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Per Arne Godejord, ICT-Pedagogical Centre, Nord-Trondelag University College, Norway
This poster describes an ongoing project investigating the use of blogs and wiki as
main tools for delivering lectures both in connection with the concept of flipped
classroom and in e-learning courses. All lecturing blogs within the project are
rooted in Kolbs symbolic and perceptual learning ideas (Kolb, 1984), and in MASVIS
(in Norwegian MAKVIS); A set of principles focusing on Motivation, Activation,
Specification, Variation and Individualization. The project has been going on since
2006 both at Nesna University College and Nord-Trondelag University College. In
the now last stages of the project, focus is on how looping the content in the
lecture blogs may enhance retention in students, the use of blogs to deliver
lectures, and twitter and as tools for creating student products and content
sharing, as well as facilitating student to student and student to lecturer
Since its start in 2006 the project has been investigating
the blog as supplement to other lecturing tools used within and outside LMS
in distance education;
the use of various Web 2.0 tools for distributing, and binding together, video,
sound and written lectures in distance education;
the use of real life projects in distance education;
the use of blogs as learning space, both delivering lectures in various forms
as well as engaging students in interactions with other students and the
the use of blogs within the concept of flipped classroom;
the use of Twitter and as tools for engaging students in dialogue and
content creation.
The conclusion so far is that while blogs and the wikis seems to function well as
distributing lectures in various forms, both to students on campus and distance
education students, it is difficult to engage students in interactions online unless
required as part of student tasks. The project will close at the beginning of 2015,
and results will be analysed and presented.


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