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The dazzling radiance, Philanthropist, Great Muslim Scientist,

Researcher the Great Spiritual Saint Al-Hajj Hazrat Mawlana

Professor Muhammad Azharul Islam Siddiquee Sahib (Rahmatullahi

Alaihi). Immortal creation the `MOHA VABNA (A Philosophy of
Astronomy: Gold Medal Awarded) The Seventh Chapter.

Remembering Allah or ascetic practice from point of

scientist view.

Translated by: Hazrat Mawlana Muhammad Ashraf Hossain.

(Dhaka Public Safety Crime Tribunal Judge prevented
& Caliph of talim e zikr, Manikganj.)

Published by:
Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Mikdad Siddiquee.

Son and First caliph of the Spiritual Master of talim e zikr.

Researcher, Siddiqueea Research center, North Badda, Dhaka-1212.

First Publication: 09.01.2015.

Covering Plan: Writer
Compose: Rezaul Karim Roney
Designer: Mawlana Arif Billah,
Mohd. Nassir Uddin.
Contact: Abdur Rahman 008801743903593, Arif Billah 008801912401113.
008801917764861, 008801753711788.

In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful.

Prof.Alhaz Hazrat moulana Mohammed Azhrarul Islam Siddique,

the cleric (Peer shaheb of Manikganj) dedicated his life to preach Islam from its
real perspective so that the believer in Allah may not only acquire knowledge but
also get inspiration to devote them salve whole heartedly in the remembrance
Allah. He deemed to be firm in the belief that unless a man attains cosmic &
spiritual knowledge guided by conscience by dint of research and meditation he
cannot be a man of exalted character-a standard need to have spiritual touch and
connection with Allah subhanahuTaala. He advised his disciples to learn and the
more they learn through his advocacy, deliberation, writing and meditation the
more profound is their Iman (faith) in the existence of Almighty Allah.
His teaching, vision and outlook are absolutely based on the ideal prescribed in
the Holy Quran and Hadith Sharif. The way of life led by our prophet (peace be
upon him) (p.b.u.h) had been followed by him with generous zeal. He propagated
such tenet to the people of his age when nobody accepts anything failed to stand
on the scientific test and reasoning from logical, rational and analytical point of
view. To intensify the confidence of human being on the existence of Almighty
Allah he adopted both studious and practical aspects. His scholastic approach
presented us most valuable books amongst others Mohavabna (A philosophy of
Astronomy), Jebon Rahashya Dehatotta & Mohashwapna which are regarded
containing with arguments drawing attention of the man about the splendid,
beautiful and conducive creations of Allah for his survival in this cosmic world and
the rational worked behind them. On reading any of these treasured compilations
one has to stop oneself for absolving in deep contemplation and meditation on
Allah and His creations thrashing out all sorts of trashy, senseless and bewildered
thought which led him so long.
His latent loyalty to Allah will be bloomed with high altitude to surrender himself
to the will of His majesty impelling him to be introspective to have a spiritual
touch with Allah. Mohavabna, (the Philosophy of Astronomy) is one of such
pedantic work which acclaimed honor having been awarded with gold medel by AlHikma Foundation, an academy of scholars and intellectuals.
Chapter seven of this book deals from point of scientific view the reaction takes
place in the body of the devotee (zakerin) on remembering the name of Allah
constantly. For wide circulation and appreciation among the readers of different
language speakers both home and abroad translation of this chapter in English is
given below.

Zikr:- Remembering Allah or ascetic practice from point of

scientist view.
In this world every idealist man like farmer, Smith, Potter, Fisherman, Weaver,
Literate, Wise & Scholar etc. whatever he is, has endless query what am I ?
From where have I come? Where shall I go and who is my creator? The answers
of these questions cannot be achieved reading books, conducting research in
the laboratory or going to any philosopher. To get reply or solution of them one
is to introvert severing worldly love, affection and in meshness with work for
practicing ascetic austerities in special way and the inquisitor who practices it
is called Zakerin (Devotee).
When a Zakerin (Devotee) is reciting the name of Allah (Zikr) with ardent
devotion certain reactions take place in his body giving emergence of spiritual
ecstasy. Let the aspect be discussed from scientific point of view.
When a fan of Allah intends to have his company he is to severe all sorts of
worldly affection and business for keeping himself inisolation to concentrate
his sight straight to the forehead and nose. Then he has to utter the name of
Allah repeatedly following special method which is described in the last part of
the book ``Moha Vabna in order to cast the name of Allah in to the kalb
which is a piece of flesh of the heart of human being. Recapitulating the name
of Allah in the aforesaid mood under the instruction of an efficient and skilled
person five kinds of energy are created in his kalb.

