Constant Velocity and Acceleration Model Summary

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Meremikwu, Ijeoma

AP Physics, Period
Mr. Vanderway
Due: 10/20/14
Constant Velocity and Acceleration Model Summary

Section 1 : Reference Frames

Models are tools used to describe objects in motion. With these tools, are reference frames. In
reference frames there are three main ideas: zero position, positive direction and dimensions. So
far we have only worked with reference frames in one dimension. Because of that, there is only
two directions, which are the positive and negative direction. Zero position is the reference point
we use when we are comparing positions of an object.
Section 2 : Constant Velocity Model
Section A: Introduction to Velocity and its Equations
Velocity is how fast the object is going in a direction with respect to a reference frame and also
means the change in position of an object over time. When an object is described by the constant
velocity model it means that they have no change in their motion over time ( not rate of change).
There are two main equations that are in this specific model. The equations shown below can
tells us any information that is part of this model or equation.
When you see this equation it means that the total change in position of an object equals how fast
the object is going in a direction (with respect to object's reference frame) multiplied by time it
takes the object to travel.
This equation represents that the final position of an object equals the speed of which the object
is going in a direction multiplied by the time it takes the object to travel to final position plus the
objects initial or starting position of the object at time zero.

Section B: Graphical and Diagrammatic Representations of Constant Velocity

At the left is a graphical representation of a car going at constant velocities in different time
intervals. In the first time interval the object ,starting from zero position, has a constant positive
velocity in the x vs. t graph. The velocity is positive because of the lines slope. The slope of the
line in the x vs. t graph tells us the velocity of the object. Because the line has a linear
relationship that slope of the line (velocity) is change in position over change in time.
Corresponding to that is the v vs. t graph showing velocity as a horizontal line and is constant.
The third interval is the same concept, but ,at that point, the object has a velocity less than its
original. This similar because the line in the first interval is steeper than the line in the third
In the second interval we see that the car is going in the negative direction with a negative
velocity. That information is interpreted from the descending slope. Because the slope is
descending, it is negative and when we have a negative slope we would have a negative velocity.
The negative velocity is then shown below the y axis in the second interval time slot.

The diagram at the right corresponds to the same graph that was in the previous section. Here the
diagram shows that the objects x-naught (position at time zero), just like in the graph, is zero
meters. The diagram then shows the constant velocity of the car in different time intervals.

Section C: Applications of Constant Velocity in the Real World

Problem: Oh no! The bank robber is making his getaway in a car while being chased by the
police. The bank robber, stupidly, goes at a constant speed of 20 m/s while the 60 year - old
policeman chases the bank robbers car with a steady speed of 30 m/s . The bank robber was
able to get a 300 meter head start, while the old man was trying to get into his car. In order for
the bank robber to get away, he needs to reach the boat to the Caribbean that is 1300 meters
away from his position, before the police man gets to him. Will the police man be able to catch
the crook? If so at what time will he catch the crook and what distance would he catch him at?
How to solve problem:
We know that in order for the police man and the robber to meet they must have the same
position at the same time. You can solve this quantitatively (algebraically) or qualitatively
(graphically). Before solving we have to create a diagram of what is happening to get a better
understanding of the situation.


If we know that he robber and police meet, that means that they would have the same position
and same time. First we need to solve for t seconds (what time they meet) and then we can
solve for when they meet.
x1 =x2
Step 1) Police
x1 =V1t +X10 x2 =V2t +X20
x1 =(30ms)t +0m x2 =(20ms)t +300m
Step 2) Find t by replacing the variables with equations and solve.
(30ms)t +0m = (20ms)t +300m
t = 30 seconds ; So the police and robber will meet in 30 seconds.
Step 4) Plug the value for t in one of the equations and you get the total distance the police
and crook traveled before meeting each other.
x =(20ms)t +300m
x=(20ms)(30s) +300m
x=900 meters; so the police and robber will meet at 900 meters.

Section 3: Constant Acceleration Model:

Section A: Introduction to Acceleration and Equations
Acceleration is the change in velocity of an object for every time unit with respect to a
reference frame or the rate of a change in velocity. An objects motion can also be described by
the constant acceleration model. In this model there are eight main equations that assists in
describing an object with constant acceleration.
(a - acceleration - is constant)
v =a t
This equation means that the change in velocity of an object equals the rate of change of velocity
(acceleration) multiplied by the time of travel.
vf = at +vo
This equation represents that the final velocity of an object equals its rate of change in velocity
(acceleration) times time object traveled plus the initial velocity (the velocity at time zero) the
object had.
x = 12 at2+vot
The change in position or displacement of an object equals half of the value of the rate of change
in velocity (acceleration) of the object multiplied by the time it traveled squared plus the initial
velocity of the object times time.
x= 12 at2+vot + xo
The final position of an object equals half of the rate of change in velocity times time object
traveled squared, plus initial velocity of the object times time, and added to the position of object
at time zero.
x = 12( at+vo)t
Change in position of an object can be represented as half the of the sum of rate of change in
velocity times time the object traveled plus initial velocity, and that value times time it traveled
xf = 12( at+vo)t + xo
This equation represents that half of the sum , rate of change in velocity time time the object
traveled plus initial velocity, times time the object traveled plus the position of the object at time
zero equals the final position of the object.
This equation represents that final velocity of an object squared equals initial velocity of an
object squared plus the product of twice the value of acceleration times the change in position of
an object.
Final velocity of an object squared equals initial velocity squared plus twice the value of the
difference of final position and initial position of the object.

