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Luke 7:11-17
Choose the correct answer from below:
1.Why was the widow crying?
2.What did Jesus tell the widow?
3. What did Jesus do to stop the woman from being sad?
4.What did people think when they heard about what Jesus had done?
1. It was a big news to the people, Jesus performed a miracle, everyone was amazed
and praised God.
2. Jesus raised up the man from the dead and gave him back to his mother.
3. Dont cry
4. The widow was crying because her son died.
Write T for if it is True and F if it is False.
1. Jesus walked away when he saw the widow crying___
2. Jesus raised the young man from dead and gave him back to his mother ___
3. Jesus poured water on the coffin ____
4. Jesus touched the coffin ___
5. Jesus felt sorry for the widow because her son died __
Match the following:
2. Jesus
3. Coffin
4. Jesus
5. Everyone
6. Nain

praised God when the saw Jesus raised the man from the dead.
performed a miracle (raising the dead man).
A woman whos husband died.
healed the young man.
A wooden box used for burying the Dead.
the town where Jesus went with his disciples

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