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Cabana Club Condominium Annual Meeting

October 19, 2013

Call to Order
At 1:10 p.m. President Karen Williams called the meeting to order.
Board members present: Karen Williams, Robin Barker, Alix Beck, Susie Maxfield,
Wayne Scott. Consultant Nancy Birdwell also attending. Absent: Dee Barton &
Mary Sligh.
Registration and Quorum
Karen checked to see if anyone had a proxy form. She asked and confirmed that
ballots were turned in. It was confirmed there was a quorum necessary to hold the
Review and approval of Annual Minutes 2012
Karen allowed several minutes to read over the 2012 minutes. Karen asked for a
motion to approve the 2012 minutes. Sondra Erling made a motion to approve the
minutes. Chris Smith seconded the motion. Karen took a vote to approve minutes.
Motion was approved.
Managers Report Vacationville
Karen introduced Rosemary from Vacationville. Rosemary shared that Vacationville
will be moving to the Cabana Club office in February. Their hours will be M-F, 10-4.
In June that will change to M-Sat, 9-5.
Treasurers Report
Karen introduced Nancy Birdwell to present the treasurers report.
Nancy shared the treasurers report, reviewing it and explaining two future projects
(sliding door adjusting & dry rot roof repairs). Nancy spent a few minutes explaining
the Assessment Account. Karen Williams pointed out that many of the expenses
were for common areas on the Cabana property. Nancy reviewed the reserve
account which has $44,691.16 as of 10/15/13.
Janet Schrieber made a motion that all actuals be presented to owners for the
Cabana Annual meeting. Keith Birdwell suggested that a year to date comparison
for two consectutive years (i.e. Sept 2011 and Sept 1012) be presented to owners.
Janet Schrieber made a motion asking that owners receive financial reports to date
(i.e. bank balance as of 8/31/13) in their annual meeting packets. Kerry Smith
seconded this motion. Motion was approved.

New Business
Wayne Scott shared the idea of selling unit 202 outright and move current 202
timeshare owners to other timeshare weeks in other units. Keith Birdwell suggested
changing the bylaws to something like 51% owner vote in order to approve a
change like this.
Megan Anderson suggested raising the rates for Cabana timeshare weeks for sale
maybe to $895 per week?
There was some discussion about the Cabana website at this point. It was
suggested we put the proposal to sell unit 202 outright on the Cabana website for
owners to see. It was also suggested that we put the Cabana brochure on the
website and perhaps a letter or explanation of what a timeshare is.
Nancy Birdwell mentioned how many people use Interval International. There were
a few minutes of discussion on the benefits of trading through Interval International
and Platinum Interchange.
2014 Budget Presentation and Adoption
Nancy shared the 2014 budget. She mentioned line item 567 as Vacationville
rentals. This is left blank because future rentals are difficult to predict.
It was suggested that the 2014 Cabana Board review the rental fees for 2014.
A few items that were covered during the budget presentation were: Nancys
bookkeeping fee, tax audit costs, and property taxes are sometimes paid on
delinquent weeks to keep the weeks from being turned over to Whatcom County.
Nancy showed a breakdown of the proposed dues increase for 2014.
Keith Birdwell shared the proxy totals: 31.7% voted yes to increase dues. 21.7%
voted no to increase dues. 53% voted. The budget and increased dues passed.
Election of Board Members 2013-2014
Megan Anderson nominated Shane Warren for Cabana Condo board. Mary Jean
Stevens seconded the motion. It was approved. Shane Warren will join the Cabana
Alix Beck made a motion to end the meeting. Wayne Scott seconded. President
Karen Williams adjourned the meeting at 3 p.m

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