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Computer Viruses

ndon, Ryan, Chayna, and Michelle


Definition of a Computer Virus -Brandon

Statistics -Brandon
Statistics -Brandon
How to Prevent Getting Computer Viruses-Brandon
Symptoms of a Computer Virus -Chayna
Current Events -Chayna
Legal Consequences -Chayna
How Viruses Work Video - Chayna
How to Remove Computer Viruses -Michelle
The Truth About Anti-Virus Companies -Michelle
Ethical Consequences -Ryan
Top Computer Viruses -Ryan
Fun Facts -Ryan
Group Opinion

What is a Computer Virus?

Computer viruses are programs that replicate themselves into computers, data files and hard drives

These areas of the computer then become infected, viruses then perform harmful activities on the computer

These activities are, but not limited to:

stealing hard disk space

accessing private information

corrupting data

Not all viruses do damage to the software of the computers or even attempt to hide themselves from the user

displaying messages on display monitor

spamming contacts with messages


Roughly 32% of computers in the world have some type of virus or malware (malicious software)

Thats around 239,930,988 computers!

China and South Korea have to two largest infection percentage with China at 57% and South Korea at 52%

Statistics II

Some countries have a low virus infection percentage

The chart below contains the percentage of the least infected countries

Sweden and Switzerland have the lowest percentages in the entire world, Sweden with 20% and Switzerland with

Even Canada has one of the least amount of people infected

How to Prevent Getting Computer Viruses

Be very cautious of the things you are downloading

Do not open any email attachments that look suspicious or are from anyone you do not know

Download an up to date anti software

Use a safe browser when going on websites such as google or firefox

Symptoms of a Computer Virus

No Response/Freezing
Hardware Troubles
Slow Performance
Slow Startup
Missing/Extra Files
Printer Issues
Error Messages
Disk Drives not available

Current Events

In early 2014.
New virus called Cryptolocker
Botnet spreaded virus
Kidnapped the files of 400,000
Victims were told to pay 300
dollars within three days to get
their files back

Ethical Consequences
Unauthorized tampering with data file is illegal
Everyone will think youre selfish and dont care for
Not good on job resume
When you go to a job interview they check background

Legal Consequences

The laws vary from country to country and state to state

Below are some things that you will be held accountable for and have legal consequences
Unauthorized Access- You can be held to have obtain unauthorized access to a computer you have never seen,
if you are responsible for distribution of a virus which infects that machine
Loss of data- Liability for accidental damage as well as endangering of public safety
Incitement- Making available viruses, virus codes

If you commit any type of Cybercrime and the court finds you guilty, you are likely looking at
jail time

How Viruses Work Video

How to Remove Computer Viruses

-Use online scanner to detect virus
-Use online scanner such as Microsoft Safety Scanner
-Download it and follow instructions
-Restart in safe mode with networking enabled
To manually remove it:
-Identify the virus by writing down its behaviour (any words it displays) then
search an antivirus vendors website to find the type of virus and instructions to
remove it.

The Truth About Antivirus Companies

-Concept of antivirus companies creating

viruses is a myth
-Recognizes the risks involved
-Profits would not increase if they actually
created viruses
-Could be held liable which would ruin the
companies image and result in lawsuits.

Top Computer Viruses

Storm Worm Virus
Sasser and Netsky
Code red and Code red 2
I LOVE YOU virus

Fun Facts
40% of households are affected by viruses
Storm Worm Is the worst computer virus
My Doom was the fastest spreading virus
6000 new virus are created each month

Group Opinion
ChaynaMy opinion on Viruses and the people who create them is that I would never want to deal with having
viruses on my computers and I think the people who create them dont have lives or anything better to
do with themselves so they create problems for other people.
BrandonI believe that people who create these viruses and send these viruses out have a sense of
accomplishment for making peoples lives miserable. Or they do it for their own financial or personal
RyanI think that the creators of these viruses are cowards and only think of themselves
MichelleThe main reason people create computer viruses are to allow them to steal information, money and
perform specific tasks for their own, selfish needs. I think the creators of these viruses deserve to be
locked up for causing such trouble for others.

"Cloud Infographic: Computer Virus Facts And Stats." Cloud Infographic: Computer Virus Facts And Stats. N.p., n.d. Web. 15
Dec. 2014.
"Current World Population." World Population Clock: 7 Billion People (2014). N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
"Virus Removal - Border Computer Services." Border Computer Services. N.p., 13 Dec. 2013. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Computer Virus." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 14 Dec. 2014.
"Worst Computer Virus 1: Storm Worm - HowStuffWorks." HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"What Is Browser Hijacker Virus? How to Detect and Remove It." What Is Browser Hijacker Virus? How to Detect and Remove
It. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Landesman, Mary. "What Is the Storm Worm." N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Top 10 Computer Viruses : Science Channel." Science Channel. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
CNN. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Virus: A Retrospective - Legal Implications." Virus: A Retrospective - Legal Implications. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Are Cyber Crimes Punishable By Jail?" Are Cybercrimes Punishable by Jail Time. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"New Computer Virus Causes Havoc." Mail Online. Associated Newspapers, n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
"Top 10 Computer Virus Symptoms Checklist." Top 10 Computer Virus Symptoms Checklist. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Dec. 2014.
Pagliery, Jose. "The New Plague: Computer Viruses That Extort You." CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 13 Dec.

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