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Using Multiple References to the Same Footnote

1. Insert your first (primary) footnote as normal.

2. Position the insertion point in the document where you want the secondary reference to the footnote.
3. Display the References tab of the ribbon.
4. Click the Cross-reference tool in the Captions group. Word displays the Cross-reference dialog box.

5. Using the Reference Type drop-down list, choose Footnote. Word displays a list of footnotes in the dialog box.
6. Select the footnote you want used for this reference.
7. Click Insert. The cross-reference is inserted, but it is still not formatted as a footnote reference.
8. Click on Close to dismiss the Cross-reference dialog box. The insertion point should be just to the right of the
cross-reference you just inserted.
9. Hold down the Shift key as you press the Left Arrow. The cross-reference should be selected.
10. Press Shift+F9. The contents of the field used for the cross-reference are displayed. It should look similar to the
{ NOTEREF _Ref477318004 \h }
11. Position the insertion point between the last space and the closing brace in the field.
12. Type \f. This field switch causes the field to use the same formatting as your other footnote references. The field
should now appear similar to the following:

{ NOTEREF _Ref477318004 \h \f}

13. Press Shift+F9 to collapse the field.
14. Press F9 to update the field.

If you add new footnotes after following the above steps, the footnote references are automatically updated, but the crossreference fields are not. To update those you'll need to update the cross-reference fields. The easiest way to do this is to
press Ctrl+A (which selects the entire document) and then press F9 (which updates all the fields in the document).

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