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How do Seeds Move?


Kashe Rose

Plant seed structure has evolved to use environmental factors to move seeds.
Visit this website to explore seed dispersal.

Why is it important for seeds to be able to move?

Seed Dispersal

Describe the features of seeds that

disperse by this method


The seeds are inside of pods which

have two lines of weakness so that
when they dry, the pod cracks
along the lines and


The plants grow on or near

freshwater bodies of water. The
pods break open causing the seeds
to fall into the water and float away.
The seeds can either germinate in
the water or when they get
stranded in mud.
The flowers ovaries can become
hollow causing the wind to carry
the seed away.


The seed can float on the wind with

help of feathery hairs.
On the seed-containing fruit grows
a wing-like extension that helps it
spin away from the parent plant.
The spinning delays the fall so that
the wind may carry the seed away

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Some plants have hooks on their

seeds that can easily be attached
to the fur of animals as they pass.

Seeds can have an outer shell of

fruit that is then eaten by birds and
animals. The hard-shelled seed is
not digested as it passes through
the animal. Once it is pooped out, if
the conditions are okay, the seed
can then germinate.

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