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Which name will suit you

Dear readers, astrology is such a vast science and has so many branches that it is not possible for
one to be an expert in all of them but numerology and astrology are sciences which are very deep
and i have been experimenting a lot in these two since a long time now. So I will share my opinion
on what name will suit you most. Hope you will benefit from it.
IN our day to day life we have seen many people falling from a big position and gaining new
heights in their personal professional life. Is our name one of the factors affecting the destiny or it is
the otherway round- one will have a particular name totalling to a particular number irrespective of
religion country etc. In hindu shastras it is mentioned at many places that one should not be named
on the names of rivers, mountains, constellations, gods and goddesses etc. Some names I have
observed that they bring misfortune usually, i will not share that, as it may demoralise the readers
with those names.
When Lord Rama was born all the planets yogas stars nature etc came in a harmonious symmetry.
The same happens with all of us, i.e. these positions at the time of our birth decide our fate and vice
versa we are born with a destiny and become existant in the world at a particular combination of
these factors.
Can we change our fate by changing our name ? NO. Then what is the purpose of writing this
article? We cannot change our destiny but we can;to a certain extent;definately change the
negativities surrounding us resulting in lesser misfortunes and pains.
You should first know the numbers associated with each alphabet:
A,I,J,Q,Y -1
Planets and Numbers as per Cheiro

Sourav Ganguly was born on 8 july 1972

let us see what his date and name have in common

8+7+1+9+7+2 = 34 =7
s o u r a v
3+7+6+2+1+6 = 25

g a n g u l y
= 22

47 is the full total of his name which comes down to 11 and then to 2 when adding up.

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