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How can you protect your liver?

There are many things that you can do to support liver health:
Having another viral infection in your liver can worsen
HCV, so get vaccinated against hepatitis A and hepatitis B.
Drink less or stop drinking alcohol altogetherthe less you
drink, the better for your liver. Sometimes drinking less, or
not at all, is more important than treating HCV.
Maintain normal weightbeing overweight increases your
risk for fat deposits in the liver, which makes HCV harder
to treat.
Drink a lot of water to help your liver filter out waste
and toxins.
Eat less fatty, salty, and sugary food when possible.
Try to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables, complex
carbohydrates, low-fat, high-fiber foods, and an adequate
amount of protein.
Ask questions and get support. Talk with other people who
are living with hepatitis C or HIV and HCV.

Dealing with a new diagnosis, disclosure,

and treatment decisions
Outbreaks of acute HCV infection have been reported among
HIV-positive gay men in the United States, the United Kingdom,
Germany, Australia, France, and the Netherlands. Many of these
cases were sexually transmitted. In the United Kingdom, HIV clinics
identified many cases of acute HCV through routine monitoring of
liver enzymes, which is required during HIV treatment.

After diagnosis, I was determined

to have the treatment

Living with HIV and hepatitis C over the long-term

It is very common for people who became HIV-positive through
blood products or sharing injection drug equipment to also be
infected with viral hepatitis, including HCV.
Most people in this situation were likely to have been infected with
HIV and HCV around the same time, and many have been living
with both infections for many years.
Many people in this situation are concerned about the higher risk of
HCV-related complications and liver damage due to the fact that
theyve had HCV for so long. Long-term coinfection may tilt the
balance in favor of hepatitis C treatment

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