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Top 10 Events that

Changed History

#10: Timbuktu

Timbuktu is the foundation of

schools and universities.
Timbuktu inspired schools
throughout Europe and the
rest of the world.

#9: Mongols

1206- 1370

#8: Cuneiform

Cuneiform is the oldest writing system in

the world. People started to write records
on clay tablets. Our oldest civilization of
Mesopotamia were the founders of this
writing system. Many other writing systems
of this time were based off Cuneiform.

#7: Hammurabi's Code

Hammurabis Code was

the first set of laws known
to exist. These laws were
basic so all people could
understand them. This was
the foundation of all laws
we now have today.
Some of our laws are still
based off of Hammurabis

#6: Silk Road

The Silk Road

spread culture
though out the
world. The Silk
Road spread
cultural through
cultural diffusion.
This let civilizations
like China spread
ideas to Europe
and helped them
with things like
escaping the dark

Established during 206

BC to AD 220

#5: Religion

#4: Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus
changed the world when he
ran into the Americas.
Columbus thought he was in
India but was in tropical
islands of the Americas. This
allowed other countries to
spread to the Americas and
spread cultures with the
native people.


#3: Smallpox


#2: Printing Press

The printing press

revolutionized the world. The
printing press aloud people
print off news, books, and
other documents so much
faster. The printing press
revolutionized how we
spread news and showed
that common people could
read books like the bible.

13000- 500 B.C.E.

The Neolithic Revolution is the
change from hunting and
gathering to farming and
animal domestication. The
Neolithic revolution was one of
the biggest impacts on our
world due to the fact that its
aloud people to start
civilizations and grow
population. After the Neolithic
Revolution civilizations spread
Neolithic Revolution Song!!!
all over the world.

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