Self Reflection

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My experience with Greek Literature in English has been a

journey. It is quite difficult for me to say much else about it. I feel as
though I was so overwhelmed with deadlines that I could not focus on
learning. I developed the mentality of just get this done or just do not
bother. I am a firm believer in the idea that less is more when it comes
to learning. The less I have to do, the more time I have to think about
what I learned. In contrast, the more I have to do, the less time I have
to think about what I learned.
I feel most confident about the information learned at the
beginning of the semester. When class focused on just two books, I was
able to better see and understand themes and how it connected to
Greek culture. For example, I believe I have a great understanding of
the theme xenia and kleos and of how important these ideas were to
the people of Greek society. I understand these themes in relation to
humans, demi-gods, and gods. I was also able to develop my own
opinion on these themes and find connections to them in my everyday
life. On the contrary, I feel less confident about the information learned
at the end of the semester. I personally believe that it was not very
beneficial for me to focus on so many stories, for focusing on many
stories meant that I was not able to fully grasp the concepts of one
stories. In addition, it is hard for me to remember so many plots. When
considering the second half of the semester, I cannot say that any
themes in particular stood out to me and it is hard for me to think of
any off the top of my head. In order to remember, I almost always have
to consult notes or outside sources of information. I tried to keep up
with the readings as best as I could, but I often had to consult outside
sources for a quick summary of the reading material
Ultimately, I feel as though I learned the most about time
management. Starting assignments early in this class really helped me
to stay on track, not to say that I started assignments early often.
Having three things due in a week (i.e. quiz, journal, response essays,
self reflections, etc.), in addition to reading assignments, taught me to
check blackboard and the syllabus often, as that was very important in
my other classes.

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