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A study of Indoor Air Quality

indoor spaces/environments

Acceptable indoor air quality refers to air in which
there are no known contaminants at harmful
concentrations as determined by the public health
authorities, and with which a substantial majority of
the people exposed do not express dissatisfaction.
Indoor air refers to the air inside a building, including air which is within a

room and air which is removed from a room by mechanical means.

Outdoor air refers to the air in the external surroundings.
Building-related illness refers to any illness which occurs directly as a

result of human exposure to a specific health hazard present in the


Air-conditioning refers to the process of treating air to meet

requirements of a conditioned space by controlling its
temperature, humidity, cleanliness and distribution.
Air temperature refers to the dry-bulb
temperature of the air surrounding the occupant.
Sick building syndrome refers to an excess of work-related
irritations of the skin and mucous membranes and other
symptoms (including headache and fatigue) reported by
occupants in modern office buildings.

Indoor environmental quality (IEQ)

It refers to the quality of the air and environment inside

buildings, based on pollutant concentrations and conditions that

can affect the health, comfort and performance of occupants -including temperature, relative humidity, light, sound and other
Good IEQ is an essential component of any building.

Ventilation refers to the process of supplying and removing air by natural

or mechanical means to and from any space. Such air may or may not
be conditioned.
ACMV system refers to the air-conditioning and mechanical ventilation
system of the building.
Contaminant refers to an unwanted airborne constituent that may reduce
acceptability of the indoor air quality.
voc-(volatile organic compounds): volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
are chemicals used to manufacture and prepare many building
materials, interior furnishings, textiles, office equipment, cleaners,

personal care supplies, and pesticides.

Why is Indoor Air Quality Important?

Indoor air quality is a major concern to businesses,

building managers, tenants, and employees
because it can impact the health, comfort, well
being, and productivity of building occupants.
Good indoor air quality is important to human health
because people spend a significant fraction of their

time indoors (Bernestein et al. 2008).

significance of iaq
Indoor air quality has become a huge concern over the past
The EPA has acknowledged indoor air quality as one of the top
five environmental health risks.
This is compounded further by the fact that we spend the
majority of our time indoors: whether we are in school, at work,
or at home.
These indoor environments often emit and harbor harmful
particles and vapors that frequently cause what is referred to as
"sick building syndrome".
Prolonged exposure to indoor environments often results in
occupants complaining about fatigue, headaches, nausea, and
irritation- all due to the off-gassing of many common products
such as carpeting, household cleaners, and furniture.

Why now..
Air pollution has become a major concern in India in
recent years both because it is now clear that large
parts of the Indian urban population are exposed to
some of the highest pollutant levels in the world and
also because new studies around the world on the

health effects of air pollution have increased

confidence in estimates of the risks posed by air
pollution exposures .

Indoor Air is 2 to 5 Times More Polluted Than

Outdoor Air
Most of our exposure to environmental pollutants
occurs by breathing the air indoors. These pollutants
come from activities, products and materials we use

every day. The air in our homes, schools and offices

can be 2 to 5 times more polluted, and in some cases
100 times more polluted, than outdoor air.

Office -definition
An office is generally a room or other area in which
people work, but may also denote a position within
an organization with specific duties attached to it.
A workplace is any physical or virtual space where working
relationships exist, where employer-employee relations exist.
Office layout types
Open cell layout
Closed Cell layout

Hybrid Layout

Office spaces
The main purpose of an office environment is to support its occupants in
performing their job - preferably at minimum cost and to maximum
With different people performing different tasks and activities, however, it is
not always easy to maintain good iaq in office spaces.

Typologies of Offices:
Government /Public offices
Company owned offices/private offices

Objective: Why good iaq is important in offices

Good IAQ in office buildings is an important component
of a healthy indoor environment.

It contributes to a favorable and productive environment for building

occupants, giving them a sense of comfort, health, and well-being.

Significant increases in worker productivity have also been demonstrated

when the air quality was adequate .

Research has also shown that workers in buildings with adequate air
quality have reduced rates of symptoms related to poor air quality .