Firstly: - Effect of the force and heat of Zikr.

While pronouncing ``Illallah the devotee pushes it into the kalb by jerking
head. The forceful throwing of Illallah into the kalb initially at one stage will
create compression and then heat in it. Scientist Renu proved it in 1842 in his
principle of compression that the effect of applying pressure heat and energy
are emanated. According to his principle increment of pressure on certain
weight of gas loaded in a fixed container causes boosting of its heat. The size
of heart is fixed and the liquid and gaseous mass in it are also definite. It is
mentioned here that oxygen, carbon-dioxide and many more gaseous matters
are mixed with blood. In consequence of enhancement of pressure on those
gaseous matters their heat is also developed. The more prolonged Zikr pushing
the name of Allah in the kalb by the devotee the more is the heat in the kalb
which drives the liquid mass in it.

Again in the light of the principle of Pascal pressurization on any part of

confined liquid mass causes inflation of matter around equally and acts
perpendicularly on the bound container. He further said that a perforated
rabber ball filled with water does not ooze out unless the ball is pressed with
hand resulting in discharging water speedily there from.
Blood is there in our heart. This liquid matter being pumped up spreaded in the
entire body through cermitral valve and artery. The stress of Zikr of the
devotee on large part of the heart causes movement of blood rashly through
the artery. The forceful flow of blood falls to the wall of different valves,
ventricle, atrium, door, vain and tendon and its rubbing their generates heat
which means appearance of energy. For this reason it is seen that at the time
of Zikr the pulse bit of Zakerin gets enhanced and blood circulation becomes

Secondly: - Magnetic force of Zikr.

``Illallah or Allah, Allah has to be uttered striking on the kalb maintaining the
prescribed rule so that the flesh of kalb gets rubbed. This rubbing makes the
flesh heated as like heat emanated on rubbing for a while the two palms.
Besides in the name of Allah there is profound attraction of love. The kalb
attains magnetized and imbued with the power of unlimited and unimaginable
magnitude having been abraded incessantly with the attractive load stone like
the name of Allah.
For example, if a piece of iron is abraded again and again with a magnet from
one end to another from same direction, the piece of iron will achieve stable
magnetic ability, that is to say it can be able to pull other kinds of iron bar.
Science tells us that the whole atoms of magnet are arranged tidily which
means the heads of all atom are systematized in one order and legs are other
direction. But atoms of iron or its kinds remain in disorder. The heads of one
and the legs of another are disorderly arranged. For rubbing in a definite way
the scattered heads of all atoms get harmonized in one end while legs are in
opposite end. In consequence of which magnetic power is emerged there in.
Exactly if the kalb is rubbed reciting the name of Allah with whole hearted and
devotion following special rule not in tumultuously then it achieves profound
loving devotion to Almighty Allah and become a case of unlimited power.

Thirdly: - Intense power of Zikr.

The focus point of a convex lens got profound brightened if light put into it. If
straw is kept on this intensed and bright point it will be ablazed. Similarly if
the ray emanated from the mind and head of Zakerin (during repeated
recitation the name of Allah) is focused in the kalb following appropriate mode
then the concentric ray becoming more and more severe causes the kalb
illuminated to emerge heat and energy therein.

Fourthly: - Forceful will of Zakerin.

