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Trying Out WOOP



WOOP (Wish, Outcome, Obstacle, Plan) is a scientific strategy that you can use to meaningfully
find and fulfill your wishes. Walk yourself through the following 4 steps, and try WOOP on your
1. Pick a wish that is challenging for you, but that you can fulfill in the next 24 hours. Think of
something that you really want to accomplish.

2. Identify the outcome of this wish. The outcome can be an emotion. Vividly imagine that

3. Identify the personal obstacle. What is it in you that holds you back from fulfilling your wish?
Vividly imagine that obstacle.

4. Create an if/then plan to tackle the obstacle. What can you do to overcome your obstacle?
Name one effective action you can take.


, THEN I will

obstacle (when & where)

action (that could overcome obstacle)

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