Research into economics

Benefits that result from improving air quality should be added
Less sick leave days
Less worker complaints
Change in workers comfort level

Increase in productivity
Increase in moral
Reduced healthcare costs

Less maintenance costs

Less turnover of employees



Indoor air quality assessment in a school building in

Chennai City, India .
Author(s): S. M. Shiva Nagendra & P. Sri Harika
During recent years, concerns over the effects of poor indoor air
quality (IAQ) have been increased and wide spectrums of
symptoms/illnesses are related to indoor air pollution in many urban
centers of the world.

In India, it is estimated that about half a million women and children

die per year due to indoor air pollution.
Therefore, maintaining an acceptable IAQ is important in places
such as schools, corporate office buildings, hospitals and houses.

Desktop study -1

It is hypothesized that the higher indoor pollutant concentrations of

the buildings located near busy traffic roads are mostly influenced by
elevated outdoor vehicular pollutant concentrations.

In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze the indoor air
quality of a naturally ventilated school building, Kendriya Vidyalaya,
located in the Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai,


This building is located close to an urban road with heavy traffic flow,
within a range of 100 m from the busy traffic junction.

Desktop study -1

The indoor pollutants, namely carbon monoxide (CO) and carbon

dioxide (CO2), along with meteorological parameters such as
temperature and relative humidity, have been measured inside the
school building.

The vehicular pollutant CO has also been measured at the road side
to develop the indoor and outdoor CO relationship.

Desktop study -1

the vehicular pollutant CO has also been measured at the road side to
develop the indoor and outdoor CO relationship.

Further, a questionnaire survey has also been conducted to evaluate the

general environmental conditions (sick building syndrome) of the school

building. The result indicated that hourly the CO2 concentration inside the
school room is 927 ppm during morning working hours (10.00a.m).

This concentration is close to standard value of 1000 ppm specified by the

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), USA.

The measured concentrations inside the school building are within the

Desktop study -1

Productivity and Indoor Air Quality

Olesen, Bjarne
International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy
Technical University of Denmark
Nils Koppels Alle, Build. 402, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

People spend in industrialized countries more than 90 % of there lives in an artificial indoor
environment (home, transportation, work).
In typical office buildings the cost of people is a factor 100 higher than energy costs, which
make the performance of people at their work significantly more important than energy
Studies on people sick leaves show a very high loss of work time and performance, which
have significant economical consequences for companies.
Recent studies in offices and schools show that comfortable room temperatures,increased
ventilation above normal recommendation, reduction of indoor pollution sources and more
effective ventilation increases the performance of people.

The results indicate increase

KEYWORDS: health, comfort, productivity, indoor

of productivity of 5-10 %.

Desktop study -2

Negative effects of poor Indoor Air Quality:

Pollutants may contribute to short-term and long-term health
problems, like asthma, respiratory tract infections, allergic reactions,
headaches, congestion, eye and skin irritations, coughing, sneezing,
fatigue, dizziness and nausea.
Indoor air pollutants can cause uneasiness or discomfort, and
reduces attendance and productivity.
Recent data conveyed that poor IAQ could reduce a persons skill to
complete particular mental tasks requiring concentration, calculation,
or memory.

Indoor air pollutants accelerate building degradation. For example,

uncontrolled moisture can result in mold growth of mold or fungi that
leads to the architectural decay of building components.
Poor indoor air quality causes stress in relationships among
employees, family members, parents, teachers, students, and
school administrations.
Indoor air quality problems can also lead to liability issues, lawsuits,
or disputes.

Negative effects of poor Indoor Air Quality:

IAQ Standards are given by:

Ashrae - American society of Heating, Refrigerating,

and Air Conditioning Engineers

Osha occupational safety and health administration
Niosh - National Institute for Occupational Safety and

NIOSH found that the primary sources of indoor air quality

problems are:
Inadequate ventilation


Contamination from inside



Contamination from outside



Microbial contamination


Contamination from
building fabric


Unknown sources



The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers

(ASHRAE) established recommended ventilation rates for indoor environments in

ASHRAE amended this standard in 1975 to specify the minimum value of 5 cubic
feet per minute (CFM) of outdoor air per person be used in building design. This
standard has been incorporated into the building codes of many cities and states.

The 62-1989 standard recommends a minimum of 15 CFM of outdoor air per person
for offices (reception areas) and 20 CFM per person for general office space with a
moderate amount of smoking.

