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Characterization - RAINSFORD

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell

Directions: As we read, draw Rainsfords characteristics. Include a quote that explains why you
drew that feature on your character, followed by (Connell Page #). These characteristics can be
physical or character traits. Dont draw anything that you cannot find a quote to support. A total
of 10 quotes are expected by the end of the story.

Characterization - GENERAL ZAROFF

The Most Dangerous Game by Richard Connell
Directions: As we read, draw General Zaroffs characteristics. Include a quote that explains why
you drew that feature on your character, followed by (Connell Page #). These characteristics can
be physical or character traits. Dont draw anything that you cannot find a quote to support. A
total of 10 quotes are expected by the end of the story.

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