Will or will force is that which is the pre eminent word in hypnotism-pursuit of
which generates extra ordinary power in the body and mind of a man and by
dint of it Zakerin can accomplish many impossible possible. For example if a
man drawing three circles side by side painting them with any three kinds of
color stares on them for a good length of time then at one stage he will
visualize another kind of color in combination of those three colors.
Practicing in this way his will power gets stronger and at time such sharp
luminosity of his eye, if he wish may cause any one senseless or fainted. This
indicates that pursuing in special way of eye one hypnotist develops selfpower. When Zakerin utter the name of Allah he tries his best to concentrate
his mind and will on the heart screen absorbing his body, mind, soul and all
power. Heart screen is such a place where information and image of invisible
are entrapped. It is the container of strength of all organ of the body. It keeps
hand, leg, eye and ear in one word all organs of the body animated supplying
energy. The eye is dependent organ of the heart. If exercise or pursuing of it
results in strengthening will force of man then emergence of far reaching
dimension of its extensibility by practicing heart, the container and generator
of the power of the body is unworthy of making understood using any language
to a person having no keenness in practicing spiritualism. Mind it, heart is such
a place or screen where the information of invisible resonates and the Gama
ray coming from it is reflected therein. The emergence of will force during Zikr
by devoted Zakerin results in transforming his body into magnanimous electric
potential. At this state electron or energy emits from his body. Then he can
cast his force severing from will power to any where he likes to accomplish
unimaginable surprising incident. It is befitting to refer the observation of
scientist that there are some lose electrons in every matter. They can be
thrown away from the matter by applying external force like heat, compression
etc. which is called electronics. Man is nothing but a mixed mass of entire

element. By using this electronics man is able to drive rocket to moon from this
earth and to mend its disordered machine therein.
The springing up of aforesaid four energies or heats which are occurred in the
body of the Zakerin is the result of physical culture or austere. In consequent
of this practice the kalb of Zakerin attains the capability of seizing the delicate
entity like Allah. At this stage five kinds of forces i.e intentness of Zakerin, his
inclination, propensity, love, attract Allah Subhanahutaala and by virtue of His
majesty and grace Allah Rabbul Alamin will take seat on the throne edificed
with incessant remembrance of His name by the devotee in his kalb.
For example:- The flowers and fruits remain hidden in the tree which is
sprouted at a suitable environment. But just then the bud does not acquire
charm to allure bee. When the bud is bloomed with spreading its sweet smell
around it is only then the bee being attracted sits on the flowers to test its
honey and pays its endless love crooningly to mitigate the infinite crabbing of
flowers like fianc.

Fifthly:-The advent of eternal power.

The last and important power is appearance of unlimited power of venerable
Allah. Zikr is nothing but remembering Allah with full devotion and love
concentrating sight. Here two aspects are needed to be mentioned. One is
inclination or have an eye to and another is remembering His majesty with
dedication and affection. To have an eye to means staring earnestly at the
desired thing knowing its presence before sight. Remembering by this way the
insight of the Zakerin gets concentrated to the end and his imagination will
take shape into reality one day on the blessing of Almighty Allah.
Many people do not admit easily the incarnation of the imagination. My humble
submission to these sceptics that dot(.) is called that has only existence
without having wide, breadth and height. In fact dot cannot be defined. It is a
postulate i.e an imaginary thing but it is vital that with the dot line is drawn,
Corner, Engle, depth and rectangular are designed with line and the dot is
culminated into calculus, Trigonometry and higher mathematics which are used
to determine direction by the crew in the space and the navigator in the sea of
beyond horizon. The computer, Television etc., the modern technology are
operated. This means that the world today is regulated by an imagination like
dot and the lord who created the operators of dot is at all not nonentity like
dot. He is Omni present and remaining in visible is giving impulse in you at

