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1) Notes from:
-Outgoing board members
-Incoming president
-Incoming Vice president
-Incoming IT director

2) Reports

3) Forum awards

4) New board members

5) Jokes

6) A touching story
By : WenYuin Tay (Truly, the Outgoing
Treasurer *cries*)
Feeling honoured to be the first to pen my
feelings here although it's hard to express
my feelings through words =D
So, where should I start since there are way
toooooo much to talk about my experiences
being in Leo..(Just so you know, I was
partially forced by Bernice to do this - since
this will be my last note in our newsletter,
shall I put this long or short?)
Well first of all, I would say Leo Club of
Assunta was a BLAST!
I had lots of fun..Not only that, but also
experiencing things I've never experienced
Let's say, staying over in the jungle?
Hello there Leos 
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened."
— Dr. Seuss
The Fiscal Year of 08/09 is about to come to a close. To summon out the right
words for this note is proving to be a challenge because I’ve been sitting and staring
at the computer screen for half an hour with no idea where to begin!
Okay, I’m going to try again, please do bear with me.
I recall the beginning of the fiscal year when the pressure of being a President
had yet to descend upon me. I recall the moment when I realized that it’s now or
never; the club is officially under my guidance and that the year had just begun. And
now, the year is about to end. It feels like a flash of time. But it’s inevitable to know,
that undoubtedly life goes on. And through the 3 years I have served faithfully for the
Leo Club of Assunta Secondary School, leaving this club is the hardest part of the
entire fiscal year.
Leo has successfully brought out a whole different part of me. Being able to
help those in need, it was always a sense of accomplishment on my part. I recall the
visits to orphanages and old folks home. They were just simple gestures from our
club but it was the shouts of joy from little kids and the laughter of the elderly that
told me how special it is to be able to serve under the prestigious name of Leo. I am
forever honored for this opportunity to serve for all of you; from visiting orphanages
to fellowships to general meetings! Everything was about Leo! I have accomplished
my own set of goals through Leo. I have gained leadership skills, I have conquered
my fears and I have served the community with sincerity.
So, the biggest thank you’s to the following people! 
 My parents for always supporting my decisions; for always being patient; for
always caring in their own way 

 Our teacher advisors! First of all, Pn Jasminder for your guidance for the first
half of the fiscal year; thank you for supporting all the projects we have
successfully accomplished and thank you for always lending a helping hand to
us. Pn Low and Pn Aishah for always reasoning with us and for being our
pillar of strength throughout this entire fiscal year.

 Lion Ivan our Leo Big Daddy! For keeping in mind our motto and for always
supporting, supporting and supporting our club 
 Yamunaarani; for being a strong vice president. Who was always ready to dose
me with reality when I needed it. 

 Daarshawnee; for being a hardworking secretary and caring so much for the
club. For being a good friend and for always supporting me.

 Wen Yuin; for being the most trustful treasurer ever! For your zest and your
awesome friendship. For the laughter and everything in between.

 Pei San; for keeping the spirit with organizing meaningful community service
projects. For always being diligent and patient. For your hyperness and crazy

 Debbie; for coming up with the greatest ideas from banners to badges. For
always being the little jumpy bubble and for your infectious laugh.

 Jia Xin; for keeping everything about membership in order. For your kind
friendship and for always being there for me 

 Pearly; for the awesome IU that was a great success  For being the one ready
to lend a helping hand in whatever projects we accomplished.

 Jeyamalar; for all the successful and well edited newsletters, maintenance of
the website and keeping the notice board in order. For being a huggable bear
and for your awesome friendship.

 Kamini; for your devotion to the club despite all your great responsibilities.
For always keeping Jaishree in order during BOD meeting(;D) and for always
being there for all of us.

