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Tuesday, January 13 1st & 3rd Block

Essential Question:
Tres bien ensemble:
Parts of Speech & Text Structures
What are text structures?
Its another Terrific Tuesday! Please find your
Mini Lesson: Text Structures
group and begin your DO NOW
Reading: Lost Dog Text Structure Packet
1) Create a Google Doc in your folder called 1/13
Vocab: portal, abstract, community, and vocab
DO NOW Adjectives and Pronouns.
from Lost Dutchman
2) Brainstorm as many adjectives and pronouns as
you can think of in English or another language.
3) Then, write three sentences about The Lost
Dutchmans Mine using as many adjectives and
pronouns as you can.
You will understand how text structures are a
type of literary category.
You will know the six different text structures.
You will be able to read an article and answer
questions about text structure.
Click on image for description & practice.


Complete the vocab robot for your word.

o Use
o We will be presenting and sharing

Unit Assessment moved to Friday, 1/23
2nd Quarter Language Arts Assessment (1st
Block-Friday, 3rd Block- TOMORROW!)
2nd Quarter Math Assessment (in our class)

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