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, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, .


: 14 Adorno T.W.:78.01

: 10. 11. 2011.

. . ,
). , ( 1934) ,
( ). .
: , , , , ,

(Theodor Adorno) , .

(), () .
, ,
1932. , Zeitschrift fr Sozialforschung ( ).


-, , ...

(Leo Lwenthal) .
1930-1932, ,1
, (1968)
(1969) (. Sziborsky, 1979: 113).

1932. ,
. ,

. (Adorno, 2004: 11602), 1930-1932 , . ,

(Adorno, 2004: 11900 11914): , . , () , . , 1934. , 1934. , , , . 1 ,
Anbruch (Ernst Kenek), 1930. . (Sziborsky, 1979: 113).
2 , , - (Mller-Dohm, 2001: 66). .


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

: , .


() ,
() (Georg Lukcs) () (Hanns Eisler) . ( , ) (Aronold Schnberg) , , ,
(Karl Marx) , . : ,

, ,

, , , ), , (Mller-Dohm, 2001: 47). (1923) ,

(Lukcs, 1977: 173). (
) : -


-, , ...

. , , (Lukcs, 1977: 258).

, ,
: (. : Schrader, 1986: 81)
. , ,
(Lukcs, 1977: 134), . :
( ) ( ).
, , (Heinrich Heine)
(Lukcs, 1977: 263).3
- , ,
, ,
, , 3
1919. , (1912-1918) ,
magnum opusu (1963).
1919, . , , harmonia prestabilita (, 1977: 6 ),
(. , 1980: 310). harmonia prestabilita
() , ' '
(. , 1980: 87).


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

. .
, (). ,
, (Lissa, 1977: 245). : , , , , . ,

, .
, , - . , 1928. , , ( , ,
.). ,
, -
. ,



-, , ...

( [Ernst Hermann Meyer], [Wolfgang Jacobi], [Herbert Rosenberg] .)


(Edmund Husserl)
(Max Weber) (Eisler, 1976: 51).

[...] ,
(Eisler, 1976: 77;
- . : Jeremi-Molnar
Molnar, 2009: 164).

1927. 1929.
. .
Anbruch [ ]
(Adorno, 2004x: 16853), (Adorno, 2004x: 16870).

. 19. (Ludwig van Beethoven) . ,
, , 19. , 19.
20. (Eisler, 1976: 67).
20. : , (Heinrich Schenker), Zeitschrift fr Musik, , -


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

(Melos ) (Igor Stravinsky), (Paul

Hindemith), , , Anbruch
(Eisler, 1976: 70), 1928-1931

. ,
, , ,
( [Fritz Jde]
: Lied) , .
(Eisler, 1976: 72), . 19. : , . , . ( ): -

(Eisler, 1976: 77).
, 1932.
, ,
, .


. :


-, , ...

, , , .
(Dau, 1998: 61-63).
, , ,
; (Adorno, 2004: 15523). . , (
, ) ,
, . :
, ,
(Not) (Adorno,
2004: 15527).
: (
) , ,
. thopos
(.: Klumpenhouwer, 2002: 37-38; DeNora, 2003: 13-14 i dalje; Martin, 1995: 98-99 i dalje).

( ) .


, ,
(Adorno, 2004: 15523). (1969)
, : fait social (Adorno, 2004: 4282).


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

; , , , (luftleeren Raum) (Adorno, 2004: 15525).
- , ( ), ,
. , :
- (, ) - (, )
- stricto sensu .

( ), ( )
( ).
, - (.

(Adorno, 2004: 15531). , ()
. , : , ,
(. : Jeremi-Molnar Molnar, 2009: 119 ).
, ,



-, , ...

, . ,
, (Adorno, 2004: 15529). () .
, (
1926. ),
. 1925. , op. 7,
. 1, , ,
2004: 15158). , . 3 (Adorno,
2004: 15159), Lieder , p. 11, 1925-1926.
Lieda 1928. (Alban Berg): ,
, Lieder [ ] , ,

(Adorno, 2004: 14865). ,
: Lieder
, , ( ) ,
, .
, ,
(Adorno, 2004: 15163). ,

2004: 15165).
, ,
: , , ,
. :


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

: ,
Lieder .
, , , .
; , , ,
, , Lieder: , , , (Adorno, 2004: 15168-15169).
, 1929.
, , (. ),
(. ), . : ()
. , , () (
) .
Tertium non datur.
( )
( ).
, 1929. ( , ) :
, . , . ,
, , (. Anbruch),


-, , ...