 Jaishree; for your continuous zest in this club. I hope that you will lead this
club to greater heights and to keep the traditions of this club alive. You are a
great leader with so much potential and I have complete faith in you  Keep
roaring, my dear!
 INCOMING BOD 09/10; we, the outgoing board 08/09 have passed on the torch
to all of you in hopes that you will maintain this club’s prestigious quality. We
hope all of you will not disappoint us and please feel free to ask us questions 
We are always here to help. Keep your loyalties to our club; bring the message
of “We Serve” to the whole world!

 To ALL OF YOU LEOS OUT THERE! Thank you so much for continuously
supporting our efforts in activities organized throughout this fiscal year! I could
not ask for anything more than all of you strong Leos who have managed to
remain loyal and keep your roaring spirit sky high! I have met many amazing
individuals through Leo. From the laughter we share to the tears we shed, I hope
all of you will remain serving in this club for years and years to come. THANK
YOU :’)

Love you girls 


Yours in Roaring Leo Spirit,

Leo Bernice Sew
Outgoing President 08/09
A Leo At Heart; A Leo FOREVER 
HeY LeOs,

Gosh, its amazing how time flies by so fast! I must say, being a Leo and serving
the community for the past years has definitely left an impact in my life…having
those sleepless nights and facing endless challenges truly bloomed me into a new
flower. Not forgetting the countless memories and experiences along the years.
Running about everyday to get projects or tasks done for Leo. Not forgetting
Bernice, our lovely president a.k.a *my partner in crime* has shown me that life
is nothing without a little hustle and bustle everyday. All the fun we had with
seeing the smiles on the kids faces at the homes and meeting other Leo’s from
different schools just made it all better. Well, there’s nothing much I can say
except, to the incoming board of directors and Leos, never fail to have fun while
serving the community or in whatever you’re trying to accomplish in Leo because
it is something that will truly stay in your heart until the day you die. I would also
like to take this opportunity to thank all my teacher advisors Pn. Jasminder,
Pn.Low and Pn.Aishah for guiding me and showing me a new pathway in life. To
my buddies, Bernice, Daarsh, Wen Yuin, Debbie, Pei San, Pearly, Jeya, Kamini
and Jaishree, I had the most wonderful time with you guys and I’m truly going to
miss you all ever so much. Last but not least, “Cheers for Leo”!!! 
Hey Leos,

Firstly, thanks for letting me say a few words. It’s very hard to say good bye
now, after spending 3 wonderful years in Leo. Anyway, being in Leo was like being in
a family with so many kids. I still can’t figure out how mama Bernice coped up with so
many children. ( thumbs up bern). I have also gained so many experiences that I
wouldn’t have gotten by joining Leo. Being the typewriter of the club, I was given the
opportunity to feel how a leader should be. However, I wouldn’t have done it without
the help of my fellow board members. Bern, Yams, Wen, Pei San, Debbie, Jia Jia,
Pearly, Jey, Kamini and Jaishree. You guys were the best. Thank you so much for being
there for all of us. Leo has definitely brought us closer together. My journey
throughout this fiscal year was amazing. Actually, there are no words for me to express
my happy and fun times in Leo. You Leos out there, go all out to continue making the
Leo Club of Assunta the best club. Finally, thanks again Bernice for tolerating me with
all my work. You have done a wonderful job in Leo and you deserve a big bear hug
from all the Leos. I think I should stop here now. Lastly, I hope that the Leo Club of
Assunta will continue to shine forever.

Signing out for the last time,

Yours in Leoism,
Leo Daarshawnee
I am honoured to be the first to pen my feelings here although it's hard to express my
feelings through words =D
So, where should I start since there is way toooooo much to talk about my
experiences being in Leo.
Well first of all, I would say Leo Club of Assunta was a BLAST!
I had lots of fun. Not only that, but also experiencing things I've never experienced
Let's say, staying over in the jungle?
Playing with the orphans?
Carol for the old folks?
Bathing the animals?
And the list goes on...

I've learnt to work the hard way, adapt with changes, build my self confidence,
organize myself and make new friends..

