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The people in a
community have to be
bonded by something deeper
and more powerful than a
collection of experiences.

True community is

always, among other things,

an adventure.

M. Scott Peck

Nobody sees a flower

really it is so small it takes

time we havent time

and to see takes time, like to

have a friend takes time.

Georgia OKeefe

Power of L ve Auction
Be a part of the

Saturday | March 22, 2014

MSU Management Education Center | Troy

By raising funds that support our budget

we can continue to grow in the

Power of L ve

and help keep UHS tuition affordable.

Power of L ve Auction
Be a part of the

Saturday | March 22, 2014

MSU Management Education Center | Troy

By raising funds that support our budget

we can continue to grow in the

Power of L ve

and help keep UHS tuition affordable.

Support UHS by bringing guests, acquiring auction

items, and helping with the event.
To get involved, contact Staci at


Annual Giving/3D Campaign

Enclosed please find my tax-deductible donation to Upland Hills Schools 3D Campaign and/or Annual Giving.
My contribution to the Annual Giving Fund is in the amount of:
$ ______________________________

My contribution to the 3D Campaign is in the amount of:

$ ______________________________

Please make checks payable to Upland Hills School.

Please bill my: _______Mastercard _______Visa Name on Card: _______________________________________
Card#: _________________________________ Exp. Date: ____/____
Signature_______________________________ Email___________________________________

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