Delta Center Dateliner: Calendar of Events

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Grand Ledge Public Schools

January 9, 2015

Delta Center Dateliner

Scott R. Eckhart, Principal | |

Calendar of Events
Jan 19

No Students

Jan 20

PTO Meeting
Free Childcare!
7:00pm Media Center

Feb 4

2-Hour Delay Start

10:45am - school start

Feb 16 Winter Break

No School
Feb 17

PTO Meeting
Free Childcare!
7:00pm Media Center

Mar 10 Conferences
5:00 - 8:00pm
Mar 12 Conferences
5:00 - 8:00 pm
Mar 13 Conferences
8:00 - 11:00am
No School for students
Mar 17 PTO Meeting
Free Childcare!
7:00pm Media Center
Apr 3


Apr 6 - 10


Apr 13 Class Resume

Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope the holiday season was a memorable

time filled with family and friends. Often transitioning back into the
school routine can be difficult for your children. Here are some
ways you can make this simple and fun. Make a chart for them or
have your child make their own daily chart where they list their
daily activities (snack, homework, free time, dinner, list any daily
chores etc.). Have them check of each item as it is completed. You
can reward them with simple things such as extra free time, or a
free pass for one of their daily chores. Doing a chart can be fun for
you and your child and it teaches them responsibility as well as
helping them to fall back into a regular routine. Soon they will be
so familiar with their daily routine that a chart will not be needed.
In the coming months I will be
back in the fourth grade
classrooms doing lessons from
The Steps to Respect Curriculum.
To p i c s s u c h a s f r i e n d s h i p s ,
respect, and bullying are
discussed. I will also continue with
a number of small groups for
students dealing with various
challenges. These may include
divorce and/or separation, grief
and loss, and social skills. If you feel your child could benefit from
participating in one of these groups please let me know.
As always, Make It A Great Day!
Mrs. Loos-Trice

Apr 22 2-Hour Delay Start

10:45am - school start
May 6

Grand Ledge Public School is

2-Hour Delay Start

10:45am - school start

accepting applications for School

Bus Drivers and Food Service
Substitutes. Please apply on-line at: For more
information interested persons should contact Human
Resource at 517-925-5406.

Delta Center Elementary School

Phone (517) 925-5540

305 S. Canal Road, Lansing, Michigan 48837

Fax (517)925-5579

Voice Mail/Attendance (517) 925-5581

Grand Ledge Public Schools

January 9, 2015

Pretzel Sale: January 13th

We have a Delta Center parent who is currently battling cancer. The
parent is currently being treated at the Karmanos
Cancer Center in Detroit. Because his family is
spending a lot of time driving back and forth to
Detroit, we would like to provide gas cards and
monetary support to the family during this difficult
time. On Tuesday, January 13th will be selling
warm, soft pretzels during lunch. Each pretzel will be $1. All

Please Vote:
February 24th. 2015
On February 24, 2015 the
Grand Ledge Public Schools

proceeds from our pretzel sale will be given to this Delta Center
family. Thank you for your support!

Fifth Grade Safety Patrol

community will have the

opportunity to vote on a bond
proposition. The deadline to
register to vote in this election
is January 26, 2015. If you will
not be able to make it to your
local polling location for the
entire time the polls are open
on the 24th, you can vote by
absentee ballot. To request an
absentee ballot by mail, your
application to vote absentee
must be received by your local
clerk no later than 2:00 pm,
Saturday, February 21, 2015.
You may vote absentee, in
person, at your local clerks

Congratulations to Decembers Safety

Pat ro l l e r o f t h e M o n t h , A l y s s a
Alyssa did a great job at her post
during one of the lunch shifts last
Staff spotted Alyssa
consistently communicating to
students and classes traveling through
the upper elementary hallway to keep
their voices at zero noise level and not
She readily complimented
individual students and classes who
were meeting SOAR expectations.
Alyssa also assisted a student who had
a minor injury while she was on duty at
her post. Thanks for consistently being
alert and showing a positive attitude!
Great job!

office up until 5:00 pm on

Monday, February 23, 2015.
Applications to register to vote
or to request an absent voter
ballot can be obtained on the
districts 2015 Bond Proposal

2nd Period Recess Beverage

page at The

The 2nd Period Recess Beverage Program will be begin on

2015 Bond Proposal page

Monday, January 26th. The cost for the second period will

provides information about the

be $43.00. Envelopes will be sent home next week. If you

specifics of the proposition as

paid for your child to receive recess beverage for the whole

well as a calendar of District

Meetings that Superintendent
Dr. Brian Metcalf will be at to
provide details and answer

Delta Center Elementary School

Phone (517) 925-5540

year, you will not receive an envelope. If you did not

purchase recess beverage for the 1st period and would like
an envelope sent home or if you have any questions, please
call the office at 925-5940.

305 S. Canal Road, Lansing, Michigan 48837

Fax (517)925-5579

Voice Mail/Attendance (517) 925-5581

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