There is so much to learn in Leo that you wouldn't want to leave Leo
FOREVER! Unfortunately, nothing is permanent in life. It’s time to leave this club.
I've fulfilled the motto "We Serve" to "I Serve" for the entire fiscal year. Or should I
say, for the past 3 years! I had gained so much that I would definitely share my
experiences with my children(when they come about) with much pride being a Leo.

Without any further delay........

To all incoming Leo members and board members, do your best to make us
proud!! Most of all, enjoy yourself serving the community!

To all outgoing Leo members and board members, we've done a great job..

"When you have given your all, tried your best and fought your hardest, your soul
finds peace."


To all my dearest Leo members of Assunta Secondary School,

From our pledge, “I pledge of my hands extended and open to help those in need”…We, as
Leos, should help others, whether they are our family members, teachers or our friends. We should
also help serve the community --- not just because we are members of the Leo Club, but we should
help anyone who needs our help from the bottom of our hearts. Whenever I see a child or an old man
or lady smile while we are there accompanying them, I feel very happy and satisfied. I am sure you
will feel it too.

I will never forget the memories I had in Leo. From meeting new friends, helping others, learning
about teamwork, developing leadership quality, serving the community, gaining experiences, to
making the world a better place. I made many new friends since I joined Leo. When I was in Form 3,
I made friends with my seniors who were in Form 4 and Form 5. Now that I am in Form 5, I have
made so many more new friends who are in Form 3 and Form 4. I want to thank all of you for being
my friends. The memories we shared cannot be replaced. I am really happy to have known all of you.
It was nice to meet all of you, as the saying goes, “Friendship is a special kind of love” :) Once again,

To my teacher advisors, Pn. Low, Pn. Aishah and Pn. Jasminder, thank you for approving my
permission letters and proposals, your guidance and your non-stop love and support. Without them,
none of the community service projects can be done successfully. Lion Ivan, thank you so much for
giving us love, support and guidance throughout the whole year. To my Board of Director buddies,
thank you so much for your love and support. I will miss you guys so much. We did a great job
during our fiscal year, although we had to go through many ups and downs. Yes, sometimes we
fought over things but eventually we came to an agreement. I could see that we were all fighting for
the benefits of our Leo Club. I hope, even after we have parted ways, we will continue to serve the
community in other ways.

To my fellow Leos, we should also always keep in mind our “Leo Pledge” to remind us that we
can make the world a better place. We do not have to donate a large sum of money to an organization
to show that we are serving or helping the community, but we can do a small deed anytime we have
the opportunity to do so. For example, we can help any of our friends who are in need, help a teacher
to carry his or her heavy bags and books to class, pick up rubbish and throw it into a dust bin and help
our family members in our daily life. These small deeds are in fact bigger than you think they are.
Remember, do not do it if you are forced to or just because you want to be recognised and be rewarded
from it. Once in a while, people may take us for granted and we do not feel appreciated for what we
have done for them. It happens often. But, do not worry, as long as you do not take it to heart, it
would not hurt much.
Through my experiences, I learnt that only I myself could choose what kind of life I want to
have…Happy :) or Sad :( Many things happen for a reason and I realised that if only we do our
best, the outcome does not really matter because we have done our best.

These are my ten principles in life that I wish to share with you. They are:

a) Be yourself --- do not change for others. (But do not change for the worse)
b) Always be good to others and have a good heart.
c) Try not to tell lies. (It is hard, but can be achieved because “Honesty is the best policy” )
d) Always do your best and be brave to face any challenges that lie ahead in your life.
e) Education is everything so never stop LEARNING!
f) Treasure the people around you. Always put yourself in others position. Forgive and Forget.
g) Practice saying these words: Hello, Thank you, You are welcome, Sorry, Excuse me, Good
Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and Good night.
h) Stay healthy because “Prevention is better than cure”
(Eat well, live well)
(Do not live to eat, but eat to live)
i) Always smile and always be happy.
(Sometimes I get moody too……Life in Form 4 and Form 5 is stressful)
j) Love yourself and then love others.
(If you don’t love yourself, how are you going to love others?)

