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Provide answers to the following questions. You may write at the back of this page. Additional
sheets are acceptable. Write in black ink. Each item is worth 25 points.
1. Your patient has signs of increased ICP, including disorientation and right-sided weakness.
Describe the medical management you would anticipate to control the ICP and the nursing
measures that are indicated. What are the signs and symptoms of further deterioration In
neurologic status? Explain the physiologic cause of each sign and symptom.
2. You are caring for an 18-year old patient admitted to the hospital to evaluate the recent onset
of seizures and an episode of status epilepticus. He is angry about his situation and states that
he has no intention of taking medications. Describe your approach to caring for him.
3. A 25-year old man with paraplegia secondary to SCI is scheduled to return home after an 8month stay in a rehabilitative facility. What health promotion strategies are relevant to teach the
patient prior to discharge? What modifications in patient teaching would be indicated if the
patient were a 50-year old woman?
4. A 19-year old college student is suspected of having meningococcal meningitis. Identify two
neurologic changes that may reflect increased ICP. What interventions would be included in
your plan of care to protect the patient from injury? Develop a teaching plan that would describe
meningococcal meningitis for the patients family and close contacts.

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