the Faculty
of Economics of the State
University of Moldova (M. Puiu,
T. Antonciuc, L. aranu, M.
Chele, D. Scurtu, C. Anton, Cr.
Cibotari), who came with gifts
(toys, sweets, blankets and
other necessities of a child),
students from the Lyceum
Gheorghe Asachi of the Chisinau

municipality (Mihai and Artion Timofti) and volunteers Ghenadie and Ion Mrza
from Calarasi district, who offered to girls books, toys, Christmas trees and fruit.
The Organization mission to help these two girls does not end with this charity
action. Hoping that we will involve magnanimous people from our Republic, but also
from abroad, we will contribute to treat diseases suffered by Maria and Teodora,
giving them a chance to life and happy childhood.

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