Robert E. Lee Secondary NHD Sources

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Secondary Sources

Digital Images
-Picture of Robert E. Lee. Digital image. Human Events. Rod Gragg, 12 May 2012. Web.
22 Nov. 2014. Picture of Robert E. Lee. The picture displays a high quality portrait.
-Robert E. Lee. Digital image., n.d. Web. 22 Nov.
2014. A black and white portrait of Robert E. Lee.
-Freeman, Douglas Southall. "R. E. Lee." U.S. Military Academy. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov.
2014. Article with quotes about R.E Lee's life.
-Bloodiest battles of the Civil War. Digital image. Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d.
Web. 24 Nov. 2014. A bar graph showing which wars in the Civil War had the most
-"Maps of Malvern Hill, Virginia (1862)." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on
Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2015. This is a map of the Malvern Hill, the battle
between pope and lee
-np, ndOverview of the battle Antietam Wikipedia Web. Jan 2015 This is a map of
Antietam, a battle in the civil war between
-np,nd Section of the Civil War Trust Gaines' Mill battle map
Civil War Trust
Nd, np Web. Battle map of Gaines Mill
-nd Battle of Fredericksburg
Fredericksburg News
Np, nd Web. Battle map of Fredericksburg, between Lee and Franklin
-nd, Hancock Attacks
Np, nd Web. Battle Map of The Wilderness, between Lee and Hancock, close stalemate
Spotsylvania Court House. 1864. Spotsylvania. Accessible Civil War. Web. 12 Jan.
2015. picture taken during the civil war of the Spotsylvania Court House

"Maps of Cold Harbor, Virginia (1864)." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on

Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2015. Map of the battle between Lee and Hancock

"Maps of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania (1863)." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on

Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 12 Jan. 2015. Map of the battle of Gettysburg

-Roush, Tom. Aura Lea. Rec. 1861. George R. Poulton, 1861. Stafa Band. Web. 21 Nov.
2014. Great reproduction of a popular American Civil War audio.
-The Battle of Manassas. Rec. 1866. Tom Blind, 1866. Stafa Band. Web. 21 Nov.
2014. A brilliant composite of the original song "The Battle of Manassas".
-"Robert E. Lee Video." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 20 Nov.
2014. Video about Robert E Lee. This video also shows what happens throughout his
life and some background information.
"American Experience: TV's Most-watched History Series." PBS. PBS, n.d. Web. 01 Oct.
2014 Contrasts the leadership Robert E. Lee displayed.
"Civil War Battles of Robert E Lee." About. Education, n.d. Web. 04 Oct.
2014. A collection of Civil War battles Robert E. Lee has partaken in with nifty
Blount, Roy, Jr. "Making Sense of Robert E. Lee." Smithsonian. Smithsonian Magazine,
June-July 2003. Web. 04 Oct. 2014.

- Staff. "Robert E. Lee." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web.
04 Oct. 2014
"Robert E. Lee." History Net: Where History Comes Alive., n.d. Web. 04
Oct. 2014. A long and detailed summary of Robert E. Lees influence on the Civil War.
"Robert E. Lee." Robert E. Lee. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. Citations for more Robert
E. Lee sources as well as a short explanation of his role in the Civil War.
"Robert E. Lee." Bio. A&E Television Networks, 2014. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. A very
detailed biography of Robert E. Lee and a video to go along with it.
"Robert E. Lee." Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web.
02 Oct. 2014. Locations of Civil War battles and various pictures, links, and locations to
the battlefields.
-, A. /.
"Robert E. Lee." American History, n/a. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. Portrait of Robert E. Lee
and a summary of his influence on the war.
"Robert E. Lee." Robert E. Lee. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. Depicts the life story of
Robert E.Lee. Also includes some intro to how the Civil War started.
"Robert E. Lee American Civil War Confederate General." Robert E. Lee American Civil
War Confederate General. American Civil War, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. Pictures of
Robert E. Lee and of his personal life.
"Robert E. Lee Biography." Robert E. Lee Biography. Son of the South, n.d. Web. 4 Oct.
2014. Robert E. Lees achievements and goals. Early life is included.

N, A. /. "Robert E. Lee -- Biography." Robert E. Lee -- Biography. Men Behind the Myth
Page, n/a. Web. 03 Oct. 2014. What happened to Robert E. Lee after the war.
"Robert E. Lee (ca. 18061870)." Encyclopedia Virginia: Lee, Robert E. (ca. 1806
1870). Encyclopedia Virginia, n.d. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. A biography of Robert E. Lee and
a list of important dates.
Shmoop Editorial Team. "Robert E. Lee in The Civil War." Shmoop
University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 02 Oct. 2014. How Robert E. Lee was defeated in
the Civil War (Picketts Charge).
"The American Civil War and The Battle of Gettysburg: General Robert E. Lee." The
American Civil War and The Battle of Gettysburg: General Robert E. Lee. The American
Civil War: The Battle of Getty, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2014. Depicts the setting during the
Battle of Gettysburg. Includes quotes that Lee made.
N, A. /. "The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863." The Battle of Gettysburg, 1863. Ibis
Communications, Inc., n/a. Web. 01 Oct. 2014. Recalls the actions portrayed by Robert
E. Lee in the eyes of a 12 year old girl.

-"Chapter 22." History Alive! United States through Industrialism. Palo Alto, CA:
Teacher's Curriculum Institute, 2011. 424+. Print.
History Alive! The United States through Industrialism Pg. 424, 428-430, 435, 437-438,
440-441 Chapter 22. Displays the events happening complying to Lee throughout the
Civil War and after.

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