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In a Word document, answer each of the questions. Each answer must include:
examples from the texts, important details, and personal insights. To receive full credit
you must answer all 12 questions thoroughly. These are your responses to the
reading. If you use sources outside of the textbook or lectures, you must cite all
information. This is not group work! Turn in your own answers. Plagiarism will not be

What do the creation myths (pgs 14-15) have in common with each other? What
do they have in common with modern myths?

What irony did you find in the excerpt of the Epic of Gilgamesh (page 19)? How
does Gilgamesh portray the ultimate hero? In what ways does he display very
human emotions? How does Gilgamesh compare to modern day heroes (real or

In what ways does the Hymn to Aten (page 55) compare to modern day hymns
or poems? What power of Aten's is the most important to the Egyptian people?

In what ways is Achilles god like in the Iliad (pgs 81-84)? Is he a hero or a villain?

What is Platos Allegory of the Cave an allegory of (page 104)? What modern
example resembles this allegory? What significance does philosophy have in
Platos world? How are Plato's words still true today?

What is the common theme of Sapphos poems (page 128)? What is meant by
economy of expression? What impact did Sappho have on Greek culture?

What kind of person is Aeneas (pgs 147- 148) and what influences his decisions?

Compare and contrast the imagery and themes in Beowulf and the Song of
Roland (pgs 252 and 260).

In "Sir Gawain and the Green Knight" what challenge did the Green knight
present and what surprise did the knights receive? How is the imagery of the
head significant? Text can be found under the Celtic lecture.

Which of the Wonders of the Ancient or Medieval world would you most want
to visit? Why? What questions for the people of that time period would you
want to ask? What makes that wonder worthy of being on the list? It can be a
wonder listed in the lecture or another man made wonder from the time period.

Choose another everyday item, not one already listed in the lecture, used since
or during the ancient through medieval periods. Give a brief history, why you
chose that item, and sources for your information.

Why is Medieval history often unclear or have conflicting claims? If you were to
travel back in time to the middle ages, what would you most want to find out?

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