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Lesson 10 Notes

Possessive Pronouns: - - -
1. In Arabic, the possessive pronouns are like
suffixes attached to the noun.
your (masculine singular)
his book
her book
my book
2. When ( father) or ( brother) is Mudhaaf
to any noun/pronoun, an extra has to be
added between the Mudhaaf and the
Mudhaaf Ilayh.
However, my brother and my father
have no extra . Examples:
There are 4 words like this in Arabic. You
have learnt two, and the other two you will
learn in the future, InshaaAllah.

3. When the preposition

belonging to is attached to a pronoun, it
gets a Fat-ha. Examples:
However, belonging to me has a Kasra:
4. is used with things that are separable.
Relations and parts of the body are not of
this nature. Therefore,
is used for them.
Examples: I have a brother
I have a mouth
5. We have learned that feminine proper
nouns have no Tanween. Likewise,
masculine proper nouns ending with also
have no Tanween. Example:
6. means with. To understand the
difference between and , remember
that if you say:

The teacher is with the headmaster, it
means that the teacher has gone to the
headmasters office, and he is with him
there, but:

doesnt have this restriction. He can be with

the headmaster anywhere.
is a preposition meaning at or in.
8. We have learnt
he went. Now, we
you went (masculine singular)
and I went.
9. In Lesson 1, we have learned that means
what. This word is also used as a negative
particle. So,
means I dont

have a car.

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