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Now Grow Your Own Forest in Your Backyard







Now Grow Your Own Forest in Your Backyard


Shradha Sharma | January 28, 2013 at 12:20 pm


Those weekend trips you made to a hill-station or to your farmhouse cushioned

amidst nature, need not be just during the weekends. If Shubhendu Sharma and
Afforestt have their way, every backyard in our country will have abundant
greenery. Shubhendus company grows urban forests that are maintenance-free,
natural forests using afforestation methods from Japan and through some
research of their own. And all these forests can be grown in just two years time.
Our forests grow ten times faster than trees planted conventionally, giving you
the equivalent of a 100-year old natural forest in just ten years, says Shubhendu
proudly. Afforestt can create dense forests with three-five trees per square metre,
in areas as small as 1,000 square feet. And their maintenance-free, natural, biodiverse forests cost only a tenth of making lawns. Afforestt uses only native species and works with 100% organic
materials to mimic what nature creates.

Shubhendu is targeting people who prefer natural landscapes to manicured lawns or exotic trees, for the later does
more harm than good to the environment. Afforestt is making urban forests in corporate campuses, around
apartment buildings, hospitals, schools etc. Another plus about these urban forests is they can soak grey water
coming out of sewage treatment plants, hence aiding purification of air and water.
Shubhendu stimulus to startup was his stint as a volunteer in the afforestation team at his previous employer
(Toyota) as well as his personal hobby of afforestation. All this started when I met Dr. Akira Miyawaki, whose
afforestation methodology (known as the Miyawaki Method) makes forests grow ten times faster. I was fascinated
with his work and joined his team as a volunteer to cultivate a forest in our Toyota factory premises, says
Shubhendu. He subsequently started experimenting with modifications to the Miyawaki Method to reduce costs
involved and to Indianise the method. And this resulted in Afforestts method, which is a modification of the
Miyawaki method using organic soil amenders, explains Shubhendu.
After practicing the methods successfully in his backyard at Uttaranchal, Shubhendu decided to combine his passion
and hard work and make a living out of the opportunity. The first reactions from landscapers and NGOs involved in
environment conservation were negative. Despite naysayers, Shubhendu formed his team and started Afforestt. And
since January 2011, Shubhendu has been increasing the green cover in our country, the Afforestt way.

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Now Grow Your Own Forest in Your Backyard

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Shubhendu dreams to change the face of our planet for good. We have lost most of our natural habitat in the name
of economic progress/development; Afforestt will help correct this . My mission is to bring back the natural greens in
which we humans deserve to live, he says.

Based in Bangalore, Afforestt can currently work across the Indian geography. Afforestt has so far 11 forests in five
cities from Kerela to Uttarakhand. We can create forests anywhere and everywhere, using materials available within
a 100 km radius of the site, says Shubhendu.

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What Shubhendu has set out to do, will impact all of us but he draws his personal motivation from being able to
create something of his own. He shares an incident, when two volunteers joined two different batches of his
afforestation programs. One a two and half year old child who planted the saplings all by herself, as if she had always
known the way it had to be done. Another a 92 year old lady who planted the first sapling with her son, murmuring a
silent prayer; knowing what a tree stands for. The realization that what I am doing is enjoyed and loved by an age
group spanning a whole human lifetime gave me a great sense of achievement, says Shubhendu.

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This year, Afforestt has launched Urban Containerized Gardens (UCG) which will enable people to grow greens
indoors and on rooftops. Talking about revenues, Shubhendu says, We charge our clients for total area covered,
which builds in our profit margin. For UCG we will charge as per the number of containers bought. About UCG
Shubhendu has invented a technology using which the containers that dont have to be watered and maintained
regularly. Afforestt is trying to keep gardens as maintenance free as possible. Their gardens are 100% organic and
will be used to grow food as well. In the next six months Afforestt plans to launch Do-It-Yourself (DIY) kits for UCG
where hobbyists can make their own indoor and rooftop gardens using the DIY kits.

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Website: Afforestt

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Srijal Sahu ASE at Accenture


loved the concept !!

fascinating :)
Reply Like September 6, 2014 at 5:43am

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chatpaltam (signed in using yahoo)

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this is wonderful news. i hope that very soon this method will be embrased worldwide and taught to the next generation
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