every moment. But you dont feel or realize it because you cannot make your
organ so capable to feel it by meditation.
The second condition for advancing the power of Allah in you is remembering
him with love. ``Call is a word which awakening the audible organ of human
being makes him active. For example any call of one is floating or rolling in the
air and bumping on the ear of another enters into the middle ear and being
amplified with the three temporal bones of middle ear named Mallows, Incus
and Steps inserts into the internal ear. This sound wave turns into liquid ripple
in the periling lying in snail like cochlea of internal ear. The liquid ripple
creates electric vibration to stimulate the nerves so as to makes the sound
audible. But how the liquid wave transforms into electric power is yet to
discover by the scientist. Helm Hoths, a scientist invented this theory.
In this way we find that sound or call animating our nervous system induces
them at working to react in congruence of the inkling of the call. Say for
example if any one hurls abusive word like``Shala to Daroga of a Thana in
reaction instantly he will strike on the back of the scolder. Again having
affectionate call of her master a dog being delighted comes close to the master
and ocillates her tail staring at him with vacant eye. So we find action and
reaction is caused in accordance with the meaning of the call. Allah Rabbul
Alamin said if any of my slave calls me intently then I go to him and embolden
his limited power with my absolute power. In consequence of which he is able
to be connected with me. Then he imbued with the color of Allah and becomes
powerful with my infinite potency.
For instance if a piece of iron or a thing of its kind is kept within the ambit of
the magnate then that iron piece will conform into magnate to attract things
like iron. But strange it is that when it is taken away beyond the magnitude it
lost its temporary magnetic capability. If Allah Rabbul Alamin is satisfied with
the remembrance of His name by a devotee His majesty influences His slave
like magnate. It is in the Hadith-a-kurse the meaning of which is as follows
``When doing ebadath My slave becomes My loving fan then I also start to love
him inconsequence of which I become his ear by which he listen, I turn to his
sight with which he beholds, I grow his hand by which he catches and come
about his leg with which he moves. For this none should think that the slave
turns into Allah. The matter will be clear if an example is given. If iron is
heated in the fire it changes into fire at one stage losing any difference
between the two. Which implies that the iron takes shape of fire but as soon as
the fire becomes cooling the iron turns into its original image.

In this state Allah Subhanahutala holds the steering of the body like car of the
devotee to move him and the effect of high potentia makes the power already
attained by the Zakerin into omnipotent which is similar to the power
generated by fusion process. Because in fusion process much heat and three
neutrons are created and these three neutrons hit another three atoms. In
consequence nine neutrons multiply nine time energy than they have before,
that is to say by this way heat and energy gets geometric progress.
Exact heat and energy evolve in Zakerin during remembering Allah (Zikr) by
adopting same way. The advent of four kinds of energy in consequence of Zikr
reach to the every cell of Zakerin through blood circulation touching even the
tuft to toe. The effect of these heat cause boiling of the blood and atom of the
cell as well. In other word the atom lose its atomic energy causing increment in
inter atomic space. At one stage the matter transforms into liquid. If the
duration of Zikr is increased heat is also intensified. As a result the inter
atomic power of the matter goes more feeble making inter atomic space more
wide and one time the matter having been heated turns into vapor which
qualifies the kalb to catch the holy touch of Almighty Allah.
Under these circumstances the fifth and last energy i.e the emergence of
unlimited power of Allah is inside the Zakerin. Then profound heat causes the
matter to breach the rule of element losing its entity to turn into electron, ion
and neutral atom for becoming mass energy which is the plasma state of mass.
It is to be mentioned that for formation of human body accumulation of many
elements like oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, iron, copper, calcium and zinc are
needed. This process is not applicable to all elements. Among them the most
chemically active alkali like sodium, potassium, oxygen, nitrogen etc. emit
energy in plasma state. But heavy element like iron, copper, gold and zinc
remain static.
For that reason it may be said that at elementary stage when Zakerin use to
recite the name of Allah it causes increment of power of his heart. The more
he recites the name of Allah abrading in the kalb the more enhancement of the
power of aforesaid four process. So primarily a Zakerin or Salek hears uttering
``Allah Allah from the root of his every hair hole and the effect of last
energy which being added to combine fifth energy causes the Zakerin to attain
high potential electric energy or omnipotence, the influence of which
generates in him grave magnetic& repulsive power.
Applying omnipotent electric repulsive might he can display his power emerged
from plasma state hundred and thousand miles away apportioning it into

hundreds divisions. Again by dint of magnanimous pull he can accumulate his

radiated image to become a normal man. An instance of this historic testimony
has been set by Hazrat Abdul Kader Zilany (Rahmatullah Alyh) manifesting
himself on the leaves of the tree. On the other hand Hazrat Biazid Bostamy
(Rahmatullah Alyh) dividing himself into hundreds Biazid in his prayer room
remembered (Zikr) the name of Allah. He ordered his disciples to run through
dagger into him in such circumstances. In compliance the followers stabbed
him but the knife ran through as if hit on air or water. After conclusion of Zikr
it is found that real Biazid remained sitting in a side of the room while those
hundreds Biazid disappeared. This event is nothing but reflection of the
principle of protishammyer nettata (Symmetry conservation) of the scientists.
According to this principle there is no distinction between left and right in the
world. No difference is there in the matter and its shadow, a theory that made
the world astounded is given by the scientist. It postulates that matter and its
shadow have no difference. It is strange in that matter can be caught, touched
and felt while its shadow cannot be. The theory-matter and its shadow are
similar cannot be apprehended by our dull knowledge.