Next, I would like to wish the incoming Board of Directors all the best in the coming fiscal year.
Improve the Leo Club by learning from our mistakes and make it even better. I believe you all can
do it! :) Just try your very best and work hard.

To all the Leos, enjoy every moment in the Leo Club of Assunta Secondary School and remember
to participate in all the projects which are going to be organised. You will never regret. Leo Club
is a club about teamwork and unity. This means everyone has to participate in projects to keep it
alive. Without the members, there is no Leo spirit and no Leo Club. Last but not least, always
enjoy and have fun in Leo!!! Let me hear your “ROARS” in the upcoming years. Keep your Leo
spirit high!

~ Once a Leo, forever a Leo =) ~

“If you think you can, you can”
“If it is to be, it is up to me”


Filled with roaring love,

Leo Chew Pei San =)
Why did I join Leo? Simple. It’s beneficial and I want to serve!
How did I accomplish that? Visit to orphanages and old folk homes, participating in the Leo
Leadership Camp where I was given the chance to do kayaking, rafting, jungle trekking, river
crossing and rappelling. And of course attending the main highlights of the year, namely the Leo
Forum, International Understanding Day, environmental activities and many many others..

I enjoyed being a Leo although I have a lot of paper work to do as a Membership Director.
However, like what Lion Ivan said, this club provides me the platform to improve myself be it
physically or mentally. If you are ever unsure of which club you want to join in school, I suggest
you join the big Leo family. ROAR!!!! The door is always open for you!

The three traditional words:


The modified version:

Let’s Enjoy Ourselves

We laugh, we cry and we serve together!

To all the outgoing board of directors,

Well done!
Bernice Sew that bugged us constantly throughout the year,
Yamunaarani for being the helpful Vice President,
Daarshawnee for her wonderful reports,
Wen Yuin who controlled the money of the club very well,
Pei San who organise great community service projects,
Debbie for her beautiful banners and badges,
Pearly who gave us lots of crazy ideas and
Jeya who produced outstanding newsletters

To all incoming board of directors and all members,

I wish you the best of luck!
Remain as a passionate, enthusiastic and committed to Leo at all times. The future of the club is
in your hands.

A Leo is always a Leo!

Hello Leos!

I am proud to say that so many of you have the heart to join Leo
and do the community good. It is nice to see so many of you willing to put in
sweat and sacrifice for Leo. The year is coming to an end all too fast and it
seems like just a few days ago I was being installed as a Leo.

Without a doubt, in my heart, I feel Leo is AWESOME. This club has taught
me a lot about life and I am sure it will affect you the same way it affected

One advice I have to offer for all of you incoming Leos is to never give up
and always be true to yourself.

Just remember that whenever you're down, just look around you and a Leo
will always be there offering you a shoulder to cry on or a hand to hold
because in this club, that is how it works. We are one large family, always
there for one another.

With that, I am signing out for the very last time.

Roar, roar, roar!

With roaring love,

Leo Pearly.
Hello Leos!!

Hope you guys had a good semester break :D. I know I am not satisfied. I want more
semester breaks in a year. Hmm...The year has passed by so fast that it is the Joint Edition
already!! Loshni is going to take over the challenging job as the Editor of the Fiscal year
2009/2010 from now on but she will be known as the IT Director. I'm sure she will do her job
well and keep the newsletters going. This newsletter will be the start of something new because
it is an e-newsletter! =) It is really a great idea. This way, Leos don't have to pay a single cent to
read the newsletter. Much better, isn’t it?

This note of mine was supposed to be long but I have no way to type out what I really
feel without sounding corny or lame. During the 3 years that I served as a Leo, I learnt a lot of
new things, met various people, got to know various characters and most importantly, I learnt
the art of editing newsletters x). I must say that it is not as easy as many people assume it is.
Also, I did not know that we would win Outstanding Newsletter. I mean, I wasn’t expecting it.
So it did catch me by surprise. Overall, it has been a great year! This is not the end of my
journey as a Leo as I am in an Omega Club now: PJI. Those of you who want to continue being
a Leo later on, join me!! 

