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World Cultures

Unit III: S.E. Asia

Name: Jake
Date: ___________________

Physical Geography of South East Asia, Oceania, and Antarctica

pgs. 689-692


What is an archipelago and identify anexample?

An Archipelago is a group of islands. An example of this is Indonesia.

2. What rivers and resources exist in South East Asia? Why is this important?
The Mekong is used for fishing and farming. The regions peninsulas make it easy for seagoing
3. What is Oceania? About how many islands exist in Oceania?
Oceania is a group of Pacific islands. It is estimated that there are over 20,000.
4. What are high islands? What are low islands?
High islands are created by volcanoes and low islands are made of coral reefs.
5. What resource problem exists in Oceania?
Oceania has poor soil and most of the islands lack minerals. The lack of resources has made it
difficult to develop industries.
6. Describe the difference in the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Even though it
has limited natural resources, what has allowed New Zealand to thrive?
North islands have hilly ranges along with a volcanic plateau. South islands have 300 mile
mountain range and glaciers. Due to New Zealands swift rivers it has allowed people to build
dams and generate power for living.
7. How is Australia different from New Zealand? (Be specific. What is found here that is
not found in New Zealand?)
Australia is very flat. Australia has very few rivers. Australia also has lower mountain tops and
forestry is not a major industry.
8. The 5th largest continent is Antarctica. Compare East and West Antarctica (underneath

the ice).
East Antarctica is a plateau surrounded by mountains and valleys. West Antarctica is a group of
separate islands linked by the ice.

9. What is interesting about Antarctica's ice sheet? What resources may lie beneath?

Antarcticas ice sheet is the biggest supply of fresh water in the world. Resources include coal,
minerals, and maybe petroleum.

Climate and Vegetation

pgs. 694-701
What sort of climate exists in most of South East Asia and Oceania?
A tropical climate exists in most of South East Asia and Oceania.
2. What are the two categories that exist in the climate of South East Asia and Oceania?
The two categories are Year-round rains, and wet and dry seasons.

3. Describe a monsoon.
A monsoon is a season prevailing wind in South East Asia blowing from the South West. This
brings heavy rain.
4. How does the climate affect the tropical plants and vegetation that exists in South East
Asia and Oceania?
South East Asia has a great number of tree species due to the wet and dry climate zone.
Oceania has poor vegetation on its lower islands, but has great vegetation on its higher islands
because the soil is better.
5. Look at the 5 Themes Box (Human-Environment Interaction). What is Terraced
Farming? Why would this be interesting to historians?
Terraced farming is the creation of edges in the land to benefit farming. This could be
interesting because it allows people to plant on slopes and makes irrigation easier.

6. Describe the climate in Australia and New Zealand. How is Australias climate similar to
South East Asia and also New Zealand?

New Zealand receives rainfall all year round. The climate in East Australia is very tropical. All
three places receive rainfall due to the tropical climate. Also, each place has dry spots with bad
7. Why is of Australia a dry desert? What is the outback?
This is because Australia lies in the tropic and sub tropics which causes this are to become very
dry with little rainfall due to the evaporation of water. The Outback is an unpopulated inland
8. What is the White Desert? What sorts of life lives in it?
The white desert is the land located around the south pole where it has little vegetation due to
its very low climate and harsh winters. The only plant vegetation is moss and lichens. The only
animal life that exists there are sea creatures, birds, and penguins.

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