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Cheshire Academies Trust

Newsletter 1
Spring Term 2015

Good Things Grow Here

Happy New Year to Everyone

Welcome back to the new term. We hope you all enjoyed a restful and enjoyable family break. We would like to
thank you all for the many good wishes and gifts we received from families.
An Exciting Start to 2015!
There has been a wonderful start to this term with many exciting learning opportunities for our children.

Dee Valley Water Workshops

Last week Tony from Dee Valley
Water led a series of workshops
and interactive sessions for our
Key Stage 2. The children were
taught about where our water
comes from; how it is filtered and
cleaned; and how we can save

Year 6 Aztec Artwork

You are most welcome to pop in and
view the childrens outstanding artwork
in the Year 6 classroom.

Closing date for 2015 admission

The closing date for September 2015 Reception admissions is 15 January 2015. For further information, please click
the following link:

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Cheshire Academies Trust

On 1 January 2015 Mill View Primary School and Boughton Heath Primary School
converted to academies to become Cheshire Academies Trust with Kelsall Primary School.
We look forward to the opportunity of using the freedoms and flexibilities of academy
status to share best practice and work with others to bring about sustained improvements
to all three schools. Further communications will follow over the next few weeks to share
with you some of the ways the schools have and will be working together.

Communication with families about their childrens learning

Just to remind you that class teachers are writing weekly blogs to share the
weekly learning with you as families. Please take the time to read them and
leave us a comment? Thank you.
If your child has any information that they would like to share with us, they are
able to write their own blogs and publish these on their homepages. We would
love to read them. If you do not have access to the internet at home the IT
suite is available after school. Thank you to all our families who regularly
comment on blogs and forums.
Our Curriculum
Mrs Walters and Mrs McCrimmon went to visit all the children in their lessons last week to see our new curriculum in
action. It was great to see the Contexts for Learning developing and how independent the children are as learners.
This follows on from a series of lesson observations completed by Mrs Walters in the autumn term. Below are some
of the findings from the monitoring activities
The curriculum provides
excellent opportunities for
pupils to explore and
investigate learning inside and
outside the classroom.

Teachers subject knowledge

is applied consistently to
inspire and challenge all
ability groups of pupils.

Pupils behaviour makes a

strong contribution to an
exceptionally positive
climate for learning.

Young Voices
On Thursday 5 March Miss Cottrell and Mrs Batchelor will be taking our school choir to perform in
the Young Voices event at the Phones 4U Arena, Manchester. The children are busy learning a
repertoire of songs to perform alongside other schools to an audience of approximately 7000! The
event is open to members of the public and tickets can be bought via the Young Voices website.
Thank you to both members of staff and the children in the choir for all of their hard work and
commitment with this exciting project!
PTA News
Are you looking for a New Year fitness challenge then run the Chester half marathon and raise money
for our PTA!
If you are thinking of upping your exercise to undo some of the excesses of the festive season, give some
thought to running the Chester Half Marathon and raising money for Mill View PTA. The race is due to take place on
the 17th May 2015 and there are already a number of Mill View parents who are starting to train and plan to run for
our registered charity.
To express interest in joining us, either speak to Clare Gloyne-Phillips (Year 1 Parent); email or join the event on our Mill View PTA Facebook page.

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

Fresh Local High Quality Veg Boxes

The PTA have organised for you to order fresh veg boxes from the Natural Veg Man. There will be a weekly delivery
to school and for each box ordered 1 will be donated to the PTA.

The next PTA meeting is on Tuesday 20 January at 6pm. Please feel free to join us!
Adverse Weather Conditions
If we have to close school due to adverse weather conditions, a text message will be sent out to all parents by
7.30am. In case of emergency please can you ensure that the school office has an up to date contact telephone
number. Regular updates will also be provided on the school website. The local radio will also be informed. Thank
Cold Weather Clothing
As the weather is now much cooler, please ensure your child has the correct clothing for school. We ask that all
children have a coat to wear for every playtime. Children may also wear hats, scarves and gloves if they so wish.
Please ensure all items of clothing are fully labelled.

Diary Dates
Tuesday 20 January PTA meeting 6pm in school
Tuesday 20 to Friday 23 January Year 6 Residential to the Conway Centre
Wednesday 11 to Thursday 12 February Spring term Parents evening
Friday 13 February School Closed for INSET
Monday 23 February School re-opens
Monday 30 March to Wednesday 1 April Year 5 Residential to the Conway Centre
Monday 30 to Tuesday 31 March Year 2 Residential to the Conway Centre
Friday 3 April School closes for Easter holidays

Cheshire Academies Trust Limited trading as Mill View Primary School. Registered in England and Wales 08108086. Registered office Kelsall Primary School, Flat Lane, Kelsall, Cheshire CW6 0PU.

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