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Del Mar Middle School

105 Ave Miraflores

Tiburon, CA 94920
November 13, 2014
Lionsgate Summit Entertainment
2700 Colorado Ave.
Santa Monica, CA

Dear Lionsgate Summit Entertainment:

My name is Makenzie Allen, and I am in 8th grade, currently
attending Del Mar Middle School in Tiburon, California. This trimester in
8th grade English, my classmates and I were assigned to write a
business letter to a movie studio that we admire. Therefore, I am
writing you to address you about the book Insurgent, and how it would
be created into an amazing movie.
Insurgent is told through the perspective of a young woman who,
after being forced into making a difficult choice of choosing her way of
life, is now trying to escape it. She choose what she thought suited her
the best, although she didnt realize that this simple choice could kill
her. Throughout the book, there is constant action, drama, romance,
and so many more scenes that are so inspiring for teens, and even
young adults. The book Insurgent has inspired me, and so many other
people, and I believe that this is why it should be created into a movie.
The book Insurgent is set in the future in Chicago, Illinois. The
main characters, Tris, and Tobias, have to go through so much to fight
for their freedom of living. This is because the protagonist in the book,
Jeanine, is constantly trying to maintain control over all the inhabitants
of the city. In this case, she is taking away all of the peoples rights to

life, and forcing them into lives of fear, constant hiding, and forceful
executions. Although this is fiction, it unfortunately connects to what is
currently the daily life of North Koreans. Their leader, Kim-Jong Un,
enforces loyalty and obedience, which forces the citizens to spy on one
another, including family members. Also, all media, including
newspapers and magazines, and radio and television stations, are
government-controlled and focus on Kim-Jong Un. Any North Koreans
who make contact with outsiders in any way, or listen to foreign radio
or television stations are subject to torture, execution, or placement in
one of the ten brutal concentration camps.
I strongly believe that by making Insurgent into a movie, it can
inspire so many people to keep on going, and to never give up,
especially when it comes to their freedom. Throughout North Korea, its
government had already placed over 200,000 North Koreans in
concentration camps, where many of them perish from scarce food,
forced labor, and abuse by the guards. Also, the North Koreans are
placed in concentration camps after doing such insignificant acts, such
as moping spilled milk up with a newspaper that happens to have a
picture of Kim-Jong Un on it. Is this what we really want as humans? To
be placed in places such as this, attempting to escape for our freedom?
No, and to get this powerful message across, I believe that Insurgent
would be a great contribution.

Makenzie Allen

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