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1 We can use ray diagrams to determine the position and charact by lenses for any position of the object. ics of images formed 2. Ray diagrams can be completed using any two out ofthe three rays of light. 1 © A ray of light which passes through the optical centre, 0 of the lens is undeviated. @ A ny of light parallel to the principal axis is refracted and passes through the principal focus, F. © Array of light which passes through the principal focus, F is refracted parallel to the principal © A ray of light which passes through the optical centre, O isundeviated. © A ray of light parallel to the principal axis is refracted and appears to come from the principal focus, Fon the same side ofthe lens. © A ray of ight which travels towards the principal focus, Fon the other side of the lens is refracted parallel tothe principal axis. GiExary ; For the purpose of drawing a ray diagram for a microscope the folowing procedures folowed. Show the positions of F, and F, on both sides of each lens. Draw ray © through thé optical centre of the bjectve lens untl the eyepiece. Then draw ray @ ‘though F refracted parle to the principle ani, erected though F, before entering the eye. Then, complete ray ©. The intersection point of ray @, @ and @ is the top point ofthe image ‘Any two of the three rays 0, @,and © sufficient to determine the position and characteristics of the image. Daw the constuction line @ from the top point ofthe fist image through the optical centre of the eyepiece Extend ray @ and the constuction line @ until they intersect where the top point ofthe final image formed The construction line is drawn without an arow. Ii the necessary construction linet locate the final image, Complete rays @ and @. The extended lines for rays © and @ should meet the intersecting point of rays @ and Astronomical Telescope SPM SMART TIPS: ‘Method of drawing a ray diagram for an astronomical telescope. Figure 5.55 is referred to. Step 1. Show the positions of F, and F, on both Step 2 sides of each lens. Draw fay © through the ‘optical centre of the objective lens until it meets the eyepiece. ‘Then daw ray @ through F, reacted and travels parallel to the prindple axis before being refracted by the eyepiece and travels Step3 Draw ray © which is parallel to @ and @, to be refracted by the objective lens to pass ‘through the pcint of intersection of @ and 2, Draw ray © and @ refracted by the eyepiece and travels paralled to ray @ before entering ‘ne eye. Extend ays 0, and © to ini, through F. Refresher Comparison between an astronomical telescope and a compound microscope. Similarities + Corsiss of two convexlenses. + The first image is real, inverted, and acts as the object for the eyepiece. | Theeyepieceacs asa magnifying lens. | oran astronomical telescope in norm adjustment, the fist image it atthe commen focal plane ofthe | objective lensand the eyepiece.) | + Thefinalimageis vita inverted, and magnified. i Differences Aspects Compound microscope ‘Astronomical telescope “ype offens Two high powered conver lenses ‘Alow powered convesiens anda _ high powered convexlens Focal length ES eh, First image Firstimageis magnifed _ Fist image & diminished | Position of final image Atthe near point ofthe obsene/seye | Atinfity - [Distance between Tenses: Greater than +f - | Equalto +f, ft Linear magnification, M | w= Mae | Condition ofthe eye when using} Cliay muscles are at ease andthe Gliany musdas re contracted. the instrument eyeis relaxed, Eye is strained. Ltheinstument _ | eyeisrelaned,

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