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Date: September 23, 2014

To: Intermediate English

From: Prof. Maria Azela L. Tamayo
Subject: Module 3 & 4
Good Day!
In reference to your take home activity in module 3, you are required to do individual
power point presentation (printed copy only) to be submitted on September 28. You can submit
power point presentation used at work provided that it follows the concept in module 3.
In terms of the oral presentation, you will be in group with 3 members (per specialization/
course) to be presented on October 5, 2014 (5th contact session) and October 19, 2014 (6th
contact session/ after your final exam). You will be given 5 minutes each group to apply your
business presentation skills. You may select interesting topic among yourselves to use in the said
Moreover, regarding the module 4, take home activity will be submitted on October 5,
2014. You are required to write business correspondence (please check your module 4).
Questions and clarifications will be entertained on September 28, 2014 after the
discussion of modules 3 and 4. Please bring your printed copy of your modules.
Thank you very much!

1. There are 43 BS IE students; 3 BS CE; 3 BS ECE; 6 BS IT; 1 BS CPE;
*you may select your group mates based on your interest and convenience/schedule
2. To those with lacking requirements on modules 1 & 2, please submit them on Sunday.

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