Prologue For Nanowrimo

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"We will conquer you! You will never escape. Not even in death!" Large creatures of
my army called in unison.
People were picked off the streets like little bugs, scurrying around as we threw their
little homes.
"Give up!" I shouted to the large house of white, watching a slightly plump man shiver
on his wide balcony, illuminated by golden light in the gloomy dark. We continued
walking forth.
"Give it up!" I called again. The man looked at me blankly, almost disapproving. "Fine..."
I continued, then tore the people a part at the waist, spraying the ground and buildings
with blood and gooey guts. And after a few seconds, I did the same to that cowardly
man on the balcony.
"Citizens, I am going to take control, and show you what life can give you...!"
Screams desisted with ease. Over the city, people watched warily watching me
"We will show you meaning! We will show you-" Excruciating pain radiated up my leg
into my spine, bringing me down from my staggering height, to a kneeling position.
Blood gushed, and high pitched screams were heard shortly after. More pain erupted.
Littler people.
"Brats!" I boomed as a pack of small children collided with my legs, chopping away at
my toes and legs with large axes much larger than their bodies.
"We will give you justice!" I shouted passive aggressively, scooping up the little children
with my hands; ready to crush their bones.
"Sir!" Thomas yelled, "Make them workers, not statements."
"These little pests will need some breaking... Perfect."
A smaller axe flew through the air, sticking me in my arm. It was a mere toothpick
compared to me. I plucked it from my skin and stared at the little girl. Massive blue eyes
attempting to stare me down, her short hair blew slightly in the cold breeze. She must've
escaped my grasp.
"I will personally handle her." Thomas said, quickly walking forward as if afraid I'd kill
"Good." I said coldly.
Chapter 1
We werent always this way. We all changed together but a part at the same time. Like
the weather in separate countries. We never wanted to change.
Before all of this, we could run. We could chase. Chase our dreams, our friends, our

But theres nothing left There was a time when our mothers didnt cry; before and
after. There was a time my dad didnt have to work sixteen hours every day. There was
a time, before and after, when we went home. Now we just arrive at a house.
Maybe Im not being clear.
Once, my people were peaceful. Then the Colanders came in, so named because they
separated on person from another. They took them No, they took us. They
bludgeoned people to death, killed them for the money and the food. And when only few
were left, they tricked us. Tricked us into believing it was our beloved Pacifists.
I know now, whats happened And I am successful, but maybe I should start from
the beginning.

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