I am going to have some mercy on you guys and get to the end of my note XD. All the
best to all the incoming and current Leos who will be taking over the challenge to ensure our
club is brought to greater heights. Good Luck Leos!! Good Luck Jaishree, Shereen and the rest
of the B.O.D of Fiscal year 2009/2010!! A BIG Thank You to Lion Ivan, Puan Low, Puan
Jasminder and Puan Aishah for always being our pillars of strength and support. Make us proud
and keep the roaring spirit high, high, high yeah!!

Signing out for real,

Leo Jeyamalar a/p T. Thurai Rathnam
Editor of the fiscal year 2008/2009.
Howdy Leos!

In our last edition for this fiscal year, I just want to say what a joy it has been
serving this club. It has been a great experience, helping the needy and giving back
to the society. It has been quite a ride, but all in all our Leo club always proves it's
worth it in the end. Leo has taught me plenty since I first joined it. It has taught me
countless things until this space just doesn't seem to be enough to express exactly
how much. Leo is everything the name proves to be, Leadership, Experience and
Opportunity. We learn to be the voices of tomorrow, become brave to speak out and
create awareness of everything that is going on around us. We never cease to catch
hold of any opportunity that comes our way. Never afraid to get our hands dirty if it
means putting a smile on someone's face.

I would like to thank our teacher advisors, Puan Low and Puan Aishah for all
their support, big daddy, Lion Ivan, for all his guidance, and the board of 08/09 for
giving me the opportunity to work with you guys. It's been fantastic. To my editor, I
thank you for all the help. It wouldn't have worked out without you. To the
incoming board, continue to keep the Leo spirit burning. Always remember, that
caring and sharing is what we do best. After all, ‘We Serve’.

Let your Leo spirit fight on,

Leo Kamini



Hey, this is Jaishree, your fun, bubbly, exciting and 100% lovable incoming
president! Well, I just want to say a word or two, so bear with me for the next minute
or so!

Being in this prestigious LEO club has certainly been a blast especially being
under the current/outgoing board. I hope that we, the incoming board will be able to
follow the outgoing members' footsteps in making our club so wonderful. I do
also hope that all the members will cooperate with me and the incoming board. This
coming fiscal year will definitely be an enjoyable one and it is definately going to be
the ride of your life. Besides that, to all the members out there, please be very active
this year, and work on tons and TONS of projects, ok? Plus, take the opportunities
that LEO has to give every time it knocks on your door. Do as much as you can for
the club and the community! Remember, giving is better than receiving. Other than
that, I would just like to wish good luck to all the out-going members and to all the
in-coming members; I have 3 words to say:


Jaishree Nagarajan

-incoming president 09/10-

Good day dear Leos,

It took me a whole week before I actually completed this short yet

thoughtful note for our very first E-NEWSLETTER. When I finally completed
this note, I realized that the one reason it took me so long to pen down these few
words is because our LEO Club just cannot be described by mere words. The Leo
Club of Assunta, of which I’m a proud member of, has always been known for its
members’ willingness to give and to serve with sincerity. Since the day I became a
part of this amazing charitable club, I have had only one aim at heart and that was
to serve and to continue serving with utmost conviction.

What I have learned over this year as a Leo is indescribable. I started as a

timid little girl who knew nothing about the Leo Club. Reflecting back on my
probationing days in Leo, it’s hard to believe that I’ve come this far as to become
the Vice President for the year 09/10.

I believe that this new fiscal year is going to be a success with my giggly,
ticklish buddy, Jaishree as the president, ever commited board of directors, our
teacher advisors, Pn. Low and Pn. Aishah and our Lion advisor, Lion Ivan. We are
sure to achieve the goals and visions that we share in unison.

Last but not least, I would like to extend a great big hug and a loud and
proud “Bravo” to our new Information Technology Director, Leo Loshni for all
the scintillating contents in this newsletter. Good job!

