4 Aspects of Mind:: Ahamkaara (Egoism)

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4 aspects of Mind:

On the basis of differences in behaviour, the antahkarana (inner-psyche) has been

accorded four namesWhen it is concerned with thoughts, it is called manas (mind).
When it is restless and wavering it is called chiththa (consciousness).
When it is concerned with enquiry and understanding, it is called buddhi (intellect).
When it is associated with the sense of "mine" (possessiveness), it is called
ahamkaara (egoism).

Two characteristics of Mind:

Your mind can cause bondage; it can also confer liberation. It is an amalgam of the
passionate (rajasic) and ignorant (thamasic) attitudes. It is easily polluted. It relishes
in hiding the real nature of things and casting on them the forms and values that it
desires. Hence the activities of the mind must be regulated.
The mind has two characteristics.
First, it runs helplessly after the senses. Whichever sense the mind follows, it is
inviting disaster. When a pot of water becomes empty, we need not infer that it has
leaked away through ten holes; one hole is enough to empty it. So too, even if one
sense is not under control, you will be thrown into bondage. Hence master all
Second, the potency of the mind can be promoted by good practices like
meditation, repetition of the name, devotional singing, and worship. With the
strength and skill thus reinforced, the mind can be tuned to help spiritual progress.
3 Features of Gayatri
When one's intelligence and intuition are developed by the recitation of the
manthra, the activating deity is Gaayathree.
When the life-forces are protected, the guardian deity is called Saavithree.
When one's speech is protected, the deity is called Saraswathee.

Because of the protective roles of Saavithree, Saraswathee and Gaayathree, in

relation to life, speech and the intellect, Gaayathree is described as
"Sarvadhevathaa-swaruupini"---he embodiment of all goddesses.

Sanctifying the 5 senses

Five sheaths encase the Aathma and hide its splendour from revealing itself. Make
all these pure and shining. The Annamaya Kosha (physical sheath) must be purified
by good, clean, pure food; the Praanamaya Kosha (vital sheath) by calm, steady
breathing and an equanimous temper; the Manomaya Kosha (mental sheath) by
holy thoughts and emotions, untouched by attachment to senses or unaffected by
joy or grief; the Vijnaanamaya Kosha (wisdom sheath) purified by contemplation of
the reality and the Aanandhamaya Kosha (bliss sheath) by getting immersed in the
ecstasy of God-realisation.

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