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Rebekah: Fulfillment and Deception

Rebekah, one of the prominent women of Genesis, was born in approximately

1760 BCE and lived in Aram-Naharaim, the homeland of Abraham.
Rebekah was chosen by God to marry Isaac, the son of Abraham. When Abraham
was growing old, he sent out one of his servants to find Isaac a wife. He requested that
the woman be among his kin, not a Canaanite. Abraham also wanted his son to remain in
his land, so the woman would have to be willing to leave her home and travel back to
Canaan. Abrahams servant set out for the city of Nahor, where Rebekah was living,
accompanied by 10 camels carrying gifts for the bride. In the evening, he waited by a
well. There, he asked God for a sign: the woman destined to be Isaacs bride would let
him drink from her jar and offer to water his camels- Rebekah did these very things. After
he discussed these events with Bethuel, Rebekahs father, and Laban, Rebekahs brother,
they agreed to the match, Laban saying Take her and go, and let her be the wife of your
masters son, as the Lord has spoken (New Revised Standard Version, Gen. 24:50).
Rebekah married Isaac when he was 40 years old. Many difficulties in her life
involved her children, beginning with her infertility. She was barren for 20 years, after
which she became pregnant with twins. During the pregnancy, the twins struggled in her
womb and caused her great pain. She asked God, If it is to be this way, why do I live?
He said to her: Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples born of you shall be
divided; one shall be stronger than the other, the elder shall serve the younger (Gen.

Her sons, Esau (first born) and Jacob (second born) grew up to have opposite
personalities, just as God had told Rebekah. Esau was a skillful hunter and always in the
fields, whereas Jacob was quiet and secluded. Both Isaac and Rebekah had a preferred
child: Isaac favored Esau, and Rebekah favored Jacob. Rebekahs fondness for Jacob
caused her to later trick Isaac into giving Jacob his clan blessing before Isaac died. Isaac
was going to give the blessing to Esau, but Rebekah put Jacob in a disguise and deceived
Major parts of Rebekahs life had to do with God. God answered Abrahams
servants prayers, and chose Rebekah as Isaacs wife. Without the distinct signs from
God, Rebekah and her family may not have been willing to send her to marry Isaac. God
also provided a prophecy when Rebekah was pregnant, stating that the elder (Esau)
would serve the younger (Jacob) in the end. Although this happened through lying and
deception, Gods words were true and lead to important genealogy. If Rebekah didnt
trick Isaac, Jacob wouldnt have gained power. The blessing, which granted superiority,
was important because in those times your personal value was based on power. Jacob
later became father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Without Rebekah, none of this would have
Biblical scholars described Rebekah as a beautiful, untouched young woman
quick to serve and agree to fulfilling her role in the divine plan. Women at that time
were treated as objects, with few (if any) rights and were treated as men's property.
Rebekah, who was especially beautiful, even produced fear in Isaac that other men would
kill him to take her as their wife. Also, scholars emphasize a pattern among matriarchs:

infertility. Sarah, Rebekah, and Rachel were all barren, which was unfortunate at a time
when women's most important job for women was to produce children. Luckily, in
Rebekahs case, Isaac prayed and the Lord granted his wishes.
Current family relationships differ from values in Rebekahs time. Today, its
virtually unheard of for a mother to favor a certain child in her family. Rebekah, on the
other hand, openly and went to the lengths of tricking her own husband to help Jacob.
Though Rebekah didnt have the healthiest family relationships, she was still
loyal to Jacob and to God. It was her job to marry Isaac and to bring success upon Jacob,
and she fulfilled both duties.

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