As for the Leos, I would like to urge every one of you to support the production of
this E-newsletter. With that, I wish you a great time flipping through these
newsletter to recall and relive memories from all our past projects and

With roaring spirit,

Leo Shereen Raj Boniface
Vice President 09/10.

I have no idea where to start! Doing this newsletter has been one of the most
challenging things I have ever had to do. It is extremely time consuming and stressful
but I hope my efforts have paid off.

I have been lucky enough to be given the opportunity to be the editor of the
first E-newsletter and I am so grateful for that because I love colours and this
newsletter wouldn’t be the same without the colours. This also gives me the
opportunity to add in as many articles and jokes as I like as when it comes to
Technology, there is just no limit to the wonders it can create.

Despite the fact that I have to do this newsletter single handedly, I do have a
few people I must thank. Firstly, Jaishree. She pushed me time and again, reminding
me that the deadline was approaching. The fear of having to face Jaishree in school
and the fact that I was running out of excuses to tell her really glued me to my
computer. However, I am very grateful to her as I may not even have started this
newsletter if not for her.

A special thanks also forwarded to Jeyamalar(ex-editor) for her guidance, Pn.

Low and Pn. Aisha for their approval and Lion Ivan for his advice.

Let me end here as if I were to continue, one word will lead to another and this
will never end. I hope to get your support, contributions and comments as I am
hoping that the next newsletter will be even more entertaining for all us Leos’ as I am
just beginning to ROAR! Thank you and feast heartily on this issue! Ciao for now!

Lots of Love,
Leo Loshni.
On the 4th of April,we held our 37th
International Understanding Day. It was held
in our school hall, the Sister Enda Hall. It
began at 10 in the morning. All leos and
other guests were in line to
purchase tickets
unrepentantly the crowd
was overflowing. We only
expected a number of 250 but instead
300 plus showed up. It took a while to
get all of them seated down but
fortunately, we
were able to do so in time.
The day started off with our emcees,
Leo Leya and Leo Shereen. Both dressed in
traditional costumes, one in a kebaya and
the other in a saree. The day was then
proceeded to Leo Bernice that called the
meeting to order at 10.35 am. Then, it was
followed by the flag salutation by Leo Jaishree and Leo Kamini.
The pledge was then read by Leo Jeyanthi. The hall virated as all
the Leo’s joined in with full spirit.

Then, it was time to see who could roar the loudest in the roll
call. Each club was called and of course not
leaving behind the very club that organized this
event, our very own Leo Club of Assunta. Then
it was the speech by the mastermind of the
event, Leo Pearly Ng, our very own IU
Director. She gave a heartwarming speech. She
taught us of how RM 1 can save one child with
a shot of vaccination. The day was supposed to be followed by a
short speech by the representative of UNICEF, Mrs. Joyce Wong
but unfortunately she was unable to make it due to a passing away
of someone the night before. Then,
it was time for the opening
performance. This performance
was to the song Jai Ho, one of the
soundtracks in Slumdog
Millionaire. This group of dancers
was one in a million as they
danced to the beat of the music with. They had worked extremely
hard to put up that wonderful performance.

After that, lunch was served in a buffet

style. We had vegetarian mihun,
fried rice, curry chicken, kuih
melayu, watermelons and sirap for
drinks. Some stood in line waiting
for the food while some were
chatting around. Then the day was
followed by a slideshow that was done
by Leo Michelle. The slideshow was about the
theme and also the preparations that we did before the IU day. The
slideshow brought back a lot of memories and all knew that their
hard work had brought satisfaction.

The second performance of the day was a dance by a larger

group of dancers going to suit theme; retro. They all wore
stockings with pants and colorful tops with polka dot hair bands.
They all looked superbly cute. The next performance was a
group consisting two very different dances. In this performance
there was a little bit of ballet and yet there were also parts of fast
and flexible movements. They all put their mind to it and the dance
turned out to be a great one. Then the day was intertwined with a
short game. This game was the Human Bingo. Each was to find a
person that suited to the characteristics on
the paper given. Then they had to know the
persons name and favorite color. This is one
way to get people interact with each other.

