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John Kevin C.

BS Mechanical Engineering

Management of Structural Elements of Organization

Management involves facilitating and directing the work of other people who are
organized for a common goal or objective. It also means getting things done
through the effort of others. A manager will have the authority and power to assign
responsibilities and tasks to his subordinates. In return, the manager will also share
the responsibility in case one of his subordinates fail to do the assigned task.
Steps on Management of Structural Elements of Organization
Identify the problem
Identify the Problem

Create a Model

Gather data

Formulate the Solution

Test the Solution

For management to be effective:

It must be systematic
It must be scientific
It must be humanistic

Aside from that, you must be have set up your goals and you should be aware of the
constraints and limitations of your model. The model and some intangibles will be
your basis for decision-making as you go along in managing your organization.

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