Gravis Marketing Iowa Primary (December 2014)

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Current Polls in Iowa

Results for December 19 20, 2014

Contact: Doug Kaplan, 407-242-1870
Executive Summary
Gravis Marketing conducted a random survey of 309 Republican voters regarding potential presidential
candidates in 2016. The poll carries a margin of error of 5%. The total may not add to 100% due to
rounding. The results are weighted by anticipated voting demographics.

Do approve or disapprove of President Obama's job performance?

If the Iowa Republican caucuses for President were held today and the candidates were Jeb
Bush, Marco Rubio, Nikki Haley, Chris Christie, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Paul
Ryan, and Mike Huckabee, whom would you vote for?

The following questions are for demographic purposes.

Are you Hispanic?

What race do you identify yourself as?

Gravis Marketing is a non-partisan research firm headquartered in Florida.

Gravis Marketing is the recipient of the 2013 American Association of Political
Consultants award for 2012 Presidential Primary domestic and international
phone calls.

Which of the following best represents your religious affiliation?

What is the highest level of education you have completed?

How old are you?

What is your gender?

Note: the polls were conducted using IVR technology.

Gravis Marketing is a non-partisan research firm headquartered in Florida.

Gravis Marketing is the recipient of the 2013 American Association of Political
Consultants award for 2012 Presidential Primary domestic and international
phone calls.

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