Next up was a Latin dance by 3 girls. These girls were really

moving to the beat of the music while getting the crowd’s
attention. The next
performance was by a
very large group and they
called it Time Evolution.
It was a fashion show
consisting dances. First it
was the Masquerade, followed by the 60’s and then hip hop. All
turned our really good. The children from UNICEF also followed
the dance and were dancing happily with them.

Then the last dance of the day was

to the song I believe by Yolanda Adams.
They wore masks representing the
sorrow that they hid from the world but
in the end they took out the masks to
represent that they had overcome this
sorrow in them. Next it was a choir
joined by the crowd to the song Just stand up. This song meant a
lot. After that we announced the
amount that we will be donating to
UNICEF which was in total, RM
1587. Then the emcees signed off
leaving the crowd to interact with
each other. The day was ending
but everything went smoothly as
This IU day was the best for most of us because we really put our
efforts into it. It was not easy organizing an IU but with the help of
the whole club, we were able to do it. Their undivided support and
commitment was the main key to this successful IU day. I really
appreciated all of their help and no one could ever replace their
status in my heart. It touched me that I have such committed
members. I love all of them to bits and especially my board of
directors for they have been so so patient with me. I realized that
teamwork was most important in this whole entire day.

Blind Leading the Blind
On the 19th of April 2009, the Blind Leading the Blind
organized by the Lions Club of Petaling Jaya was held in front of
the Civic Hall. The event started at 7.30 am and ended at 11.30 am.
25 members from the Leo Club of SMK Assunta participated in
this meaningful event. All schools were then required to walk
within their
group along
with their
specially for
this event. It
was a 3km walk where each person had to
wear blind-fold and was led by their
friends or family members who had the gift of sight at the moment.

Most of us enjoyed ourselves as we sang a few songs

including our school song to further enhance the enjoyable walk.
Of course some partners led
others straight into walls and
almost unto vomit but we all
just had a good laugh about it.
As the walk ended, we all
gathered to take a group photo
and we all smiled for the
camera, cheerfully though
smelling of sweat. Just as we
regained our seats(on the road)
the lucky draw started. We all
had our fingers crossed and the numbers just did not seem to match
ours. Fortunately, two members from our club managed to take
something home. A coffee maker and a free trip to the dentist. The
highlight of the day was of course when we were proudly
announced as the Challenge trophy winner and hence managed to
bring back a trophy and a cash prize of RM400. The secret to this
success was of course the cooperation shown by the members
despite being fatigue after the Sports Day.

Nevertheless, we enjoyed
ourselves and experienced a walk
which will definitely be an
experience of a lifetime for
us.We also presented the trophy
to the school during morning
assembly. The students and
teachers were very proud as they
all cheered loudly for us.

Reported by,
Wen Yuin
Joint Charity Carnival Bazaar 2009
On the 21st of March (Saturday), our annual Charity Carnival
Bazaar was held in Metropolitan College, Subang Jaya. The bazaar
kick started at 10a.m. Leo clubs from the whole northern region 4
took part in this event.

A variety of scrumptious food and drinks was sold by the various

stalls at the parking lot.
The Leo club of SMK
Assunta set up a sushi
and henna stall which
profited well. Coupons
of RM10 per booklet
were sold at the
entrance. Besides all the
food and drinks, there were also a few
performances in between. Every one hour or so
there was a performance. Among the various
performances that were presented are solo
singing performances, dancing and even yo-yo
performances. Leos were also eligible to a free
goody bag each, upon visiting the Inti College
booth that was set up opposite the stage.

The bazaar came to an end at around 5p.m. Leos

started cleaning their stalls, packing their things
and called it a day. The Leo Club of SMK Assunta
managed to successfully
raise over RM400. 00. It was
indeed an awesome bazaar.

