Body Project

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Body Project

Skeletal System

How does it work?

206 bones
Solid living cells and protein fibers that are
surrounded by calcium salt deposits
Protect Organs
Joints and Cartilage allow movement

How does it function?


Blood Cell Production and Storage

The shape of your body changes as you grow
Height, width and other factors
Hand size, feet size, etc.

Supports Body
Placement of Internal Organs

Muscular and Skeletal
Work together to provide movement

The skeleton protects vital organs from damage

The skeleton encasing the organs within hard bones

Blood Cell Production and

The spongy tissue inside long bones, such as the
femur, or thigh bone, have two types of marrow
responsible for blood cell production

Types of cells and Tissues

Different types of bone cells: Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts,
Lining cells, Cytokines
Osteoblasts synthesize bones
Osteocytes alter/synthesize molecules, send signals
over long distances
Lining cells cell processes, release calcium, regulate
bone fluids, protect bone from dangerous chemicals
Cytokines differentiate bone marrow cells,
differentiate osteoblasts, make changes in osteoclasts

Interaction With Other Organ

Muscular System
Tendon - Muscle Connection

Hemotological System
Bone Marrow makes new Blood Cells

Pagets Disease
Bones become too large and very weak
People with this disease are susceptible
to bone breaks and weakness

Fibrous Displaysia

bone bowing
frequent fractures
may go unnoticed for many years

Polycythemia Vera
Causes the bone marrow to make excess
blood cells
Blood becomes thicker and slower
Slower blood prevents the organs from
getting all oxygen

How is it organized
Axial skeleton
Revolves around the vertical axis of the
Appendicular skeleton
Makes up the limbs that have been
appended to the axial skeleton


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