Assignment1 Info Literacy

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Assignment 1: Information Literacy, Aasiya Tori

Aasiya Tori
Professor Maggio
CSIT 101
January 11, 2015
Assignment 1: Information Literacy
1. Use the Internet to find a Technology current event article.
2. Write a paragraph summarizing the article.
Computer scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered side
channels in personal computers and mobile devices that leak information to hackers in
simple places such as coffee shops. It is not fully understood, but even though the internet
connection may be turned off, these hackers are able to detect tiny signals that allow them
to attack someones computer. The articles intent was to inform readers of the possibility
of their devices being hacked and what actions they must take to prevent harmful
3. Find two additional Internet articles on the same topic.
4. TRAAP your source. (
a. Time This article is quite new. It was published only a few days ago.
b. Relevance It is relevant to everyone with a mobile device or personal
c. Authority The author is qualified to write on this subject. It is not their
first time writing in this area, and they graduated with a related degree.
d. Accuracy The author uses quotes from researchers and keeps up with
studies from the research center/college.
e. Purpose This was written to inform people about the dangers of hackers
and the harmful events that could occur. Advice is also given to prevent
such occurences.
5. Find two scholarly journal articles on the same topic from the CCBC library
a. Barrett, Rick. "Hackers test, teach computer pros at Cyber Range."
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) 29 Dec. 2014: Points of View Reference
Center. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
b. DANIELLE, BRITNI. "Fending Off Identity Fraud." Ebony 70.2 (2014):
89. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
6. Compare the Internet and Journal Articles.

Assignment 1: Information Literacy, Aasiya Tori

a. The Internet provided much more variety and voice on the subject of
hackers taking advantage of insecure Wi-Fi. However, the Journal Articles
from the private CCBC library database spoke with more clarity. Both of
them were easy to understand. Most of the articles, both Internet and
Journal Articles, were about the same length.
7. Cite all five sources in APA or MLA format.
Barrett, Rick. "Hackers test, teach computer pros at Cyber Range." Milwaukee Journal
Sentinel (WI) 29 Dec. 2014: Points of View Reference Center. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
Danielle, Britni. "Fending Off Identity Fraud." Ebony 70.2 (2014): 89. MAS Ultra
School Edition. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
Georgia Institute of Technology. "Researchers Work to Counter a New Class of Coffee
Shop Hackers." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 08 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.
Mamiit, Aaron. "Researchers Working to Protect You from Coffee Shop Hackers: What
You Should Know." Tech Times RSS. Tech Times, 10 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Jan.
2015. <>
O'Callaghan, Jonathan. "Beware the Coffee Shop Hacker: New Breed of Cyber Criminal
Spies on Your Laptop by Listening to Signals Even When It's OFFLINE." Mail
Online. Associated Newspapers, 09 Jan. 2015. Web. 11 Jan. 2015.

8. Formatting of document.
9. Upload document for a grade in Blackboard.

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