1. District Appreciation Award, for our teacher advisors Pn.Low Kim Hong, Pn. Aishah and fomerly Pn.
Jasminder Kaur

2. Leo-Lion Serving Together award

3. Outstanding Membership Growth award

4. Top Leo School Academy award which was awarded to our past Leos who excelled in their SPM
examinations with flying colours namely Rebecca Goh , Vivian Toh and Elizabeth Lee (Treasurer 07/08)

5. Outstanding Joint Service Project award for our participation in this years Charity Carnival Bazaar.

6. Outstanding Service Project award for Leo Games with Orphans, organized by Leo Chew Pei San , our
very own Community service director.

7. District Leo Idol award Our Club was represented by Leo Bernice Sew as the Programme Director and
Leo Chew Jia Xin as the emcee.

8. District Project Environmental award which was organized by Leo Chew Jia Xin, our Membership

9. Outstanding Club Newsletter award for two Editions which was proudly edited by Leo Jeyamalar, our

10. Merit Leo award to Leo Choong Pui Yung

11. Outstanding Director award to Leo Chew Jia Xin for an excellent performance as our membership

12. Outstanding Treasurer award to Leo Tay Wen Yuin

13. Merit Secretary award to Leo Daarshawnee a/p Segar

14. Merit Vice President award to Leo Yamunaarani a/p Varatha Raju

15. Outstanding President award to Leo Bernice Sew

16. 100% Club Administration Award

And finally,



NAME : Jaishree A/P Nagarajan

MOBILE : 017-2755324


NAME : Shereen Raj A/P Boniface

MOBILE : 014-6015299


NAME : Karen Kaur Manocha

MOBILE : 012-31052900


NAME : Danielle Cheng May Lian

MOBILE : 016-9256956


NAME : Ting Pei Lim

MOBILE : 016-2545513


NAME : Sharvani A/P Segar

MOBILE : 014-6615710

NAME : Choong Kah Yan

MOBILE : 012-9345199


NAME : Jeyanthi A/P Kulasegaran

MOBILE : 016-3635989


NAME : Saw Li Lian

MOBILE : 016-6371301


NAME : Grace Keow Mei-Ern

MOBILE : 019-3190363


NAME : Joey Young

MOBILE : 012-9882869


NAME : Loshni A/P Ravi Kumar

MOBILE : 012-3021779
An 80 year old man was sitting on the sofa in his house along with his
45 year old, highly educated son. Suddenly a crow perched on their window.
The father asked his son, "What is this?"
The son replied "It is a crow".
After a few minutes, the father asked his son a second time, "What is this?"
The son said, "Father, I just told you, it's a crow".
After a little while, the old father again asked his son a third time, “What is this?"
At this time some expression of irritation was felt in the son's tone when
he said to his father, "It's a crow, a crow!"
After a little while, the Father again asked his son a forth time, "What
is this?"
This time the son shouted at his father, "Why do you keep asking me the
same question again and again, although I have told you so many times, IT IS A
CROW! Are you not able to understand this?"

A little later, the father went to his room and came back with an old
tattered diary, which he had maintained since his son was born. On
opening a page, he asked his son to read that page. When the son read it,
the following words were written in the diary :- "Today my little son
aged three was sitting with me on the sofa, when a crow suddenly preached on the
window. My son asked me 23 times what it was, and I replied to him all 23 times that
it was a crow. I hugged him lovingly each time he asked me the same question again
and again for 23 times. I did not at all feel irritated. I rather felt affection for my
innocent child".

While the little child asked him 23 times, "What is this", the father had felt no
irritation in replying to the same question all 23 times and when today the father asked
his son the same question just four times, the son felt irritated and annoyed.

So, if your parents attain old age, do not repulse them or look at them as a
burden, but speak to them with gracious words, be cool, obedient, humble and
kind to them. They have always showered their selfless love on us.
They crossed all mountains and valleys without seeing the storm and heat to
make us presentable people in the society today.

Adopted by,
Leo Loshni

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