Section B: Graphical and Diagrammatic Representation of Constant Acceleration:

In the first interval the object is speeding up by a constant rate in the positive direction for rest.
That information can be interpreted because the first interval is a parabola and a parabola in the x
vs. t graph that has a positive slope which means that the objects velocity is increasing at a
constant rate over time. In the v vs. t graph a diagonal line in that interval slot is drawn there to
show object is increasing velocity over time. In the a vs. t graph the horizontal line shows that
the velocity is increasing at a constant rate. In the second interval the object is moving in the
positive direction with a constant positive velocity. In the third interval the object is slowing
down to a stop at a constant negative acceleration. The object is slowing down to a stop at a
constant rate because in the x vs. t graph the convex curve straightening out into a line shows
that the object has a decreasing velocity. Because of that, in the v vs. t graph the velocity is going
in the negative direction towards the x- axis of the graph ( that represents zero velocity or the
object stops). In the a vs. t graph the object has a decreasing velocity at a constant negative
acceleration, so a horizontal line under the x-axis to represent its going in the negative direction.
In the fourth interval, the object stays in the same position indicating that the object is not
moving in any direction (which means the object has no velocity or acceleration).

In the diagram above the four intervals are shown here. In the first interval the objects velocity
increases at a constant rate in the positive direction, then stays at that current constant velocity
for the second interval. For the third interval the object slows down to the stop and that is shown
at the point where the arrows gets shorter. The final interval is shown where the object has zero
velocity and is at a position.
Section C : Applications of Constant Acceleration in the Real World
Its Raceway Indiana 950 and all racecars are on the track. In the final division of the event, there
are two cars that are racing to the finish line with different initial velocities and constant
accelerations. The Lowes racecar is speeding down the lane with constant acceleration
6 m/s2 in the final lap from a velocity of 45 m/s and is 2500 meters away from the
finish line. The Home Depot racecar has a velocity 65 m/s and is 1500 meters away from the
finish line. That racecar is speeding up at a constant rate of 5 m/s2. Who will finish the race
first? At what time will the winner car finish the race?
In every problem we do, we always want to create a diagram to show what is happening in the
problem and what is the best method to solve this problem.

I used the qualitative method to solve this problem because that method was more easier and
direct to use.


Lowe Car

Home Depot Car

1. 12a1t1 +V0 1 t1 =x2

You minus Delta X on both sides
12a1t1 +V0 1 t1 -x =0

1. 12a2t2 +V0 2 t2 =x2

You minus Delta X on both sides

12a2t2 +V0 2 t2 -x2=0

This is a quadratic equation so you

plug in the variables that correspond to This is a quadratic equation so you
plug in the variables that correspond to
each spot in the quadratic formula.
each spot in the quadratic formula.
t1=-V01 (-V01)2 3)t2=-V02 (-V02)2 4(12a1)(x1)2(12a1)
You then plug in the values for each of
You then plug in the values for each
the variables and get two answers for
of the variables and get two answers
for t
t -40.73s t 14.73s
t -36s t 22. 96s
We throw away the answer that does
We throw away the answer that does
not make sense (t -40.73s) because
time can never be negative. And so the not make sense (t -36s) because time
can never be negative. And so the car
car reaches the finish line in 14.73
reaches the finish line in 22.96

Section 4 : Differentiating and Applying Constant Velocity Model and Constant

Acceleration Model
Section A: Domains and Conditions
In these two models there are different domains or conditions that must be met to apply these
toolboxes. First, in the constant velocity model there are four main conditions that must be
established in the objects motion. The object must have a constant velocity reference frame, the
objects velocity must be relatively less than the speed of light, be labeled as a
(something that has no dimension, but has mass), and the object must be

moving with a constant velocity. In the constant acceleration model, acceleration of the object
has to be relativistically slower than the speed of light, the object must be labeled as a particle,
the object must have constant acceleration and must have a constant acceleration reference
frame. These models can be applied to any real-life situation as long as they fit the
domains/conditions of each the toolboxes. These models are not applicable to real-life
situations if the object in the situation we are describing does not comply with at least one of the
Section B: Misconceptions and Relationships between the Models
The main misconceptions between these two models are what they are describing and how they
are related to each other. Velocity is describing an objects motion. Acceleration is describing
how that motion is changing. So in the constant velocity model, the object is moving at the same
speed in a direction and has no changes over time in its motion (which means it does not have
any acceleration). For the an object that has a velocity that is increasing at a constant rate, that
means that the object has a constant acceleration (increasing it motion at a rate).
Section C: When does the World use these Models?
There are other scientific fields that need constant velocity and acceleration models to describe
an objects motion. For space travel the constant acceleration model is applied here. In order for
the astronauts to get to their destination and back, astrophysicists uses the concepts of constant
acceleration to decide what changes (increases) in velocity does the space vessel (object) need at
certain points in time and positions. For constant velocity model, a real world application can be
cars. Cars on the roads have to keep at a constant speed when driving to avoid any accidents.
Another is a stunt man on a red race car that has the same constant velocity of the blue racecar
has to jump on the blue race car for the sake of the film he is in. These models can be applied
anywhere as long as the object is complying with the models domains.

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