Comparison Devotee with Common people:

One kind of non-trained, non-ascetic and debater may argue that all these are
myths and tale of past only having no proof of truthfulness. To these persons
some submissions are as follows:
One is to labour hard to achieve graduation degree keeping oneself abiding by
the rules and cannons of the school and college for a decades absorption to
study. To verify a truth, the scientists endure sacrifice, forbearance and
patience in experimenting it following certain process to reach to the end. If
one failed another takes the task for accomplishment ardently. In consequence
of unbending endeavor employed by a few persons the cherish goal is acquired.
While without testing or exercising or experimenting the theory given by
Almighty Allah and his prophet (peach be upon him) even for one time in life
you remain sitting concluding it to be vain tale?
Worship, ascetic meditation and practice in a prescribed mode is the best way
of human life to make impossible i.e without practice and endeavor none will
reach to the goal. A cyclist cannot drive a Biman. If he wants to be an aeronaut
he is to undertake higher training. One can go on the wire riding on a bicycle
after previous hard practice. Again it is now possible after long trial to cast
image or picture of a man to a distance of thousand miles. The strange aspect


is that the replicas are with the air but are not visible in the bare eye until a
television is switched on and those which are floating in the air of far distance
are being projected in the screen of television by antenna. Who did know it
hundred years ago that by this way pictures could be sent from one place to
There is Shomashawttya or Homogenious-The plain meaning of which is
admixturing things of same nature. For example oil is not mixed with water for
its being dissimilarity which means harmonization of synonymous articles is
Homogeneous. A thick cane cannot produce any sound if is placed in the air.
But if it is made thin in a special way and is placed in the air stretching both of
its end then the sound emanated from it will be possible to be heard.
If the cane is made lean as air is thin, its implied tone will call up by the slide
in heart to resonate empathy with equal buzz. The best example is wireless
communication for which a same kind of screen is used to reflect the radio
waves in high altitude.
For realization the existence of Almighty Allah one is to take lesion from
specialist in this field and is to practice a few days accordingly to feel His
majestys presence in the screen of ones heart. Mind it mere words do not do
anything. There requires action.
Allah Subhanahutaala is delicatiest of the delicate entity He is omnipresent.
According to philosophy a fine machine has to be set to feel His intangible
being. The screen in our Kalb is as thick as the cane. This screen is not capable
to have touch of Almighty. But the screen gets thin like slip of cane by Zikr in
special way. Consequently it can have touch of invisible that is to say his kalb
feels tremor when Allah is mentioned. As a result there starts inner quivering
of atoms. At length the slave attains magnanimous electric energy to seize the
finest of the fine reality like Allah as the iron being burnt in fire assumes it
color though iron is not fire.
Please test the lesson prescribed in the epilogue of this book under the
guidance of trained teacher giving up arguments and wait to see the beckoning
of truth which will appear with its real entity before you and then you will be
animated with cheerful heart having been able to detect the ultimate being.
One remains satisfied considering him a scholar memorizing the hard earned
theory given by a scientist without resorting any test of it. While a less
educated man materialized that theory grasping it on conducting experiment.
How just it is if the pondith who only memorizeded the theory considers the


less educated man wrong and neglects or under estimates him who undergoing
practical experiment of the theory realized it. For example an M.A knows that
water is the combination of HO. Is his knowledge will be the same with that
acquired by even a matriculate, a student of science who going to the
laboratory admixtures Hydrogen and Oxygen following the prescribed mode to
create water practically?
Is not the condition same with many of those self-conceit arrogant pondiths in
the society who simply memorizing the well founded, genuine and tested
theory given by the champion of truthful Hazrat Mohammad (p.b.u.h), the
great scholar of eternity if start neglecting and abhorring the experienced
proficient and devout persons in the field of spiritualism?

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