Sixty cubic feet per minute per person is recommended for smoking lounges with

local mechanical exhaust ventilation and no air recirculation.

Volatile organic compounds are found in a number

of products including:

Furniture ,Paint ,Paint strippers ,Adhesives/glues ,

Solvents ,Upholstery , Contaminated water Draperies ,

Carpet, Spray cans ,Clothing

Cleaning products ,Copy machine toners ,

Felt-tip markers/pens ,Correction fluid
Carbonless (NCR) copy paper ,Building materials
Aerosol sprays ,Disinfectants ,Fuels,Tobacco smoke

Air fresheners/deodorizers
Pesticides ,Mothballs ,Dry-cleaned clothing
Hairsprays ,Perfumes ,Nail polish ,Fabric softeners

TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds)

Less than 0.20 mg/m - No irritation or discomfort
0.20-3.0 mg/m - Irritation and discomfort may be
3.0-25.0 mg/m - Discomfort expected and headache
Greater than 25 mg/m - Toxic range where other
neurotoxic effects may occur

Carbon Dioxide-NIOSH recommendations:

250-350 ppm

normal outdoor ambient concentrations

600 ppm

minimal air quality complaints

600-1,000 ppm

less clearly interpreted

1,000 ppm

indicates inadequate ventilation; complaints such as

headaches, fatigue, and eye and throat irritation will
be more widespread; 1,000 ppm should be used as
an upper limit for indoor levels

Concentrations and Emission Rates of VOCs for Common Materials

VOC Concentration, mg/m3

VOC Emission Rate,


Concrete with water-based

form-release agent



Acrylic latex paint



Epoxy, clear floor varnish



Felt carpet



Gypsum board






Particle board



Plastic silicone sealer



Plywood paneling



Putty strips



PVA glue cement



Sheet vinyl flooring



Silicone caulk





Building Material

Water-based EVA wall and

Standards and Guidelines for IAQ

There is no legislation regulating indoor air quality.
The standard most widely used was produced by the American
Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE).
This standard defines acceptable indoor air quality as air in
which....a substantial majority (80% or more) of the
people exposed do not express dissatisfaction.
Recommendations include:
temperature of 20 - 23.5 degrees Celsius in
winter and 23 - 26 degrees Celsius in summer
relative humidity (measure of moisture in the air)
between 30% - 60%.
carbon dioxide levels can be measured to see if
the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning
(HVAC) system is working properly.

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is enhanced by utilizing materials that meet the
following criteria

Low or non-toxic: Materials that emit few or no carcinogens, reproductive toxicants, or irritants
as demonstrated by the manufacturer through appropriate testing.

Minimal chemical emissions: Products that have minimal emissions of Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs). Products that also maximize resource and energy efficiency while
reducing chemical emissions.

Low-VOC assembly: Materials installed with minimal VOC-producing compounds, or no-VOC

mechanical attachment methods and minimal hazards.

Moisture resistant: Products and systems that resist moisture or inhibit the growth of biological
contaminants in buildings.

Healthfully maintained: Materials, components, and systems that require only simple, non-

toxic, or low-VOC methods of cleaning.

Systems or equipment: Products that promote healthy IAQ by identifying indoor air pollutants
or enhancing the air quality.

The Importance of Indoor Air Quality in Office Buildings

Indoor Air Quality

In the news since the energy crisis of the 70s
necessitated tighter construction
Same time frame more workers become white
collar due to the computer revolution
More people in tighter environment
Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) is born

Sick building syndrome:

Workers become ill at workplace and get better at

NIOSH(National Institute for Occupational Safety and

Health )uses the term Indoor environmental quality
(IEQ) to describe this.
Examples include:

Allergic reactions
Mold and Fungus

NIOSH believes the problem is not just what

one breathes
Factors in Building-Related Illness
Job stress
Ergonomic stress
Temperature extremes

These factors may occur individually or


Symptoms of SBS
Itching, burning eyes
Irritated skin
Nasal congestion
Dry irritated throats

NIOSH found that high stress environments include:

Humidity problems
Unacceptable noise levels

Adverse ergonomic conditions

Improper temperature conditions
Inadequate ventilation

Seventy percent of employed Americans work in nonagricultural, non-industrial environments

Improving building environments

There are 89 million workers in the US who mainly work
Cleaner indoor environments could help an estimated 15

million of them
There is no OSHA regulation regarding indoor air quality
in offices