. 1929, ,
. , ,
, , (. : Jeremi-Molnar Molnar, 2009: 99 ).
, , . . ,
: , , , , , . , , , , (Adorno, 2004: 15534-15535). (Sigmund Freud)
, , (Adorno, 2004: 15536).
(Adorno, 2004: 15544) .
, , , ,
. , ,
, , .

(. JeremiMolnar Molnar, 2009: 126 ), par excellence.
, ,


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

, . (allen dinglichen), ,
, , (Alois Hba) (Adorno, 2004:
15540). , , , , .
, , , ,
. :
, , , ,

( ) .
, , , .
: , ( ) ( ) , ,
(Adorno, 2004: 15526). :
, , , ratio), . , ,


-, , ...

, - ;

, (Adorno, 2004: 15528; ). : , ; .
: . , ( , ),
(Richard Wagner) - ( ), , , ,
(Adorno, 2004: 15543). ,
, ,
: ()
( ), , , , . , 1932. , , , (Adorno, 2004: 15526). , , , () . ,
: ,
, : (Adorno, 2004:
15526). ,
, salto mortale, . , , -


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

( ), .
, : -
, , ,
(Adorno, 2004: 15562).
1929. ()
( )
. , : . , -
, , . , , ,

, , ,
, .
, ,
, (Adorno, 2004: 15563). :
( , ); ,
, .

, , (Adorno, 2004:


-, , ...

, . .
1929. , 1932.
) . , [...] ,
, (Adorno, 2004: 15564)
: , , .
( ) () . , , , , ,


, . ,
. , ,
1933. Vossische Zeitung. , , , Vossische Zeitung 31. 1934,
. , , Vossische Zeitung (. Adorno, 1995: 54).
, ,
. , ,
(Adorno, 2004: 16926), -


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

. , ,
[...] (Adorno,
2004: 2025),
. , ,
, , (Adorno,
2004: 15549). , 30. 1933.

(Adolf Hitler), ,
. , , , ,
: .
, ,
, (John Maynard
Keynes) 1933.

. 1934.
Vossische Zeitung . (Walter Benjamin)
[ ]
(dorno, 1995: 64). , .
, , . , , ,
. ,
[...] : (, 2004: 15635) -


-, , ...

.5 ,
Mntzel) Hitlerjugenda
(Baldur von Schirach). ,
, ,
, :
(Adorno, 2004x: 16349-16350).
: ; (Joseph Goebbels) (Adorno, 2004x: 16350). , , , ( ),
( ) , () ( SA). : , .

. , : , ,
(Adorno, 2004x: 16351). , , ,
1932, :
( ) ,
mainstreamom, ,
, , : , ,
(Adorno, 2004: 14619).


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

, , .
, . ,
, (Schrader, 1986: 81).
(, ,

(Schrader, 1986: 83).6 , , 1944.
7 .8
, , (Ernst Bloch) ,
, () .
, 6 , :
(Schiller, 1995: 218).
7 22. 1940,
, . 1 (Adorno, 2004: 15262).
8 :
, ,
(Adorno, 2004: 14384). , , , ,
, ,
, , ,
(Adorno, 2004:
(Adorno, 2004: 14130).


-, , ...

, 1969,
. , , (Immergleichen), , ,


(. : Mayer, 1978: 113-114).
20. ,
, (Adorno, 2004:
( )
(Thomas Mann) 1. 1952, :
, .
, , (dorno, 2002: 128).
; , , . ,
1934. , , .
. ( ) ,
() .


, vol. XLV (2011), no. 3, . 351372

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Dragana Jeremi-Molnar
University of Art, Belgrade
Faculty of Music


Aleksandar Molnar
University of Belgrade
Faculty of Philosophy


The purpose of the authors in the article is to contextualize Adornos early theory of society and music in his experience of Weimar Republic and Third Reich. The importance of the
revolution in his first outline of sociology of music is especially stressed. At he beginning this
period, it was the revolution of the workers class that he was trying to reconcile with the dodecaphonic revolution in music (which he believed he had already witnessed in Wienna while
studying with Alban Berg). But, his attitude changed towards the end of Weimar Republic and
at the beginning of Third Reich (Adorno left Germany in April 1934) and he separated the paths
of two revolutions, arguing that the revolution of the workers class could be pursued by the
means of vulgar bourgeois choral music (with new lyrics). The same he thought appropriate
for the Nazi revolution in one of the last papers published before his leave for England.
Key Words: Adorno, revolution, society, music, dodecaphony, workers class


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