OSHAs recommendations
There is no mention of office standards
Inquiries are delegated to either NIOSH, EPA or ASHRAE
ASHRAE standards were set in 1973 and updated in 1975
Recommend an exchange rate of 5 cubic feet of outside air per

minute for every person working in a building

OSHA Major Indoor Air Contaminants



Health Effects

Acetic Acid

Silicone caulk, x-ray equipment

Mucous membrane irritant

Carbon Dioxide

Unvented appliances, human respiration,


Loss of concentration, sleepy, quicker


Carbon Monoxide

Tobacco smoke, improperly vented

exhaust or appliances

Headache, nausea, cyanosis,

cardiovascular effects, death


Foam insulation, plywood, particle board,

paneling, carpeting, fabrics, glues

Allergic reactions, rashes, eye, respiratory,

and mucous membrane irritation, odor

Nitrogen Oxides

Improperly vented exhaust or appliances,

tobacco smoke, welding

Irritation to mucous membranes

OSHA Major Indoor Air Contaminants

Source: OSHA Technical Manual: Section III: Chapter 2, pp.2-3

Copy machinery, air cleaners, electrical

arcing, smog

Mucous membrane irritation,

aggravated chronic respiratory

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

Copiers, glue, paint, asphalt, gasoline and

tobacco smoke, cosmetics, glue, dried
floor drains, cleaning compounds

Dizziness, nausea, mucous membrane

irritation, fatigue, headache

Ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide

Microfilm, window cleaner, drain cleaners

blue-print equipment, tobacco smoke,
combustion products

Mucous membrane irritation, aggravated

chronic respiratory diseases

Synthetic Fibers

Fibrous glass and mineral wool

Dermatitis, eye, skin, lung irritant

Tobacco Smoke

Pipe, cigar, cigarette smoking

Respiratory system, eye and nasal

irritation, coughing, wheezing, sneezing,
headache, sinus problems, contains
several hundred toxic substances

Microorganisms and biological


Air conditioning condensate, cooling

towers, water damaged materials, indoor
high humidity, hot water systems, plants,
animals, insects, food and food products

Allergic reactions, pneumonias, humidifier

fever, infections such as legionellosis.
Symptoms include chills, fever, aching
muscles, tight chest, cough, headaches,
diarrhea and nausea

Smoking should be banned from inside buildings
Outside smoking areas should be kept away
from ventilation uptakes and away from doors or

Ventilation is key
Good ventilation moves a lot of air
Humidity should be kept low indoors to prevent
mold and fungus growth.
Moisture should not accumulate in drip pans and
there should be no water damage due to leaky

Biological threat to indoor air quality
Moisture either due to water damage or
high humidity.
Mold will grow where it has food and
Eliminating water from the indoor
environment will limit mold growth.

Places mold loves

Leaking roofs
Substandard maintenance
Cold spots
Localized flooding
Malfunctioning humidifiers
Leaky plumbing


Mold is big business and business is thriving

Mold in buildings can cause

Aggravation of asthma symptoms

Allergic reactions
Some molds are toxic
Severity of symptoms
Depend on the ages of the individuals that are
Length of exposure
Sensitivities that might already exist


Radioactive gas produced as radium decays

Present in almost all soils and in rocks
Migrates through groundwater and soil
Seeps into homes and buildings through the
Second to smoking in causing lung cancer
EPA had success in homes now wants to test in
commercial buildings

Fibrous mineral found in rocks
Extruded into filaments that cannot be seen with the
naked eye
Under the right conditions can suspend in the air and

be inhaled
Causes asbestosis, lung cancer and mesothelioma
Can take up to 20 years after exposure to manifest

More of a threat to maintenance workers because it
was used as insulation in boiler rooms and service

If it is intact OSHA does not recommend moving it, just
NIOSH advocates its removal in all cases and believes
there is no safe amount of asbestos

More of a danger during demolition or renovation


EPA estimates that friable (easily crumbled) asbestos
exists in 700,000 public and commercial buildings
EPA and NIOSH 5 facts about asbestos:
Asbestos is dangerous but only if airborne
Average amount in buildings is low making health
risks low
Ill advised removal is more dangerous than
Removal is only necessary in renovation or demolition

Sources of Indoor Air Pollutants

1. Building Site or Location:
The location of a building can have implications for indoor

Highways or busy thoroughfares may be sources of
particulates and other pollutants in nearby buildings.
Buildings sited on land where there was prior industrial use
or where there is a high water table may result in leaching
of water or chemical pollutants into the building.

2. Building Design:

Design and construction flaws may contribute to indoor

air pollution.
Poor foundations, roofs, facades, and window and Door

openings may allow pollutant or water intrusion.

Outside air intakes placed near sources where
pollutants are drawn back into the building (e.g., idling
vehicles, products of combustion, waste containers, etc.)
or where building exhaust reenters into the building can
be a constant source of pollutants.
Buildings with multiple tenants may need an evaluation to
ensure emissions from one tenant do not adversely
affect another tenant.

3. Building Systems Design and Maintenance:

When the HVAC system is not functioning properly for any
reason, the building is often placed under negative pressure.
In such cases, there may be infiltration of outdoor pollutants
such as particulates, vehicle exhaust, humid air, parking
garage contaminants, etc.

3. Building Systems Design and Maintenance:

Also, when spaces are redesigned or renovated, the HVAC system may not
be updated to accommodate the changes.

For example, one floor of a building

that housed computer services may be renovated for offices.

The HVAC system would need to be

modified for office employee occupancy (i.e., modifying temperature, relative
humidity, and air flow).

4. RenovationActivities:
When painting and other renovations are being

conducted, dust or other by-products of the

construction materials are sources of pollutants
that may circulate through a building.

5. Local Exhaust Ventilation:

Kitchens, laboratories, maintenance shops, parking
garages, beauty and nail salons, toilet rooms, trash
rooms, soiled laundry rooms, locker rooms, copy
rooms and other specialized areas may be a source

of pollutants when they lack adequate local exhaust


6.Building materials
Disturbing thermal insulation or

sprayed-on acoustical material, or the

presence of wet or damp structural surfaces

(e.g., walls, ceilings)or non-structural

surfaces (e.g., carpets, shades),may
contribute to indoor air pollution.

7.Building Furnishings:
Cabinetry or furniture made
of certain pressed-wood products
may release pollutants into the
indoor air.

8.Building Maintenance:
Workers in areas in which pesticides,

cleaning products, or personal-care

products are being applied may be exposed
to pollutants.
Allowing cleaned carpets to dry
Without active ventilation may promote
microbial growth.

9. Occupant Activities:
Building occupants may be the
source of indoor air pollutants;
such pollutants include perfumes
or colognes.

Common Pollutant Categories

Although there are numerous indoor air pollutants
that can be spread through a building, they typically
fall into three basic categories: biological, chemical,
and particle .

Excessive concentrations of bacteria, viruses, fungi,
dust mites, animal dander, and pollen may result
from inadequate maintenance and housekeeping,
water spills, inadequate humidity control,
condensation, or water intrusion through leaks in
the building envelope or flooding.

Sources of chemical pollutants (gases and
vapors)include emissions from products used in

the building (e.g., office equipment; furniture,

wall and floor coverings; pesticides; and
cleaning and consumer products), accidental

spills of chemicals, products used during

construction activities such as adhesives and
paints, and gases such as carbon monoxide,
formaldehyde, and nitrogen dioxide, which are
products of combustion.

Particle (Non-biological)
Particles are solid or liquid, non-biological,
Substances that are light enough to be
suspended in the air.
Dust, dirt, or other substances may be
Drawn into the building from outside.
Particles can also be produced by activities
that occur in buildings such a construction,

sanding wood or drywall, printing, copying,

and operating equipment.



Air Pollutant


Respirable particles

Dust, soot, smoke particles, aerosols

Tobacco smoke

Tobacco products


Insulation, acoustic material, floor tiles


Pet dander, dust, pollen


Mold, bacteria

Carbon monoxide

Combustion products from grills,

kerosene heaters, vehicle exhaust

Vapors and Gases

Nitrogen oxides

Volatile Organic
Compounds (VOCs)


Many building products such as

plywood, fabrics, insulation, furniture,
combustion, etc.


Photocopying material, office supplies,

cosmetic products, paints, cleaning
products, tobacco smoke, etc.


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